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    sham - Dictionary definition and meaning for word sham

    (noun) something that is a counterfeit; not what it seems to be
    Synonyms : fake , postiche
    (noun) a person who makes deceitful pretenses Definition
    (verb) make a pretence of
    Synonyms : assume , feign , simulate
    Example Sentence
    • She assumed indifference, even though she was seething with anger
    • he feigned sleep
    (verb) make believe with the intent to deceive
    Synonyms : affect , dissemble , feign , pretend
    Example Sentence
    • He feigned that he was ill
    • He shammed a headache
    (adj) adopted in order to deceive
    Example Sentence
    • an assumed name
    • an assumed cheerfulness
    • a fictitious address
    • fictive sympathy
    • a pretended interest
    • a put-on childish voice
    • sham modesty
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for sham

sham sounds like scam...both have almost the same negative meaning..

if u have some shame u wud not sham

my friend SHyAM always shams that he did not study...but he always tops d class...!!!

sounds like "scam" and in a scam you pretend a lot of things.

SHAM and FRANK are antonyms. While sham means to fake something, frank is to be clear and truthful about it.

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Sham <-> Scam .. You have to pretend that the HAM that you are selling is made up of processed cheese .. That means you are shamming to lure customers .. What a dirty scam! Playing with religious sentiments!

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