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Short Definition : soothing or mild (food); agreeable; causing no trouble or offence

(adj) lacking taste or flavor or tang
Example Sentence
  • a bland diet
  • insipid hospital food
  • flavorless supermarket tomatoes
  • vapid beer
  • vapid tea
(adj) lacking stimulating characteristics; uninteresting
Synonyms : flat
Example Sentence
  • a bland little drama
  • a flat joke
(adj) smoothly agreeable and courteous with a degree of sophistication
Synonyms : politic smooth suave
Example Sentence
  • he was too politic to quarrel with so important a personage
  • the manager pacified the customer with a smooth apology for the error
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bland

seeing the Black Land ,the blond girl smoothly became agreeable

divide it into B and LAND.in a B-barren LAND you dont get tasty food to eat.

BLAND rhymes with BLOND. so blond women gets agree with me or agreeable to my thoughts.

Blends easily.. So the substance is mild and agreeable.

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bland- this word flashes the word blend in our mind.blend means somthing mild with respect to food.


Short Definition : flattery

(noun) flattery intended to persuade
Synonyms : cajolery palaver
(noun) the act of urging by means of teasing or flattery
Synonyms : wheedling
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blandishment

BLANDISHMENT- Remember it like Brandy to an Irish women, this is like a flattery and later u can get wht u want frm the IRISH woman

bland (mild) - wen ur bland wid someone u try to flatter

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BLAN (like PLAN) + DISH (food) = PLAN a DISH to FLATTER somebody...

blonde(bland) + dish.......blonde dish khilake flatters u

U r are blonde---come,come.

blandishment = blan (blank) + dish;he has served you blank dish by flattery.


Short Definition : loud or harsh roar or screech; dazzling blaze of light

(noun) a loud harsh or strident noise Definition
(verb) make a strident sound
Synonyms : blast
Example Sentence
  • She tended to blast when speaking into a microphone
(verb) make a loud noise
Synonyms : beep claxon honk toot
Example Sentence
  • The horns of the taxis blared
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blare

flare: outburst of flames or fire.Glare=outburst of light. Blare: outburst of noise. FYI.. see Avaya Flare's animation screen

blare--sounds like blair -- Tony Blair shouted loud and harsh,when a glare of light fell on him.

It sounds like "blade", when a theif shows us blade to frighten us,we try to scream loudly for help

a man said bl bayya lorry road pe math rokho then the driver started shouting at him

divide blare into bla+le.some one is shouting bla bla..it creates noise.


Short Definition : bored with pleasure or dissipation; uninterested or bored

(adj) very sophisticated especially because of surfeit; versed in the ways of the world
Synonyms : worldly
Example Sentence
  • the blase traveler refers to the ocean he has crossed as `the pond'
  • the benefits of his worldly wisdom
(adj) uninterested because of frequent exposure or indulgence
Synonyms : bored
Example Sentence
  • his blase indifference
  • a petulant blase air
  • the bored gaze of the successful film star
(adj) nonchalantly unconcerned
Example Sentence
  • a blase attitude about housecleaning
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blase


blase sounds similar baasa... which inhindi means purana ... like basa food means food that is not fresh so basa food no body eats....like old food ...so its like purana ,old,something we r bored of..

BLASE-(B)obby LAYS all day. so he is unconcerned and a boring personality.

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blase -- close to words blast - whenever someone feels bored or uninterested we say go out and have a blast.

whenever i see a BLack ASE(ass) i feel bored and uninterested

BLASE: B(become) + LASE(less) interested that is we are bored

You can compare it with "PASSE"

remember your BOSS, assigned some work to you, and you are bored to do it.

blase sounds like baass (enough, stop now)!! so when u had enough u get bored and say baass!!

blase - if something keeps blazing at you again and again, then you become blased about it.

BE it LAYS or kurkure, we are bored from all these


Short Definition : irreverence; sacrilege; cursing; bad language about God or holy things; V. blasphem; ADJ. blasphemous; CF. sacrilege

(noun) blasphemous language (expressing disrespect for God or for something sacred) Definition
(noun) blasphemous behavior; the act of depriving something of its sacred character
Example Sentence
  • desecration of the Holy Sabbath
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blasphemy

in movie 300 he shouts THATS BLASPHEMY n pushes him into well.. this situation comes when the messenger gives him a suggestion n king doesnt like it

blasphemy >> bless+famous...Famous people are so proud of their success that they often disrespect God- they are never to be Blessed !


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blas + phemy -- phemy close to famous-using a bad language or showing disrespect for a famous person.


Short Definition : extremely (offensively) obvious; loudly offensive; Ex. blatant lie; N. blatancy

(adj) without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious
Synonyms : blazing conspicuous
Example Sentence
  • blatant disregard of the law
  • a blatant appeal to vanity
  • a blazing indiscretion
(adj) conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry
Example Sentence
  • blatant radios
  • a clamorous uproar
  • strident demands
  • a vociferous mob
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blatant

BLATANT- BLOW an enemy TANK will rise uproar among the soldiers. Try to remember words by making such sentences. this will help you remember it easily. dont just break words into other words(hindi)u will tend to forget them

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Bla( Blah Blah Blah) + Tent..... so extreme noise in a tent.....

It is just the opposite of to b-latent

BLATANT: BLA BLA BLA..when some one goes on speaking hes generally being offensive...so a BLATANT SPEECH

bla (blast) + tant (tent) --> when the offense of doing a blast in tent was done -- there was loud noise everywhere.

A boy who is bad and talent (Blatant) can do any noisy ,rude and offensive job.


Short Definition : cold or cheerless; frigid; unlikely to be favorable; depressing

(adj) offering little or no hope
Synonyms : black dim
Example Sentence
  • the future looked black
  • prospects were bleak
  • Life in the Aran Islands has always been bleak and difficult
  • took a dim view of things
(adj) providing no shelter or sustenance
Synonyms : bare barren desolate stark
Example Sentence
  • bare rocky hills
  • barren lands
  • the bleak treeless regions of the high Andes
  • the desolate surface of the moon
  • a stark landscape
(adj) unpleasantly cold and damp
Synonyms : cutting raw
Example Sentence
  • bleak winds of the North Atlantic
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bleak

Bleak sounds like leak, when someone leak urine in his pants he feels cold and cheerless

when exitement leaks we get bleak, means cheerless or cold

When your secret LEAKs you feel BLEAK..

bleak sounds like weak.... a cold and cheeerless person

bleak....rhymes like .. leak ...thae chances of leaking theexam paper are weak,no hope ..so.....bleak...:)

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~Bleak Black Freak> black people are regarded as unfavourable depressing and usually having cold and cheerless heart

BLACK(bleak)clouds are cause of cold and cheerless weather.

if the fortune BLINK at u, u get lucky and cheerful;on the other hand, if u r BLEAK, u r cheerless and feeling blue

bleak sounds like black -- black color is the symbol of hopelessness and depression.

The fuel started to leak from the rocket while the launch and hence the scientists remained cheerless,that is bleak

From german origin..(Bleach)..means with dull or weak skin..which is having less hope.. Or Bleak sounds like weak, & person who is so weak & abt to die is hopeless..

(B)bilious + leak


Short Definition : mar; spoil the beauty or perfection of; N: flaw or defect (that spoils perfection); Ex. blemishes in the crystal; CF. unblemished

(noun) a mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of something (especially on a person's body)
Synonyms : defect mar
Example Sentence
  • a facial blemish
(verb) mar or spoil the appearance of
Synonyms : deface disfigure
Example Sentence
  • scars defaced her cheeks
  • The vandals disfigured the statue
(verb) mar or impair with a flaw
Synonyms : spot
Example Sentence
  • her face was blemished
(verb) add a flaw or blemish to; make imperfect or defective
Synonyms : flaw
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blemish

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see blame in it..if u blame some one then you put a black mark on his reputation

blam + ish -- blam -- blame --> a person is blamed of spoiling the beauty or appearance of something beautiful.

kisee pe blame lagana-- daag lagana-- hence blame = daag

blemish sounds like blaming, blaming is the only flaw or defect which our math teacher had when I was in school except that he was very good teacher


Short Definition : plant disease; V: infect with blight; ruin; destroy

(noun) a state or condition being blighted Definition
(noun) any plant disease resulting in withering without rotting Definition
(verb) cause to suffer a blight
Synonyms : plague
Example Sentence
  • Too much rain may blight the garden with mold
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blight

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Black light may destroy the plants

Blight brings Plight


children often gets DLIGHTED wen they have a sickness(disase) so cu'd skip school

bina light ke plant to marega hi na

blight like a means no/away like that b means no, no light will cause the plant disease or else it will destroy/ruin the plant


Short Definition : suffering from a disease; destroyed

(adj) affected by blight; anything that mars or prevents growth or prosperity
Synonyms : spoilt
Example Sentence
  • a blighted rose
  • blighted urban districts
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blighted

trees bina light gets blighted

blight (bina light) - if u read it will DESTROY ur eye sight

black-lighted. Normal sunlight is helpful for growth but black-light on the other hand hinders growth.

When someone is suffering from a disease, he loses weight and becomes light...

Think of DELIGHT which is nice and attractive and BLIGHT means which is damaged and destroyed

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BLIGHTED: LIGHTED, when something's lighted up...or burnt,its destroyed

blighted - sounds like plighted i.e in a bad plight

blighted so no lighted which means not having light at all will ofcourse make you suffer from a disease

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