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Short Definition : official (who performs a particular function)

(noun) a worker who holds or is invested with an office
Synonyms : official


Short Definition : basic; primary; essential

(noun) any factor that could be considered important to the understanding of a particular business
Example Sentence
  • fundamentals include a company's growth, revenues, earnings, management, and capital structure
(noun) the lowest tone of a harmonic series Definition
(adj) serving as an essential component
Synonyms : cardinal central key primal
Example Sentence
  • a cardinal rule
  • the central cause of the problem
  • an example that was fundamental to the argument
  • computers are fundamental to modern industrial structure
(adj) being or involving basic facts or principles
Synonyms : rudimentary underlying
Example Sentence
  • the fundamental laws of the universe
  • a fundamental incomatibility between them
  • these rudimentary truths
  • underlying principles
(adj) far-reaching and thoroughgoing in effect especially on the nature of something
Synonyms : profound
Example Sentence
  • the fundamental revolution in human values that has occurred
  • the book underwent fundamental changes
  • committed the fundamental error of confusing spending with extravagance
  • profound social changes


Short Definition : sad; solemn; suitable for a funeral

(adj) suited to or suggestive of a grave or burial
Synonyms : sepulchral
Example Sentence
  • funereal gloom
  • hollow sepulchral tones
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for funereal

funereal funeral


Short Definition : frenzy; great anger and excitement; CF. fury

(noun) an interest followed with exaggerated zeal
Synonyms : craze cult fad furore rage
Example Sentence
  • he always follows the latest fads
  • it was all the rage that season
(noun) a sudden outburst (as of protest)
Synonyms : furore
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for furor

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fu + ror...read ror as roar...when does a person roar..when he is immensely angry or very excited

FAST and FURIOUS .......so furor came from furious...

remember Hitler.. Fuhrer.. it was madness, commotion during his time

sorry for slang: Fu=Fuck, ror=ruby on rails, so furor means I am very angry with ror programming

Fury+Roar.He in a great Fury hence roaring.

Furor = Uproar is synonyms


Short Definition : long shallow trench made by a plow; deep wrinkle in the skin; V.

(noun) a long shallow trench in the ground (especially one made by a plow) Definition
(noun) a slight depression in the smoothness of a surface
Example Sentence
  • his face has many lines
  • ironing gets rid of most wrinkles
(verb) hollow out in the form of a furrow or groove
Synonyms : groove rut
Example Sentence
  • furrow soil
(verb) make wrinkled or creased
Synonyms : crease wrinkle
Example Sentence
  • furrow one's brow
(verb) cut a furrow into a columns
Synonyms : chamfer chase
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for furrow

sounds like BURROW

The rowed fur

sounds like faro(Tear) in hindi.its like taking a plough and tearing the earth.

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Short Definition : stealthy; quiet and secret (trying to escape notice); sneaky; Ex. furtive glance

(adj) marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed
Example Sentence
  • a furtive manner
  • a sneak attack
  • stealthy footsteps
  • a surreptitious glance at his watch
(adj) secret and sly or sordid
Synonyms : backstair backstairs
Example Sentence
  • backstairs gossip
  • his low backstairs cunning
  • backstairs intimacies
  • furtive behavior
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for furtive

One who is FARTive has to expel farts stealthily.

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FURTIVE ..very close to FERTILE...SO when you are infertile you go for fertility treatment, which you keep SECRET from others, as you dont want people to know about your infertility.

FURtive.. cats have fur..they're stealthy

a fugitive has to leave furitively

Furtive sounds like 'FLIRT'ive.. So a flirtly look is always SNEAKY...!!! ;)


A <B>furrow</B> is a place for a <B>fugitive</B> to hide and be stealthy.

A fugitive (a person in hiding sought by law) is always furtive. Relate furtive with fugitive.

for thieves :so in order to steal thieves need to be stealthy and sneaky


Short Definition : simultaneous firing or outburst (of missiles, questions, etc.)

(noun) rapid simultaneous discharge of firearms
Synonyms : burst salvo volley
Example Sentence
  • our fusillade from the left flank caught them by surprise
(verb) attack with fusillade
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fusillade

'Fusion' bomb, a kind of nuclear bomb. So 'fusillade' is discharge of bombs.

FUSE+LED - you may have seen FUSE used in household wiring made of LED, exploding like lightening.


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Fussilade > Fussi(Phansi,atakna) + lade(lady) > So imagine a lady stuck in a suddenn simultaneous outbirst of missiles from two sides!

Fusillade = Fusil + lade

fussilade ==> fasad In a fasad there is a lot of firing


FUSI(ll)ADE:fuse + parade.its a parade of fuses.

"Fusion"+"Raid"->an atomic raid against somebody, outburst or firing of missiles,questions,etc.

Fusillade=fire brigade ,incessant jets of water poured.

• Fusillade = fus (to pour) + ill+ ade ( as in lemonade) => To pour something rapidly that causes illness. Here it is the rapid discharge of firearms.


Short Definition : union; coalition; V. fuse

(noun) an occurrence that involves the production of a union
Synonyms : merger unification
(noun) the state of being combined into one body
Synonyms : coalition
(noun) the merging of adjacent sounds or syllables or words Definition
(noun) a nuclear reaction in which nuclei combine to form more massive nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy Definition
(noun) the combining of images from the two eyes to form a single visual percept
Synonyms : optical fusion
(noun) correction of an unstable part of the spine by joining two or more vertebrae; usually done surgically but sometimes done by traction or immobilization
Synonyms : spinal fusion
(noun) the act of fusing (or melting) together
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fusion

Having problem with fission & fusion reaction? Fusion is the one with 'U' which stands for unite.

fusion = fuse is going to connect many circuit i.e come together.


Short Definition : fastidious; finicky; easily upset

(adj) annoyed and irritable Definition
(adj) overcrowded or cluttered with detail
Synonyms : busy
Example Sentence
  • a busy painting
  • a fussy design
(adj) exacting especially about details
Example Sentence
  • a finicky eater
  • fussy about clothes
  • very particular about how her food was prepared
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fussy

fussy...read it as fussy in hindi..that is trapped...so ek ladki jo kisi uljhan me fussy ho wo asani se upset ho jati hai..


Short Definition : useless; hopeless; ineffectual

(adj) producing no result or effect
Example Sentence
  • a futile effort
  • the therapy was ineffectual
  • an otiose undertaking
  • an unavailing attempt
(adj) unproductive of success
Example Sentence
  • a fruitless search
  • futile years after her artistic peak
  • a sleeveless errand
  • a vain attempt
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for futile

futile is not fertile.. hence not fruitful

futile sounds like foot oil ..spending 1000$ on foot oil is WASTE..and UNPRODUCTIVE bcoz even then hair will not grow on your foot ..haha seems funny but works..

futile is opposite of fruition

futile sounds like few tall.....The town only has few tall tress left- what a Hopeless(without effect or futile) city for the young generation to live.

few tile :why? because the kiln is ineffective to produce the desire result,it is useless and ineffective

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FrUit fell on the TILE(floor tiles)....so it became fruitless...or ineffective

futile -due to the miscarriage the fetus was dead which can be said it was unproductive and unsuccessful

futile = consider fute as the past tense of fuse; i.e fuse has been blown up; completely fail.

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