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Short Definition : changeable (in affections or friendship); faithless

(adj) marked by erratic changeableness in affections or attachments
Synonyms : volatile
Example Sentence
  • fickle friends
  • a flirt's volatile affections
(adj) liable to sudden unpredictable change
Example Sentence
  • erratic behavior
  • fickle weather
  • mercurial twists of temperament
  • a quicksilver character, cool and willful at one moment, utterly fragile the next
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fickle

imagine you are in a grocery shop. you need to select a PICKLE bottle . there are so many varieties of pickle there so ur FICKLE (changing mind) about which one to buy

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you tickle your gf and she kicks you hard at the main point... you start to doubt if she is faithless and changeable... lol

FEES...fees of engineering colleges are constantly changing and kal fee kya hogi no one can predict...

Fickle rhymes with Firal(hindi).firal can change his mind anytym beacuse he is considered a bit cracked mind

when he saw a million nickels, his friendship[ for his friend fickled.

some use our friendship as pickle and throw us when we are not needed.(faithless)

sounds like flicker,which means changing suddenly

pickle changed itself to fickle so fast,so it is changeable and can't be trusted to be eaten


Short Definition : imaginary; non-existent; purposely invented to deceive; untrue; Ex. fictitious name/boyfriend; CF. fictional

(adj) formed or conceived by the imagination
Example Sentence
  • a fabricated excuse for his absence
  • a fancied wrong
  • a fictional character
(adj) adopted in order to deceive
Example Sentence
  • an assumed name
  • an assumed cheerfulness
  • a fictitious address
  • fictive sympathy
  • a pretended interest
  • a put-on childish voice
  • sham modesty
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fictitious

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Short Definition : loyalty; accuracy

(noun) accuracy with which an electronic system reproduces the sound or image of its input signal Definition
(noun) the quality of being faithful
Synonyms : faithfulness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fidelity

look for the root word fid...means faith, belief..so words like fidelity, confide, diffident, bonafide, fiduciary..all have fid in it and all these words are related to involving trust or faith, similarly fidelity..

agar tum apni wife par "fida" hoge toh phir tum loyal hoge

(federal bank)fedal bank is loyal, faithful and accurate interest bank.


Short Definition : evil spirit; devil

(noun) a cruel wicked and inhuman person
Synonyms : demon devil monster ogre
(noun) an evil supernatural being
Synonyms : daemon daimon demon devil
(noun) a person motivated by irrational enthusiasm (as for a cause)
Synonyms : fanatic
Example Sentence
  • A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fiend

not a friend..

friend ~ FIEND; friend is good and fiend is devil

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person without a 'R'elation is not a f'R'iend..so fiend!!

feind..sounds like the end. so in bollywood movies devil or evil vanished in the end. so the end of feind.

Construct as Friend end.Most of the time when friendship ends then the person acts like devil upon us.

Fire end lives of people are devil, evil spirit.


Short Definition : invention; something invented; imaginary thing; Ex. figment of your imagination

(noun) a contrived or fantastic idea
Example Sentence
  • a figment of the imagination
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for figment

"figure+mental" so the figures in ur mind are "imaginary"... ur "thoughts" or "ideas"....

Figment > Pigment; When you envisage, you use unlimited colors.

figment sound som wat lik filament... of bulb.... was an INVENTION by Thomas Alwa Edison.....may be this mnemonic helps u....

injured ligament needs a figment of medical science to be cured...

figment: contrive,design artificially etc figure maintain karane keliye kareen figment[design,plan]/contrives new idea

figment is something imaginary.think that you made a figure(fig) from your menatal.


Short Definition : not literal but metaphorical; using a figure(impression) of speech

(adj) (used of the meanings of words or text) not literal; using figures of speech
Synonyms : nonliteral
Example Sentence
  • figurative language
(adj) consisting of or forming human or animal figures
Synonyms : figural
Example Sentence
  • a figural design
  • the figurative art of the humanistic tradition


Short Definition : written symbols; number; amount represented in numbers; outline or silhouette of a thing or human body; person (well-known); impression; diagram; pattern; group in a dance; Ex. figure of speech; V. ca

(noun) a diagram or picture illustrating textual material
Synonyms : fig
Example Sentence
  • the area covered can be seen from Figure 2
(noun) alternative names for the body of a human being
Example Sentence
  • Leonardo studied the human body
  • he has a strong physique
  • the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
(noun) one of the elements that collectively form a system of numeration
Synonyms : digit
Example Sentence
  • 0 and 1 are digits
(noun) a model of a bodily form (especially of a person)
Example Sentence
  • he made a figure of Santa Claus
(noun) a well-known or notable person
Synonyms : name public figure
Example Sentence
  • they studied all the great names in the history of France
  • she is an important figure in modern music
(noun) a combination of points and lines and planes that form a visible palpable shape Definition
(noun) an amount of money expressed numerically
Example Sentence
  • a figure of $17 was suggested
(noun) the impression produced by a person
Example Sentence
  • he cut a fine figure
  • a heroic figure
(noun) the property possessed by a sum or total or indefinite quantity of units or individuals
Synonyms : number
Example Sentence
  • he had a number of chores to do
  • the number of parameters is small
  • the figure was about a thousand
(noun) language used in a figurative or nonliteral sense Definition
(noun) a unitary percept having structure and coherence that is the object of attention and that stands out against a ground Definition
(noun) a decorative or artistic work
Synonyms : design pattern
Example Sentence
  • the coach had a design on the doors
(noun) a predetermined set of movements in dancing or skating
Example Sentence
  • she made the best score on compulsory figures
(verb) judge to be probable Definition
(verb) be or play a part of or in
Synonyms : enter
Example Sentence
  • Elections figure prominently in every government program
  • How do the elections figure in the current pattern of internal politics?
(verb) imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind
Example Sentence
  • I can't see him on horseback!
  • I can see what will happen
  • I can see a risk in this strategy
(verb) make a mathematical calculation or computation Definition
(verb) understand
Example Sentence
  • He didn't figure her


Short Definition : small ornamental statuette(very small statue)

(noun) a small carved or molded figure
Synonyms : statuette
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for figurine

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Jab raavan shivji ki statue ko leke ja raha tha tab use urin karne ka mood kiya.so he handed the statue to a local figure nd went to urinate

figurine= figure+in+e(electronic). in electronics, the figures(devices) are so small now and IC s look like ornament. so,finally "a little figure with ornament"

Inna (chota) sa figure..

Small statue with ornaments made of uranium.


Short Definition : steal (things of small value)

(verb) make off with belongings of others
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for filch

fil(fill)+ch(cheese) --> Lord Krishna filled cheese in his bag which is 'STOLEN'

for potter fans.. Argus Filch looks like a thief -> steal

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fil(fal in hidni) + ch(churana in hindi)= to steal (churana) petty things like fruits (fal), guys gotta kno some hindi for this.

The robber filled his home with filched items.

Who's filched my pencils?

she FILed her CHeap purse w/ only a handfull of the coins


Short Definition : pertaining to or befitting a son or daughter; Ex. filial respect

(adj) designating the generation or the sequence of generations following the parental generation Definition
(adj) relating to or characteristic of or befitting an offspring
Example Sentence
  • filial respect
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for filial

Phil and Al (can be names of children, therfore it is pertaining to a son or daughter - definition)

FEELial....people for whom u have feelings are your offsprings...

filial=fill+all or fulfil==> children fulfil all the duties of their parents

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filial rhymes with 'feel for ur laal'.In hindi laal means ur children.so filial

filial=fill+all or fulfil==> children fulfil all the duties of their parents

filial -- Concentrate on LAL This is a common nick name for kids (Beta, mere lal). So befitting a son

sonds lke feel loyal... some children dont feel loyal to their parents and hence forget their filial obligations towards their parents' wishes

it sounds like film + illal(illegal) ie some films(A rated) r illegal to children

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