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Short Definition : whimsical; visionary; imaginary; produced by imagination; Ex. fanciful scheme

(adj) indulging in or influenced by fancy
Synonyms : notional
Example Sentence
  • a fanciful mind
  • all the notional vagaries of childhood
(adj) not based on fact; unreal
Synonyms : imaginary notional
Example Sentence
  • the falsehood about some fanciful secret treaties
  • a small child's imaginary friends
  • to create a notional world for oneself
(adj) having a curiously intricate quality
Example Sentence
  • a fanciful pattern with intertwined vines and flowers
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fanciful

fanciful is full of fancies.


Short Definition : imagination (of a whimsical or fantastic nature); capricious liking; V: imagine; be fond of; ADJ. decorative; elaborate

(noun) something many people believe that is false
Example Sentence
  • they have the illusion that I am very wealthy
(noun) a kind of imagination that was held by Coleridge to be more casual and superficial than true imagination Definition
(noun) a predisposition to like something
Synonyms : fondness partiality
Example Sentence
  • he had a fondness for whiskey
(verb) imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind
Example Sentence
  • I can't see him on horseback!
  • I can see what will happen
  • I can see a risk in this strategy
(verb) have a fancy or particular liking or desire for
Synonyms : go for take to
Example Sentence
  • She fancied a necklace that she had seen in the jeweler's window
(adj) not plain; decorative or ornamented
Example Sentence
  • fancy handwriting
  • fancy clothes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fancy

Rich and fancy people do everything on a whim or fancy because they have the money to afford it.


Short Definition : call by bugles or trumpets; showy display; spectacular public display

(noun) a gaudy outward display
Synonyms : flash ostentation
(noun) (music) a short lively tune played on brass instruments
Synonyms : flourish tucket
Example Sentence
  • he entered to a flourish of trumpets
  • her arrival was greeted with a rousing fanfare
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fanfare

it can b understand as FILMFARE AWARDS which cud b done in very showy manner

Fanfare - can be read as Fans invite their Heroes by conducting big Fair's

Rhymes with fun-fair

Boys become fan of fair girls and always put up a showy display of generosity in front of them...

when bollywood stars such as srk comes to some city.the FAN welcomes them by playing MUSIC and celebrated their arrival.


Short Definition : broad comedy; mockery; humorous play full of silly things happening; ADJ. farcical

(noun) a comedy characterized by broad satire and improbable situations
Synonyms : farce comedy travesty
(noun) mixture of ground raw chicken and mushrooms with pistachios and truffles and onions and parsley and lots of butter and bound with eggs
Synonyms : forcemeat
(verb) fill with a stuffing while cooking
Synonyms : stuff
Example Sentence
  • Have you stuffed the turkey yet?
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for farce

sounds like FARTS....what a comedy show in which FARTS and farting was basic knack/talent to be shown.

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guys used to say in hindi-PHAAD(FARCE) COMEDY THI YAAR...

farce -- face Think of the face of d clown... connect it with comedy and mockery...

farce relates to force...a comical situation can sometimes b a forceful hitting...

"padhe FARCEe beche tel" is proverb with mockery and satire.. you use it to make fun of someone

Face and Arse. Imagine someone saying, "His face is like an arse", its a farce. (Broad comedy, mockery)

Far + see + kal ( kal = tommorow ). That means he is making us laugh by showing our far future ...!! ;)


Short Definition : give shape to; make; Ex. fashion the pot out of clay

(noun) how something is done or how it happens
Synonyms : manner mode style way
Example Sentence
  • her dignified manner
  • his rapid manner of talking
  • their nomadic mode of existence
  • in the characteristic New York style
  • a lonely way of life
  • in an abrasive fashion
(noun) characteristic or habitual practice Definition
(noun) the latest and most admired style in clothes and cosmetics and behavior Definition
(noun) consumer goods (especially clothing) in the current mode Definition
(verb) make out of components (often in an improvising manner)
Synonyms : forge
Example Sentence
  • She fashioned a tent out of a sheet and a few sticks


Short Definition : difficult to please; squeamish; fussy; finicky

(adj) giving careful attention to detail; hard to please; excessively concerned with cleanliness
Example Sentence
  • a fastidious and incisive intellect
  • fastidious about personal cleanliness
(adj) having complicated nutritional requirements; especially growing only in special artificial cultures
Synonyms : exacting
Example Sentence
  • fastidious microorganisms
  • certain highly specialized xerophytes are extremely exacting in their requirements
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fastidious

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just like ... If your boss is a demanding person he may not leave to you time to eat.Fasting is tedious. So your boss is fastidious.

fas(ana) is tidious ..means kisi ko fasana bhut tidious hai. (jangal mein kisi shikar ko FASaney ke liye use "please" (by bait) karna padta hai. FASana+TEDIOUS=difficult to please=FASTIDIOUS)

fussy n tedious.

those who FAST, be TIDY (ppl who are more like perfectionists) are DIFFICULT TO BE PLEASED

the word also means very careful in matters of taste...FAST+TEDIOUS....a person who takes tedious time to eat is fastidious

fas(Fussy)tidious: remember like he is tediously fussy about minute details.

FAST + TEDIOUS >>> if u do a tedious work fast, then it will NOT be PERFECTly done.. So its DIFFICULT TO PLEASE the person for whom we are doing the work..

To do a tedious job fast is difficult.

It's hard to please someone who's FAST and TEDIOUS at the same time.

Imagine a child FASTing because it is TIDIOUS to give him food he likes. i.e difficult to please the kid

fast is what we do to please god n it is difficult or tedious to do. s6 fastidious is difficult to please


(FAS)fussy about (TIDIOUS)tedious details


Short Definition : belief that events are determined by forces or fates beyond one's control; ADJ. fatalistic; CF. fatal: causing death

(noun) a submissive mental attitude resulting from acceptance of the doctrine that everything that happens is predetermined and inevitable Definition
(noun) a philosophical doctrine holding that all events are predetermined in advance for all time and human beings are powerless to change them
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fatalism

fate+alism.. basically fate is determined by force beyond ones control.. hence fatalism.

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something fatal is deadly or causing death.its everyone's belief that our death is not in our hand and is determined by the one above us


Short Definition : comprehend; investigate; determine the depth of; N. unit of measurement for the depth of water

(noun) a linear unit of measurement (equal to 6 feet) for water depth
Synonyms : fthm
(noun) (mining) a unit of volume (equal to 6 cubic feet) used in measuring bodies of ore
Synonyms : fthm
(verb) come to understand
Synonyms : bottom penetrate
(verb) measure the depth of (a body of water) with a sounding line
Synonyms : sound
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fathom

shortform of "father or mother"; they always like to see their son working; he may be an invistigator or a plumber (measure the depth of water) doesn't really matter for them.

It sounds like Phantom(the comic hero).He was 6 feet tall.So, fathom is a unit of measurement equal to 6 feet.

fathom= fat+home if you have a fat home, tax people will come to investigate.

If a new Fat man comes to your home people will investigate who is this person and why is he so fat??

fath+om—we have FATH(faith) in OM(religious word), and we UNDERSTAND ITS MEANING

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if a home looks fat, then police men ll try to investigate; determine the depth of that home..

fathom -> fat + hom(e) -> you become fat eating home made food and you FATHOM(investigate) the cause of it

Phantom: 6 feet tall hero,dives deep in water and finally understands the nature of crimes

Fathom - my father or mother came to understand that i am a tailor who measure fantom(the great comic 6 feet)

investigate the castle whether there is a phantom in it or not


Short Definition : smugly and unconsciously foolish; inane; silly; N. fatuity, fatuousness

(adj) devoid of intelligence
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fatuous

remembles FAT ASS an ass is considered foolish

focus on 'fat' in this word ..for some foolish people fat people are generally foolish

generally fat people in US are foolish!!

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Fatuous - "Fatu" In hindi Fatu means one who dont have much confidence in doing things. So Fatu is one who dont have brain(barinless) and foolish, thats why he is not that so confident

faLtu bolne wala - foolish n insane!

INFATUATED means unintelligently and foolishly in love. Fatuous means unintelligent or foolish.

fat buddhi meaning stupid..

Focus on the FAT in the word, then think of Larry the Cable Guy, who is fat, who makes fatuous comments, and who seems content with his foolishness.


Fatuous = 'fataha'

fatuous=think of a fellow who becomes fat by eating and does not spend any time to become intelligent; foolishly self-satisfied

FArTuous......what will you call your friend farting frequently??? IDIOT

remember those lame-tards in MTV Roadies who call each other fattu instead of Phattu? boy are they FOOLISH.

Fatuous is always worn by stupid & uncultured person.

fattos hain woh

FAT-U ous:u gotta b inane asinine to b fat..

sounds like farthin.. farthing in crowd is too foolish and silly


Short Definition : animals of a period or region; CF. flora

(noun) all the animal life in a particular region or period
Synonyms : zoology
Example Sentence
  • the fauna of China
  • the zoology of the Pliocene epoch
(noun) a living organism characterized by voluntary movement
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fauna

Fauna & Flora sound similarly. Fauna = animals <> Flora = plants

Think of a FAWN. = Animal.

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