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(adj) containing or implying a slight or showing prejudice
Synonyms : discriminatory
Example Sentence
  • discriminatory attitudes and practices
  • invidious comparisons
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for invidious

invi seems like "envy" check the meaning of envy and you will understand the mnemonic

focus on word in+VIDIO.....when tahalaka showed a VIDIO of few tainted ministers , it ROUSED ILLWILL in the whole country.

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sounds like "hiddeous" to arouse envy or ill will or discriminate against others

INVIDIOUS OR ENVIOUS...creating envy or ill-will among people.


INdian videos(vidio) are discriminated in US(us) as they envy Indians

envy + videos >>> show videos provoking envy feeling..


(adj) quickly aroused to anger
Example Sentence
  • a hotheaded commander
(adj) characterized by anger
Synonyms : choleric
Example Sentence
  • a choleric outburst
  • an irascible response
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for irascible

concentrate on rasc- a rascal is one who is irritable, choleric, shor-tempered & hotheaded

rascible sounds like "racist able". so, making racist remark can easily anger anyone...

IRASCIBLE > Ira + scrible on the black board, for which the 'irascible'(easily angered, irritable) teacher hit her!

"Ira" is the same root as irate, which means angry or enraged, and "ible," is from the root "able." So an irascible person is easily ABLE to become IRATE.

Concentrate on the first 3 letters IRA- it is the tax department in US. They irritate you by sending letter with heavy penalty stating you have not filed your taxes. SO it gives anger and irritation

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The easily "erase-ible" ink made me easily angered. :)

If u r often harassed by ur friends, then it may mean dat u hav tendency of getting anger easily.

The IRA has made a SCIence of causing people to be irritaBLE and throw temper tantrums.

alms means givings...qualms means misgivings


(noun) a laborer who moves from place to place as demanded by employment
Synonyms : gipsy gypsy
Example Sentence
  • itinerant traders
(adj) traveling from place to place to work
Example Sentence
  • itinerant labor
  • an itinerant judge
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for itinerant

sounds like itenary( plan of a trip).. so a traveller..keeps on wandering\ travelling... hope its hlpful

itni sari ants kahan par jaa rahi hain ... wander kar rahi hai

ITINERANT > Iti(iteration) + n + era(period of time) > So Wandering an moving about from place 2 place with time.

sounds like ITNA RENT !!!!!!!! baap re am gng away frm here..

teen + errant

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Rhymes with aberrant > wandering.

iterations done in chemical lab where solution is moved frm burrette to beaker then beaker to pippete. wandering frm place to place

relates with itinerary which is a planed route of journey, itinerant is who have itinerary—one who already have planned routes have to travel from place to place

Picture yourself made out of tin running around doing errands = unsettled

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