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    craven - Dictionary definition and meaning for word craven

    (noun) an abject coward
    Synonyms : poltroon , recreant
    (adj) lacking even the rudiments of courage; abjectly fearful
    Synonyms : recreant
    Example Sentence
    • the craven fellow turned and ran
    • a craven proposal to raise the white flag
    • this recreant knight
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for craven

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craven -- is the opposite of 'brave'.

Craven sounds like Cita + RAVana => Ravana was a coward man!!! he proved it by taking away Cita/Sita in absence of Ram.

craven - relate with cave + in. You hide in cave if your are coward (in a jungle)

one who keeps craving but doesn't do anything


craven == crave sounds like grave .. grave makes you coward

c + raven (bird)...the craven cat was to afraid (coward) to chase the raven.

My friend Raven acts like she is confident and brave BUT she is just the opposite!

craven—crave+n CRAVE means to have a great desire for something, so CRAVEN means not having desire for something, so LACKING IN COURAGE, so CRAVEN, just take the N in opposite sense

c+ravan;see ravan acted cowardly by kidnapping seeta..

Craven with a c is opposite of brave with a b. Craven person too quickly starts thinking of grave.

Word used in video below:
text: Craven movie the next morning.
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