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Short Definition : display of partiality toward a favored person

(noun) an inclination to favor some person or group
Synonyms : favouritism
(noun) unfair treatment of a person or group on the basis of prejudice
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for favoritism

the first part of the word is favor...for example wen a lecturer does favor to any student since he/she like them then he/she is showing partiality to them n thus the meaning!



Short Definition : courting favor by cringing and flattering; V. fawn: exhibit affection as a dog; seek favor or attention by obsequiousness

(adj) attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery Definition
(adj) attempting to win favor by flattery
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fawning

relate it with FAN..imagine of a crazy FAN who ALWAYS TRY TO exhibit his affaction....AND COURT A favour to be with you whole day by flattering with you..

fawn~~fauna~~animal ur pet tryin 2 please u 4 u givin it a meal

FAWNING --- > fa+wning .....We normally use scent "" fa"" to please a woman rite???...to smell good Thus the meaning

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basically it is derived from fagen ..which means REJOICE..so REJOICING about your boss success by giving him a party..so that he could favour you DURING meetings.

(faw)ning: Consider the word in bracket only. Faw sounds like Wow... U look at a beautiful girle and say Wow... I will TRY TO PLEASE HER BY FOLLOWING HER AND TALKING TO HER(obsequiously)

fawning (yawning) -> so you are out on a date and you start yawning your gf gets angry and then you try to please your gf by flattering

fawn+ing..form..fawn..sounds like fain...means happy and pleased....THINK OF YOUR DOG WHICH IS FAINED WITH YOU..MEANS HAPPY AND PLEASED.

If someone is blowing a paper-FAN for you so that you don't feel hot, he/she is trying to FAWN you


Short Definition : disconcert; dismay; embarrass

(verb) disturb the composure of
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for faze

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The face turns faze(d) when someone is humiliated.

wen u get embarrassed by somebody ur FAC(Z)E colour changes.

faze sounds like phase.....so when you faze someone you actuly embarrass them....and getting embarrass is the worst phase in somebody's life ........

if you faze someone,i.e disturb their composure, it is shown in their face

faze(phas`e) i.e get into trouble , wen in trouble everyone is discomfortable

Faze - Confused :: Haze - Atmospheric moisture, dust, smoke, and vapor that diminishes visibility.....So You Are Confused.

When FAZEr 150cc passes by you...u will be disturbed ...

Faiz Fazail is embarrased and dismayed because Rajasthan Royal is the worst IPL team :(

FAZE(R) byk released by yamaha didn't provide much of sales,so it caused a disconcert

faze is close to freeze we can relate them as antonyms faze means disconcert unlike freeze which meants standstill

Faze - Confused :: Haze - Atmospheric moisture, dust, smoke, and vapor that diminishes visibility.... it has DISTURBED THE BALANCE OR COMPOSURE OF air...


Short Definition : practical; able to be carried out; practicable

(adj) capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for feasible

feasible- see EASI - work which are easy are always practical to do.sorry i cheated

feasible- see EASI - work which are easy are always practical to do.it may help you


Short Definition : distinctive part of the faces (as the eyes or mouth); features: overall appearance of the face; prominent or distinctive quality; prominent article; film; V: make prominent

(noun) a prominent attribute or aspect of something
Synonyms : characteristic
Example Sentence
  • the map showed roads and other features
  • generosity is one of his best characteristics
(noun) the characteristic parts of a person's face: eyes and nose and mouth and chin
Synonyms : lineament
Example Sentence
  • an expression of pleasure crossed his features
  • his lineaments were very regular
(noun) the principal (full-length) film in a program at a movie theater
Synonyms : feature film
Example Sentence
  • the feature tonight is `Casablanca'
(noun) a special or prominent article in a newspaper or magazine
Synonyms : feature article
Example Sentence
  • they ran a feature on retirement planning
(noun) (linguistics) a distinctive characteristic of a linguistic unit that serves to distinguish it from other units of the same kind
Synonyms : feature of speech
(noun) an article of merchandise that is displayed or advertised more than other articles Definition
(verb) have as a feature
Synonyms : have
Example Sentence
  • This restaurant features the most famous chefs in France
(verb) wear or display in an ostentatious or proud manner
Synonyms : boast sport
Example Sentence
  • she was sporting a new hat


Short Definition : feverish

(adj) of or relating to or characterized by fever
Synonyms : feverish
Example Sentence
  • a febrile reaction caused by an allergen
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for febrile

febrile - feeble; the voice of a person becomes feeble when he has fever

if you travel to kashmir in February via rail( RILE )way you are bound to get fever

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fever + ill fever like

it's derived from latin root FEBRIS which means fever....now febris sounds like february...in february we are all having fever of love on 14th

febrile sounds similar to - feverile -> fever like

replace b by v...FEVRILE

In the month of FEB he doesnt board a train (RAIL-RILE),coz in that he has chekd a lot of accidents..so if he travel in train he wil get struck with FEVER...


Short Definition : fertility; fruitfulness; ADJ. fecund: very productive of crops or young

(noun) the intellectual productivity of a creative imagination
Synonyms : fruitfulness
(noun) the state of being fertile; capable of producing offspring
Synonyms : fertility
(noun) the quality of something that causes or assists healthy growth
Synonyms : fruitfulness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fecundity

wearing an undi every day, keeps the privates clean thereby assisting in the healthy growth

relate fecundity to funding!. for our higher studies we will be looking for the professors to fund us,wen they fund us then it will be fruitful for us

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Has an UNDa(Egg) in it. Full of UNDAs means full of seeds and hence fertile

fecundity sounds like fertility....

fecund=fake+hundi hundi is kept in temples to store money when u place a fake one and take al da money put by ppl in it it is profitable to u hence fruitful



fecUNDIty- UNDI is produced in abundance and lots of creativity goes in its productivity.so creative power ,production in evidence.....lol just gave it a try


Short Definition : deficient in intelligence; very stupid

(adj) retarded in intellectual development
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for feebleminded

feebleminded: feeble means Kamjor, minded means deemag, yani kamjor deemag wala is feeble minded

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feeble means Lacking strength and minded is added tp it therefore it means lack of strength of mind

fees bill minded college produce stupid students


Short Definition : pretend

(verb) make believe with the intent to deceive
Example Sentence
  • He feigned that he was ill
  • He shammed a headache
(verb) make a pretence of
Synonyms : assume sham simulate
Example Sentence
  • She assumed indifference, even though she was seething with anger
  • he feigned sleep
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for feign

feign(sounds with foreign)foreign ppl always try to decieve our country

fena hin lena. this advertisement trying to mislead others

relate feign to fine. wen ur frnd asks "wht is the thing tht is worrying u?". and wen u say FINE(then ur pretending)....

feign -or- f-or-eign? Pretending or really a foreigner?

cut it as (f+reign) i.e s.o doing fake reign he is pretending to be ruler

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Just understand the following sentence: We must break the REIGN, of politicians who FEIGN, who think they are DEIGN.

fe =fee + ign=gin, he pretened that he has bought gin from the fee money

sounds like fane, when pronounced, rhymes with fake, so one who pretends

Feign~foreign : ppl(locals) always deceive foreign ppl..

the FINS of a fish PRETEND to be like wings of birds under water


Short Definition : trick; shift; sham blow; feigned attack to draw away defensive action; V.

(noun) any distracting or deceptive maneuver (as a mock attack) Definition
(verb) deceive by a mock action
Example Sentence
  • The midfielder feinted to shoot
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for feint

The boxer was faked out by his opponent's feint. He then fainted because the blow he received was very strong.

Relate it to the word feign which means to deceive

David Villa was unable to get a penalty after his pretentious faint during a feint tackle

FAINT...while playing Table Tennis I made the tubelight FAINT to distract the attention of my opponent

"Feign(pretend/fake)"+"Trick"->to deceive and trick people by feigning sth

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faith becomes feint i.e. faithless.

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