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    cursory - Dictionary definition and meaning for word cursory

    (adj) hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough
    Synonyms : casual , passing , perfunctory
    Example Sentence
    • a casual (or cursory) inspection failed to reveal the house's structural flaws
    • a passing glance
    • perfunctory courtesy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cursory

relate it to the cursor on your computer screen..the mouse is used to move the cursor hastily without going into minor details

curs(CURSE)..SO you always CURSE a person who does his work hastily with little attention to details that you provide, results in failure of your plan.

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kasahi..(cursory). hastily done

Sounds like Kar Sorry. When you do things hastily you end up in "Kar Sorry ab"

cursory..sounds like nursey.imagine u were asked to prepare for nursery rhymes for interview...what will u do....u'll go hastily through it assuming u already know it

You know the meaning of cursive.Now,just remember this way.When do a teacher scolds a child to write in cursive wrting? When the child is causal in his writing or when he is hastily writing with little attention to detail.

i am so SORY i did not pay attention to the details. now I am CURSing myself.

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