• word of the day


    penurious - Dictionary definition and meaning for word penurious

    (adj) not having enough money to pay for necessities Definition
    (adj) excessively unwilling to spend
    Synonyms : parsimonious
    Example Sentence
    • parsimonious thrift relieved by few generous impulses
    • lived in a most penurious manner--denying himself every indulgence
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for penurious

A person who has to spend a PENNY and is FURIOUS about it is called PENURIOUS.

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PEN+UR+ious a person who asks always for UR PEN and is unwilling to spend on it

(Sounds like pen less) A person does not have money 2 buy a pen also

<B>Inured</B> with owning only <B>pennies</B> rather than larger monetary denominations. Therefore, <U>thrifty</U>.

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