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Short Definition : mental or bodily powers; teaching staff

(noun) one of the inherent cognitive or perceptual powers of the mind
Synonyms : mental faculty module
(noun) the body of teachers and administrators at a school
Synonyms : staff
Example Sentence
  • the dean addressed the letter to the entire staff of the university
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for faculty

After a poor performance in the science fair the FACULTY (teaching staff) have lost their FACULTY (mental powers)! :D Just a mnemonic sir.. hehe


Short Definition : not genuine; N: one that is not genuine; impostor; sham; V: counterfeit; Ex. fake the results of the experiment/the signature

(noun) something that is a counterfeit; not what it seems to be
Synonyms : postiche sham
(noun) a person who makes deceitful pretenses Definition
(noun) (football) a deceptive move made by a football player
Synonyms : juke
(verb) make a copy of with the intent to deceive
Synonyms : counterfeit forge
Example Sentence
  • he faked the signature
  • they counterfeited dollar bills
  • She forged a Green Card
(verb) tamper, with the purpose of deception
Example Sentence
  • Fudge the figures
  • cook the books
  • falsify the data
(verb) speak insincerely or without regard for facts or truths
Example Sentence
  • The politician was not well prepared for the debate and faked it
(adj) fraudulent; having a misleading appearance
Synonyms : bastard bogus phoney phony
(adj) not genuine or real; being an imitation of the genuine article
Example Sentence
  • it isn't fake anything; it's real synthetic fur
  • faux pearls
  • false teeth
  • decorated with imitation palm leaves
  • a purse of simulated alligator hide


Short Definition : false; based on a fallacy; misleading; N. fallacy: false idea or notion; false reasoning; Ex. popular fallacy; Ex. fallacy of the argument

(adj) containing or based on a fallacy
Synonyms : unsound
Example Sentence
  • fallacious reasoning
  • an unsound argument
(adj) intended to deceive
Synonyms : deceitful fraudulent
Example Sentence
  • deceitful advertising
  • fallacious testimony
  • smooth, shining, and deceitful as thin ice
  • a fraudulent scheme to escape paying taxes
(adj) based on an incorrect or misleading notion or information
Example Sentence
  • fallacious hope
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fallacious

fallacious.split it like fallac+ious...if you just concentrate on fallac..it look like FALSE,......so THINK that SOMETHING is based on a FALSE OR incorrect notion.....

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basically this word is taken from... fallacia..means deceitful......so something which is deceitful is always based on misleading and incorrect notion.

the root fall means to deceive,if u remember this root it will in other words like infallible-not prone to error falsify-lie

It sounds like malicious ,,, malicious software "misleads" us , its "harmful"

fall ante padesdhi so some thing harmful

fal(falthu in hindi) =>means waste which is not correct(lie)

fallacious - misleading and fall from height.(false,misleading)


Short Definition : liable to err

(adj) likely to fail or make errors
Example Sentence
  • everyone is fallible to some degree
(adj) wanting in moral strength, courage, or will; having the attributes of man as opposed to e.g. divine beings
Synonyms : frail imperfect weak
Example Sentence
  • I'm only a fallible human
  • frail humanity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fallible

fall+iblle....think of a person who can FALL FOR anything, hence makes mistakes.

Fallible may be memorized as "Failable" = Likely to fail.

a gullible is fallible

fALLIBLE.. read the capital one..e.i; ALLIBLE... A=not... LLIBLE= liable... so its maens not liable tht means wuld definitely mak some ERROR....

false bill - > bills liable to make mistake


Short Definition : (of land) plowed but not sowed (to improve the quality); uncultivated

(noun) cultivated land that is not seeded for one or more growing seasons Definition
(adj) left unplowed and unseeded during a growing season
Example Sentence
  • fallow farmland
(adj) undeveloped but potentially useful
Example Sentence
  • a fallow gold market
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fallow

after plowing farmer fallow(fall-low) of money so, he left it without seeding(uncultivated)

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fallow is like "falo" in hindi (fruit/ripe) so khet ko falne foolne ke liye it has to be left uncultivated..

callow land

remember seeds are sown in shalow depth pits.. here fallow - F symbolises False/not makin it Fallow i.e plowed bt not sowed.

if a Tennis player falls low in ranking, sooner he will be unseeded!

fallow= buffalo, which are used in plowing the soil

the farmer has alrdy plowed..now he has to FAL LOW to sow the seeds

fallow sounds like shallow... shallow water is inactive!


Short Definition : make (something written) false by changing

(verb) make false by mutilation or addition; as of a message or story
Synonyms : distort garble warp
(verb) tamper, with the purpose of deception
Example Sentence
  • Fudge the figures
  • cook the books
  • falsify the data
(verb) prove false
Example Sentence
  • Falsify a claim
(verb) falsify knowingly
Example Sentence
  • She falsified the records
(verb) insert words into texts, often falsifying it thereby
Synonyms : alter interpolate


Short Definition : hesitate; weaken in purpose or action; walk or move unsteadily through weakness; N.

(noun) the act of pausing uncertainly
Example Sentence
  • there was a hesitation in his speech
(verb) be unsure or weak
Synonyms : waver
Example Sentence
  • Their enthusiasm is faltering
(verb) move hesitatingly, as if about to give way
Synonyms : waver
(verb) walk unsteadily
Synonyms : bumble stumble
Example Sentence
  • The drunk man stumbled about
(verb) speak haltingly
Synonyms : bumble stammer stutter
Example Sentence
  • The speaker faltered when he saw his opponent enter the room
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for falter

falter is like farter.. who farts a lot.. people hesitate farting in public.. so HESITATE

FALTER-fall in gutter becoz u feel weak and stumbling while walking

failing to utter due to hesitation.

falter sounds like fati(Hindi)jab kisi ki fatti he tab he or she falter.

a faulty person[falter] always hesitates to avoid further faults

'Falter' sounds like 'halter' & girls hesitate when they wear halter!

falt+alter--- we HESITATE to ALTER our FALTS(faults), we are always reluctant to correct some fault which we have done

"hindi chor ki dadi mein tinka " Defaulter always hesitate

falter- a person who falls while walking loses his momentum.

Chelsea falter, United flatter in ECL: http://media.smh.com.au/sport/sports-hq/chelsea-falter-united-flatter-in-ecl-2303077.html

faltu hindi pe wrong person so generally people who commits sin hesitates more waek in spirit

Falter sounds like fall..when you fall in front of others you feel hesitated

f+alter---->focus altering....changing focus continuously...

fathers hesitate weaken in purpose or action.


Short Definition : excessive zeal; extreme devotion to a belief or cause; N. fanatic; ADJ. fanatic

(noun) excessive intolerance of opposing views
Synonyms : fanatism zealotry
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fanaticism

it sounds like fantastic . u say fantastic with lot of zeal

watching movies about FANATIC is full of zeal

the words is synonym to zealot. zeal is praise so zealot is excessive praise or zeal.

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the fanaticism of aamir khan as a terrorist in movie fanaa

Fan+ actic= as he is a fan of some phylosophy he is not ready to give up.

Fanaticism is often zeal without knowledge or without a rational basis. —John Rayoa

Has fan and ism. Fans have excessive zeal and their policy(ism) is to follow somebody with extreme devotion.

To provide excessive zeal fanatics books were published for engg. students


Short Definition : imagined; unreal

(adj) formed or conceived by the imagination
Example Sentence
  • a fabricated excuse for his absence
  • a fancied wrong
  • a fictional character
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fancied

imagine fancy dress competition - becoming something that's not you / real ... you can only imagine to be that person !

fancied is similer to fantacy ..which is ur imagination


Short Definition : breeder or dealer of animals; one who has a special interest, as for raising specific plant or animal

(noun) a person having a strong liking for something
Synonyms : enthusiast
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fancier

fencier (fancier) --> fence + ier --> one who keeps the animals fenced --> breeder of animals

fancier -> cier -> bear -> deer - > CR (ciyar is a animal) -> pyar (means love) = one who loves animals and plants or has spl intrest to breed them !

one who wants to wear showy(fancy) clothes and has very keen interest in his looks

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fancier sounds like fancy things. wen we see fancy things we usually get attracted with which we get excited!!!

fancier = "fancy" fancy dresses are sometimes made from animal skin , they are bought from animal dealer , breeder :)

Animals are kept inside a fence.

FAN "cied" are very enthusiastic to meet their idols


franchiser for faun.animal dealer.

at a pet shop, owner to a customer pointing at a poodle "Fancy her?"

FAN-cier if somebody is a fan of something he tries to keep it or breed it

fancy + ier >>> we make a collection and keep with us.. it may be animals or anything.. one who keeps animals like this is BREEDER..

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