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Short Definition : producing results; profitable; prolific; producing in abundance

(adj) productive or conducive to producing in abundance
Example Sentence
  • be fruitful and multiply


Short Definition : bearing of fruit; fulfillment; realization; Ex. come to/be brought to fruition

(noun) the condition of bearing fruit Definition
(noun) enjoyment derived from use or possession Definition
(noun) something that is made real or concrete
Example Sentence
  • the victory was the realization of a whole year's work
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fruition

fruit production

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sounds like fruit hencr related to fruit

Friend(Fr) you(u) and I(i) will get realization in tution (tion)


Short Definition : thwart; defeat; prevent from accomplishing a purpose

(verb) hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of
Example Sentence
  • What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth's amazing September surge
  • foil your opponent
(verb) treat cruelly
Example Sentence
  • The children tormented the stuttering teacher
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for frustrate

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agar ismein bhi mnemonic chahiye then u r definately frustrated !!

frustrate rymes with castrate if you treat people with frustrate(cruel or annoyin) attitude u will castrate(emasculate,,or remove part of body)...and people will try to frustrate(hinder or prevent) it from doing...IT WORKS.


Short Definition : make stupid or confused as with alcholic drink; N. in a fuddle: confused

(noun) a confused multitude of things Definition
(verb) make stupid with alcohol
Synonyms : befuddle
(verb) consume alcohol
Synonyms : booze drink
Example Sentence
  • We were up drinking all night
(verb) be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly
Example Sentence
  • These questions confuse even the experts
  • This question completely threw me
  • This question befuddled even the teacher
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fuddle

FUDDLE OR MUDDLE - confused.


Short Definition : fleeting or transitory; lasting only a short time; roving(wandering); running away or fleeing as from the law; N: one who flees; Ex. fugitives at large

(noun) someone who flees from an uncongenial situation
Synonyms : fleer runaway
Example Sentence
  • fugitives from the sweatshops
(noun) someone who is sought by law officers; someone trying to elude justice Definition
(adj) lasting for a markedly brief time
Example Sentence
  • a fleeting glance
  • fugitive hours
  • rapid momentaneous association of things that meet and pass
  • a momentary glimpse
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fugitive

relate it with abhishek bacchan's movie refugee!

fugitive- in abhishek bachchans movie refugee he was a person who was seeked by police and also refugee are persons who are in transitory or fleeting phase

remember fugi film camera. it takes picture in a fleeting second

A Fugitive is always on the run, staying at any place only for short time, a temporary stay

The fugitive (runaway criminal) is very fugitive (fleeting or transitory) so he will not be caught.

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GITIVE THE MOST WANTED of sohab iliyasi in which fugitive convicts were showed.


Short Definition : support on which a lever rests or pivots

(noun) the pivot about which a lever turns
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fulcrum

Full crane.. Supports full crane.. Whatever.


Short Definition : thunder; explode; issue a severe denunciation

(noun) a salt or ester of fulminic acid Definition
(verb) criticize severely
Synonyms : rail
Example Sentence
  • He fulminated against the Republicans' plan to cut Medicare
  • She railed against the bad social policies
(verb) come on suddenly and intensely
Example Sentence
  • the disease fulminated
(verb) cause to explode violently and with loud noise
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fulminate

fulminate sounds like full + illuminate During an explosion or lightning, everything is illuminated completely.

I'm FULL I just ATE any more and I will explode!

Frustration will <B>culminate</B> in a loud verbal attack, an emotional explosion.

fulminate = foul + my + mate = criticize hardly

fulminate=full of mennace means creating mennace evrytime

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fulminate:FUlly ILlUMINAted:::::: (IN KOI MIL GAYA movie)....The Aliens came suddenly illuminating the sky and changed the whole senerio drastically......

disseminate means scatter. full + eminate fully scatter , only an explosion can do this.

fuel+ illuminate

FULMINATE means to criticize severely. FULSOME means the opposite (excessive praise). ful-SOME is better than the ful-MINimum.

did u Fool Me Nate(short for Nathaniel)?!Just imagine Nate had just tried to fool one of his friend and now that he found out, he's furious and started criticizing Nate severely!

To "fully rate alout with hate"

-> can an administrator please delete this accidental duplicate? <-

fulminate=explode dynamite=explode so as both have same sound

~ Culminate~climax---In old films, climax is where the hero criticizes bad guys fully and they change. Full at culmination

for one FUL-MIN(my friend)-ATE...then xploded with loud noise


Short Definition : disgustingly excessive; offensively flattering; Ex. fulsome praise/expressions of admire

(adj) unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech
Example Sentence
  • buttery praise
  • gave him a fulsome introduction
  • an oily sycophantic press agent
  • oleaginous hypocrisy
  • smarmy self-importance
  • the unctuous Uriah Heep
  • soapy compliments
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fulsome

You can FOOL SOME people with excessive and insincere praise..

usually when you have sex, two people is enough, threesome is more than enough, FULSOME(foursome) is excessive

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Focus on the ful portion. Fulsome means excessive to the point where it is too full.

Fulsome=full+some more ie, it was full,,,bu when some added it becomes disgustingly excessivemore

"You can FOOL SOME people sometimes, but you can't fool all the people all the time." -- Bob Marley


Short Definition : move the fingers and hands awkwardly (in search of something); mishandle or drop a ball that is in play; bungle; botch; spoil by mishandling; N.

(noun) (sports) dropping the ball
Synonyms : muff
(verb) feel about uncertainly or blindly
Synonyms : grope
Example Sentence
  • She groped for her glasses in the darkness of the bedroom
(verb) make one's way clumsily or blindly
Synonyms : blunder
Example Sentence
  • He fumbled towards the door
(verb) handle clumsily Definition
(verb) make a mess of, destroy or ruin
Example Sentence
  • I botched the dinner and we had to eat out
  • the pianist screwed up the difficult passage in the second movement
(verb) drop or juggle or fail to play cleanly a grounder
Example Sentence
  • fumble a grounder
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fumble

like tumble...

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fu tumbler..imagine wat wil happen if u fuk in a fuking tumbler


Short Definition : made for practical use only (without decoration); functioning; Ex. functional modern furniture; CF. functionalism

(adj) designed for or capable of a particular function or use
Example Sentence
  • a style of writing in which every word is functional
  • functional architecture
(adj) involving or affecting function rather than physiology
Example Sentence
  • functional deafness
(adj) relating to or based on function especially as opposed to structure
Example Sentence
  • the problem now is not a constitutional one; it is a functional one
  • delegates elected on a functional rather than a geographical basis
(adj) fit or ready for use or service
Example Sentence
  • the toaster was still functional even after being dropped
  • the lawnmower is a bit rusty but still usable
  • an operational aircraft
  • the dishwasher is now in working order
(adj) designed for or adapted to a function or use
Example Sentence
  • functional education selects knowledge that is concrete and usable rather than abstract and theoretical
  • functional architecture
(adj) (of e.g. a machine) performing or capable of performing
Example Sentence
  • in running (or working) order
  • a functional set of brakes
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