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Short Definition : lowest point; point on the celestial sphere diametrically opposite the zenith

(noun) an extreme state of adversity; the lowest point of anything
Synonyms : low-water mark
(noun) the point below the observer that is directly opposite the zenith on the imaginary sphere against which celestial bodies appear to be projected
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for nadir

na+gir meaning from where one cannot fall that is the lowest point...

think of extremely low-hanging testicles, or NADS (slang), then think of NADir as the lowest point of the male reproductive system (no offense)

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You can recall Persian emperor Nadir-shah a cruel man, so someone very "lowly".

If you fall into Niagara, you will reach its lowest point or nadir

na+dir-> null directory lowest point of empty space.

Enakku oru Naadhiyum illa. Anyone would say this when they feel very low

Nadir: DI = 底

She removes the hair from her legs using a product called NAIR.

Lord Vader reached his nadir when he became a hater.

nadir( na daar) suppose someone is suggesting you not to worry because you are very low or nervous

Imran Nazir has reached the Nadir of his career.

nodi/nadi means River in Bengli. It indicates kind of low ground


Short Definition : conceited person; N. narcissism; CF. narcissus

(noun) someone in love with themselves
Synonyms : narcist
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for narcissist

contains NAR(in hindi it means nari...ie a LADY)..and ladies are fond of themselves and like self praise ...hence narcissist....NO OFFENCE to fellow women..[;)]

narcissist -> nathigam believe in themselves not in any one or god


Short Definition : related to telling a story; N: narrated account; story; V. narrate: tell (a story); CF. narration

(noun) a message that tells the particulars of an act or occurrence or course of events; presented in writing or drama or cinema or as a radio or television program
Synonyms : narration story tale
Example Sentence
  • his narrative was interesting
  • Disney's stories entertain adults as well as children
(adj) consisting of or characterized by the telling of a story
Example Sentence
  • narrative poetry
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for narrative

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derived from narrat+ive..(narrate sounds like write....and anyone who narrates something first he write down the story on the paper.


Short Definition : incipient; coming into being or existence; Ex. nascent ability in music

(adj) being born or beginning
Example Sentence
  • the nascent chicks
  • a nascent insurgency
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for nascent

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"new soul sent".....to earth

it has the word SCENT in it,SCENT daalo to smell comes into existence

this word is derived from the latin word nasci- which means being born

nascent = new + existent

nai(new) scent....which comes new into existence

Nascent-NASC-NASA.Thus NASA came in existence in 2008 or so having problems in the beginning.

You may have read about "nascent oxygen" in Chemistry, which is highly unstable.

now(na) scan(scent) if you scan paper now its image will start to exist in computer (start to exist)

if u breathe NASCENT OXYGEN .. u wil rejuvenate (go young again)...!! :)


na +scent..in telugu na means mine and scent means smell or perfume..my perfume just now spread or beginned spreading in the office as soon as i entered

Ugh! That rank odor, that NASty SCENT, my neighbor's green pool is hatching 'skeetos'

now(na) + sent(scent)= beginning now

nascent oxygen are newly produced and highly active

New Scent

nascent-> new+cent,coming into being or existence.


Short Definition : connected with birth; CF. prenatal; CF. postnatal

(noun) a region of eastern South Africa on the Indian Ocean
Synonyms : kwazulu-natal
Example Sentence
  • Natal was renamed KwaZulu-Natal in 1994
(noun) a port city in northeastern Brazil Definition
(adj) relating to or accompanying birth
Example Sentence
  • natal injuries
  • natal day
  • natal influences
(adj) of or relating to the buttocks
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for natal

natal sounds like fatal..as fatal is connected with death..natal....is just the opposite of fatal , hence connected with birth.

In marathi natal stands for chritsmas ...on that day we all celebrates the birtday of jesus..it may help

connect it with fetal...related to birth...

nata i hindi means small in height and it comes from birth

natal=native means belongs to birth place


Short Definition : swimming

(noun) the act of someone who floats on the water
Synonyms : floating
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for natation

This is really stupid... nata in hindi means short in height...we know swimming increases height..hence natation is the solution to the height problem.

Neella lo EETATION...(neellu=water),(eetha=swimming)

natation rhymes with floatation

relate this word with the NATO forces....u need to know swimming to get into NATO!

natation-nata(nhana in hindi)+ tason(trick) so playing trick while bathing or water (nahan wale)

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natation sounds like nettesanu :D

Sounds like flotation


Na means No-- Tation sounds like tension..... so No tension--when we are No tension i.e. Na-tation we float .. Like Trancedental Yogis !!

Natation -> Nadesh float on water, swiming


Short Definition : neatly or smartly dressed; dapper; smart; Ex. natty dresser

(adj) marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners
Example Sentence
  • a dapper young man
  • a jaunty red hat
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for natty

NATTY sounds like NEAT and N se naya also..., so natty

"naTi" in Sanskrit means: actress. They are supposed to be dapper.

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REMO in aparichith instead of naughty spelled it as NATTY n dat hero was a DABBY young man

NATTY begins with an "N" like Neat and NATTY means the opposite of rATTY

"Gangster Bugsy Siegel is a natty dresser but has a nasty manner."

katty(katrina) is natty or fashionable

"Natti" women made up for short height with good dressing sense

natty-> naughty today neatly or smartly dressed


Short Definition : feeling of sickness and desire to vomit; disgust; CF. seasickness

(noun) the state that precedes vomiting
Synonyms : sickness
(noun) disgust so strong it makes you feel sick
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for nausea

nause(sounds like NOSE)+a. As we all smell through our NOSE and if we smell something foul, something odurous..we get a feeling of nausea or wanting to VOMIT.

break the word...no+see(nausea)....u dn like to see coz it is disgusting n u'll feel like vomiting


Short Definition : cause to become sick; fill with disgust; fill nausea

(verb) upset and make nauseated
Example Sentence
  • The smell of the food turned the pregnant woman's stomach
  • The mold on the food sickened the diners
(verb) cause aversion in; offend the moral sense of
Example Sentence
  • The pornographic pictures sickened us
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for nauseate

"You looked sick. Now! Sit! (Nauseate)"

no seat in bus if we dont get seat we need to stand for long period and hence we get leg pains and become sick.

having nausea

naus+eat+e(eat)..and if you EAT spoiled food , YOU ARE SURE TO FALL SICK.

nauseate,when u smell something spoiled(nause)from nose.or eat(seate)spoiled u will become sick.so nauseate


Short Definition : causing nausea; feeling nausea

(adj) causing or able to cause nausea
Example Sentence
  • a nauseating smell
  • nauseous offal
  • a sickening stench
(adj) feeling nausea; feeling about to vomit
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