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Short Definition : ornate; highly elaborate; richly colored; ostentatious; showy; CF. flame

(noun) showy tropical tree or shrub native to Madagascar; widely planted in tropical regions for its immense racemes of scarlet and orange flowers; sometimes placed in genus Poinciana Definition
(adj) marked by ostentation but often tasteless
Synonyms : showy splashy
Example Sentence
  • a cheap showy rhinestone bracelet
  • a splashy half-page ad
(adj) elaborately or excessively ornamented
Synonyms : aureate florid
Example Sentence
  • flamboyant handwriting
  • the senator's florid speech
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for flamboyant

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flamboyant ~ flame + boy; imagine a boy wearing a T-shirt with pictures of flame on it. will it not be flamboyant?

flamboyant="flame" + "boy",, the boy's body is "ornated" with the tatto of flame :)

flamboyant ~ flame + boy; we have seen FLAMES coming from the BOY’S mouth in CIRCUS they are generally ORNATED and wore RICH COLOURED costumes….


Short Definition : showy; gaudy; giving a momentary brilliance

(adj) tastelessly showy
Example Sentence
  • a flash car
  • a flashy ring
  • garish colors
  • a gaudy costume
  • loud sport shirts
  • a meretricious yet stylish book
  • tawdry ornaments
(adj) (used especially of clothes) marked by conspicuous display
Synonyms : gaudy jazzy showy sporty


Short Definition : display ostentatiously; Ex. ``Honey, if you've got it, flaunt it !''

(noun) the act of displaying something ostentatiously
Example Sentence
  • his behavior was an outrageous flaunt
(verb) display proudly; act ostentatiously or pretentiously
Example Sentence
  • he showed off his new sports car
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for flaunt

flaunt ->Friend's aunt; my Friend's aunt always flaunts.

flamboyant(showy) aunt

flaunt="flatter"+"aunt" ,, aunty flattered uncle by displaying herself ostentatiously

flaunt = fla (flash)+ aunt (aunty)= aunty flaunts her bounty

Aunt is trying to flat everyone by show off and her looks,display

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Flaunt and flirt are somewhat similar. People tend to flirt with people who flaunt.

Shambles sounds like scrambles, DISORDER.


Short Definition : strip off skin; plunder; remove the skin from; criticize harshly

(verb) strip the skin off
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for flay

to eat LAY's(chips) we need to strip off its cover

F**K+LAY....if you find your girlfriend F**King and LAYING with someone, you will criticize her severely.......

flay sounds very similar to play. His skin flayed when he fell down while playing cricket.

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for making LAYS chips,have to flay potatoes,strip potato skin

when we removed skin (E) of LEAFY vegetable it becomes LAFY which when solved becomes FLAY

when you FILLET(pronounced FIL-AY) a fish, you strip off the skin.

if u call any one a lay man he will definately end up beating u...


flay sounds like fla i.e to remove something;


Short Definition : spot; mark with flecks; N: small mark or spot

(noun) a small fragment of something broken off from the whole
Synonyms : bit chip flake scrap
Example Sentence
  • a bit of rock caught him in the eye
(noun) a small contrasting part of something
Example Sentence
  • a bald spot
  • a leopard's spots
  • a patch of clouds
  • patches of thin ice
  • a fleck of red
(verb) make a spot or mark onto
Synonyms : blob blot spot
Example Sentence
  • The wine spotted the tablecloth
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fleck

rhymes with speck meaning a dot or small spot

If in a FLOCK of sth like say goats,a man comes in between, he will be visible distinctly ,, like a spot... Syn:dapple, dot, flake, freckle, jot, mark, particle, speck, speckle, spot, streak..


Short Definition : wool coat of a sheep; V: shear the fleece from; rob by a trick; swindle; plunder

(noun) the wool of a sheep or similar animal Definition
(noun) tanned skin of a sheep with the fleece left on; used for clothing
Synonyms : sheepskin
(noun) a soft bulky fabric with deep pile; used chiefly for clothing Definition
(noun) outer coat of especially sheep and yaks
Synonyms : wool
(verb) rip off; ask an unreasonable price Definition
(verb) shear the wool from
Synonyms : shear
Example Sentence
  • shear sheep
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fleece

colleges are PLUNDERING in the form of FLEECE(FEES) and capitation

1.flee+ce.. A robber fleed(ran away)so fast that noone could see him 2.plunder......later robber regretted on the same n said,"i committed a blunder by plundering.

fleece(noun)-- fly+ice ,, because of the coldness of flying ice in mountain "sheep has wool coat" in his body

Bank robbers were gunned down by POLICE who FLEECED money.

someone who flee(fleece)will have already plunder someone

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fleece = fly + ice; Fly on ice with wearing jackets


Short Definition : fast; rapid; N. ADJ. fleeting: passing quickly; ephemeral

(noun) group of aircraft operating together under the same ownership Definition
(noun) group of motor vehicles operating together under the same ownership Definition
(noun) a group of steamships operating together under the same ownership Definition
(noun) a group of warships organized as a tactical unit Definition
(verb) move along rapidly and lightly; skim or dart
Synonyms : dart flit flutter
Example Sentence
  • The hummingbird flitted among the branches
(verb) disappear gradually
Example Sentence
  • The pain eventually passed off
(adj) moving very fast
Synonyms : swift
Example Sentence
  • fleet of foot
  • the fleet scurrying of squirrels
  • a swift current
  • swift flight of an arrow
  • a swift runner
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fleet

cool cabs are fleet taxi operated service.

fleet sounds like defeat ven u want 2 defeat some1 u have 2 run 'fast'


Short Definition : light stroke as with a whip; V: move with a light quick blow; strike with a light quick blow (as from a whip); Ex. flick the switch

(noun) a light sharp contact (usually with something flexible)
Example Sentence
  • he gave it a flick with his finger
  • he felt the flick of a whip
(noun) a short stroke Definition
(noun) a form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement
Example Sentence
  • they went to a movie every Saturday night
  • the film was shot on location
(verb) flash intermittently
Synonyms : flicker
Example Sentence
  • The lights flicked on and off
(verb) look through a book or other written material
Synonyms : flip leaf riff riffle thumb
Example Sentence
  • He thumbed through the report
  • She leafed through the volume
(verb) cause to move with a flick
Synonyms : flip
Example Sentence
  • he flicked his Bic
(verb) throw or toss with a quick motion
Synonyms : jerk
Example Sentence
  • flick a piece of paper across the table
  • jerk his head
(verb) shine unsteadily
Synonyms : flicker
Example Sentence
  • The candle flickered
(verb) twitch or flutter
Synonyms : riffle ruffle
Example Sentence
  • the paper flicked
(verb) cause to make a snapping sound
Synonyms : click snap
Example Sentence
  • snap your fingers
(verb) touch or hit with a light, quick blow
Example Sentence
  • flicked him with his hand
(verb) remove with a flick (of the hand)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for flick

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remember the flick shot of Sachin or may be Dravid...tak!!!

Flick rhymes like "click a camera click" flash light stroke as a whip

just remember FLICKER.com .. syn: blow, fillip, film, flip, hit, movie, picture, propel, snap, toss..

click mouse


Short Definition : burn unsteadily or fitfully; move waveringly; N: flickering movement or light; brief sensation; Ex. flicker of excitement

(noun) a momentary flash of light
Synonyms : glint spark
(noun) North American woodpecker Definition
(noun) the act of moving back and forth
Synonyms : flutter waver
(verb) move back and forth very rapidly
Example Sentence
  • the candle flickered
(verb) shine unsteadily
Synonyms : flick
Example Sentence
  • The candle flickered
(verb) flash intermittently
Synonyms : flick
Example Sentence
  • The lights flicked on and off
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for flicker

Fire licking unsteadily from a fire tube boiler.


Short Definition : (esp. of a woman's behavior) capricious; often changing, esp. from one lover to another; impulsive

(adj) guided by whim and fancy
Example Sentence
  • flighty young girls
(adj) unpredictably excitable (especially of horses)
Synonyms : nervous skittish spooky
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for flighty

remember the old saying.."if you love some one let them fly, if they love you too they will come back". Now think of a girl who flies like this alot. from 1 bf to another, but never comes back :) flighty(refers to girls)

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(Flight)+y. Flights are generally capricious when it comes to timimgs

Flight moves from one place to another in the same way woman's mind moves from one lover to other i.e. capricious and impulsive

Think of Airhostess (Ms + Flight == Flighty) moving from one rich guy to another == not sticking to any one == Capricious

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