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    linger - Dictionary definition and meaning for word linger

    (verb) remain present although waning or gradually dying
    Example Sentence
    • Her perfume lingered on
    (verb) be about
    Example Sentence
    • The high school students like to loiter in the Central Square
    • Who is this man that is hanging around the department?
    (verb) leave slowly and hesitantly
    Synonyms : tarry
    (verb) take one's time; proceed slowly
    Synonyms : dawdle
    (verb) move to and fro
    Synonyms : hover
    Example Sentence
    • The shy student lingered in the corner
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for linger

Linger--- Ginger... the taste of ginger is still present in my tongue although its slowly leaving

sounds like lingerie(fashion show)where models walk for a long time on ramp ans they never want to leave it

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Just go n pick Talcom Powder kept in your house. It will definately have printed its quality as "Lingering fragrance "

sounds like lunger(in hindi where food is distributed free of cost)--- people TAKE ONE’S TIME AND ARE PRESENT FOR LONG TIME

LIMBs aRE FLEXIble.....

linger = li (lithium) + nger(anger); lithium is anger i.e explosive so move with it slowly.

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