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Short Definition : limited

(adj) bounded or limited in magnitude or spatial or temporal extent Definition
(adj) of verbs; relating to forms of the verb that are limited in time by a tense and (usually) show agreement with number and person


Short Definition : piece of burning wood; hothead; troublemaker; person who stirs up trouble

(noun) a piece of wood that has been burned or is burning
Synonyms : brand
(noun) someone who deliberately foments trouble
Example Sentence
  • she was the instigator of their quarrel
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for firebrand

People who start fires are firebrand.

fire+brand...brand:band meaning person...so person who sets fire (trouble)

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if a worker working in a big brand causes a lot of trouble, he will be fired

Brand Ambassadors Of Fire(Trouble,agony,etc..)..

~fire+brand>people who start fire (trouble) are branded as firebrand

brand means a symbol made on the body of crimnals, fire + fire=fire means again trouble


Short Definition : crevice; crack

(noun) a long narrow depression in a surface
Synonyms : chap crack cranny crevice
(noun) a long narrow opening Definition
(noun) (anatomy) a long narrow slit or groove that divides an organ into lobes Definition
(verb) break into fissures or fine cracks
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fissure

fissure - fission, means split the nuclei- so a crack

FISAL - there was crack on the road and main FISAL gaya due to that.

fissure is like fis(h)+ure... fishes are narrow and long.. and they have crack like fins..


Short Definition : sudden outburst of an illness or feeling; convulsion caused by epilepsy

(noun) a display of bad temper
Synonyms : conniption scene tantrum
Example Sentence
  • he had a fit
  • she threw a tantrum
  • he made a scene
(noun) a sudden uncontrollable attack
Synonyms : convulsion paroxysm
Example Sentence
  • a paroxysm of giggling
  • a fit of coughing
  • convulsions of laughter
(noun) the manner in which something fits
Example Sentence
  • I admired the fit of her coat
(noun) a sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason)
Synonyms : burst
Example Sentence
  • a burst of applause
  • a fit of housecleaning
(verb) be agreeable or acceptable to
Synonyms : accommodate suit
Example Sentence
  • This suits my needs
(verb) be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired
Synonyms : go
Example Sentence
  • This piece won't fit into the puzzle
(verb) satisfy a condition or restriction
Synonyms : conform to meet
Example Sentence
  • Does this paper meet the requirements for the degree?
(verb) make fit
Example Sentence
  • fit a dress
  • He fitted other pieces of paper to his cut-out
(verb) insert or adjust several objects or people
Example Sentence
  • Can you fit the toy into the box?
  • This man can't fit himself into our work environment
(verb) be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics
Example Sentence
  • The two stories don't agree in many details
  • The handwriting checks with the signature on the check
  • The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun
(verb) conform to some shape or size
Example Sentence
  • How does this shirt fit?
(verb) provide with (something) usually for a specific purpose
Synonyms : equip fit out outfit
Example Sentence
  • The expedition was equipped with proper clothing, food, and other necessities
(verb) make correspond or harmonize
Synonyms : match
Example Sentence
  • Match my sweater
(adj) meeting adequate standards for a purpose
Example Sentence
  • a fit subject for discussion
  • it is fit and proper that you be there
  • water fit to drink
  • fit for duty
  • do as you see fit to
(adj) (usually followed by `to' or `for') on the point of or strongly disposed
Synonyms : primed set
Example Sentence
  • in no fit state to continue
  • fit to drop
  • laughing fit to burst
  • she was fit to scream
  • primed for a fight
  • we are set to go at any time
(adj) physically and mentally sound or healthy
Example Sentence
  • felt relaxed and fit after their holiday
  • keeps fit with diet and exercise


Short Definition : spasmodic; intermittent; irregular

(adj) occurring in spells and often abruptly
Synonyms : spasmodic
Example Sentence
  • fitful bursts of energy
  • spasmodic rifle fire
(adj) intermittently stopping and starting
Synonyms : interrupted off-and-on
Example Sentence
  • fitful (or interrupted) sleep
  • off-and-on static
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fitful

I am fat and so trousers occasionally fit me fully. So its like sometimes yes and sometimes no.

Think about someone getting fits.. he does that intermittent action. it comes all of a sudden

if ur thing is fully fit ur pee will be fitful(stopping and starting)

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fit+ful = my trouser doesnt fit fuuly so it interrupt me while i am exercising ,,

PitBull Singer. He sings only in the beginning or in the end of a song..

my trousers are long fit fully till my stomach so it is irregular.

fit of rage!

fitful = When I will be fully fit then I will work full time, Now I am doing intermittently.


Short Definition : flabby; lacking firmness; weak; Ex. flaccid muscles

(adj) drooping without elasticity; wanting in stiffness
Example Sentence
  • a flaccid penis
(adj) out of condition; not strong or robust; incapable of exertion or endurance
Synonyms : flabby soft
Example Sentence
  • he was too soft for the army
  • flabby around the middle
  • flaccid cheeks
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for flaccid

sounds like flexi that is flexible

faila(to spread)+ acid(accid)...so ven d acid spreads it ll corrode things nd ll make dem soft nd flexible.....

flaccid = "flacci" <- fleshy you are so fleshy that you are flabby ,, :)

who doesnt love flaccid breast ;) soft and weak

Sounds like "placid" (calm)

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FLACCID == If you put Plastic in ACID it becomes weak, and loses firmness

FLAt and FLAbby

Flawed accid i.e. acid lacking in strength, vigor or energy. Acid which is not solid and firm

flacid -> placid-> Dhilla

your dick in flaccid state measures *** centimeters :P....

flag(grow feeble)+acid=no longer strong(flaccid)


Short Definition : droop; grow feeble; decline in vigor or strength; ADJ. flagging; CF. unflagging

(noun) emblem usually consisting of a rectangular piece of cloth of distinctive design Definition
(noun) a listing printed in all issues of a newspaper or magazine (usually on the editorial page) that gives the name of the publication and the names of the editorial staff, etc.
Synonyms : masthead
(noun) plants with sword-shaped leaves and erect stalks bearing bright-colored flowers composed of three petals and three drooping sepals Definition
(noun) a rectangular piece of fabric used as a signalling device
Synonyms : signal flag
(noun) flagpole used to mark the position of the hole on a golf green
Synonyms : pin
(noun) stratified stone that splits into pieces suitable as paving stones
Synonyms : flagstone
(noun) a conspicuously marked or shaped tail Definition
(verb) communicate or signal with a flag Definition
(verb) provide with a flag
Example Sentence
  • Flag this file so that I can recognize it immediately
(verb) droop, sink, or settle from or as if from pressure or loss of tautness
Synonyms : droop sag swag
(verb) decorate with flags
Example Sentence
  • the building was flagged for the holiday
(verb) become less intense
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for flag

white flag is used to indicate surrender as in a war, a white flag is used to indicate acceptance of defeat. thus low in vigour, grow feeble

flag rhymes with sag which means to droop or grow feeble

flag sounds lyk slag n slag is a waste material...if u become WEAK then u r considered waste...!!!!

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flag = female + leg; If you attack by femal leg then you will be come worsen.


Short Definition : conspicuously wicked, bad, or offensive; blatant; outrageous

(adj) conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible
Example Sentence
  • a crying shame
  • an egregious lie
  • flagrant violation of human rights
  • a glaring error
  • gross ineptitude
  • gross injustice
  • rank treachery
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for flagrant

flag + rent --renting the national flag!(No offense meant) It is shocking & scandalous.

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"flagrant"-split into 'flag'+'rant'. Flag(v) means slow down & rant meant irritated. Therefore when one start weakening they rant and become offensive.

lag + rant --running over the national flag!(No offense meant) It is bad or offensive.


Short Definition : beat with or as if with a flail; move wildly; thresh grain by hand; strike or slap; toss about; N: threshing tool consisting of a stick swinging from the end of a long handle

(noun) an implement consisting of handle with a free swinging stick at the end; used in manual threshing Definition
(verb) give a thrashing to; beat hard
Synonyms : lam thrash thresh
(verb) move like a flail; thresh about
Synonyms : thresh
Example Sentence
  • Her arms were flailing
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for flail

flail rhymes with fail....if a child fails in his exams, he is beaten hardlyyyy by his parents.

flail sounds like jail. in jail the criminals were bashed by the police to get the truth. slap, strike.

"fail+ail" so same as above... the child failed.. n den ailed by his parents... they slapped him...


Short Definition : talent

(noun) a natural talent
Synonyms : genius
Example Sentence
  • he has a flair for mathematics
  • he has a genius for interior decorating
(noun) distinctive and stylish elegance
Synonyms : dash elan panache style
Example Sentence
  • he wooed her with the confident dash of a cavalry officer
(noun) a shape that spreads outward
Synonyms : flare
Example Sentence
  • the skirt had a wide flare
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for flair

Tony Blair has no flair.

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"Flair" = remember the pen company "flair" ,, 'talented' students write with flair pens

ric flair is talented wrestler

flair-- f(l)air- so if u r once fair and so u try to maintain the same old fairness, u need to have talent to save your colour yourself

sounds like solar flair which is a distinctive quality possessed by sun -> Talent and its a style how sun does its work.

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