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Short Definition : fear or hatred of foreigners; N. xenophobe

(noun) a fear of foreigners or strangers
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for xenophobia

Break it like X +ENO +Phobia . ENO stands for English national opera.. Phobia means an extreme fear of a particular thing or situation. Means one who hates ENO (foreign culture). means dislike or fear of foreigners

there is a serial called PRINCESS XENON a warrior princess.. she fights for her country from others .. i.e, foreigners.. this can go hand in hand with the word's meaning

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xeno-phobia . If you extract the letter x from xeno, it becomes Eno, an Antacid, which is taken after you have indigestion caused by consuming alien food...the stomach fears the extraneous.

Zen -is a indian meditative technique taken to foreign lands like china and japan.Hence xenophobia.

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