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    obsequious - Dictionary definition and meaning for word obsequious

    (adj) attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery Definition
    (adj) attentive in an ingratiating or servile manner
    Example Sentence
    • obsequious shop assistants
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for obsequious

or obse(ssed)-Qui( yes in frech)-ous=always obsessed with saying yes to it all

ob + SEQUI + ous .. sequi means sequence where one thing "follows" the other.. and servants follow what their masters say..

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seq = Suck, uio = Your, us = Ass. He sucks your ass, therefore he's obsequious.

Think "seek" because when you seek something you show attentiveness to find it.

sounds like AP+SEEK+QUOUS.......when you seek help,you are attentive and your manner is servile

obsequious - obey sequence of work in office(obedience, dutiful).

Sounds like obedient. obsequious obedient servants

in hindi 'oab seakh ese' If u wanna learn anything u shoult be attentive

ob ( to) sequi ( to follow) and ous ( full of) so obsequious is full of following after

ab(ob)se qosis karunga aisa bol ke chaplusi karte ho father se ye obsequious hai.

OBSESSION: The domination of one's thought; OBSEQUIOUS: The domination of one's respect (over-respect)

Imagine a boy or Suise Q obse(ssed) with boot licking her king's sexual needs (I know...);

ob+serious = not really serious

Latin: Ob = after and sequi = follow. Think “follower”, with sequi as “sequence”

Note: suffix 'ious' means full of..Ob (obey) + seq(seek)+ u+ ious= if u are full of seeking to obey then u are submissive

obstinate in getting a yes (qui) from everyone

O(office mein) B(boss ki) SEQ(secretary)kaan lagake sunti hai meaning she listens slavishly to him.

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