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    prance - Dictionary definition and meaning for word prance

    (noun) a proud stiff pompous gait
    Synonyms : strut , swagger
    (verb) to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others
    Synonyms : cock , ruffle , sashay , strut , swagger , tittup
    Example Sentence
    • He struts around like a rooster in a hen house
    (verb) spring forward on the hind legs
    Example Sentence
    • The young horse was prancing in the meadow
    (verb) cause (a horse) to bound spring forward Definition
    (verb) ride a horse such that it springs and bounds forward
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prance

When you are in France you prance around (move about in a spirited manner).

people of france like leonardo da vinci was very confident and proud about their work, culture and monuments they have in france

Princes have lost their kingdoms...what they can have now is just prance

PRoud stANCE

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