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Short Definition : large group; Ex. a bevy of starlets

(noun) a large gathering of people of a particular type
Example Sentence
  • he was surrounded by a bevy of beauties in bathing attire
  • a bevy of young beach boys swarmed around him
(noun) a flock of birds (especially when gathered close together on the ground)
Example Sentence
  • we were visited at breakfast by a bevy of excited ducks
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bevy

Bevy=be +"we" not me, hence refers to group of people

bevy-beavers.this brings this word in our mind. beavers are animals that live in large group.

sounds like BIWI (wife in hindi) .. wives like to go to kitty party GROUPS

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Imagine a large group of friends at a party drinking "bevy"s (beverages)

sounds like Baby; actually babies like to keep themselves in a group. So Bevy means large group

can be related to Bheed(hindi) very.

bevy sounds like heavy and so the large group

bevy sound like bidai after marriage many ppl gather for bidai of bride


Short Definition : be cautious (of)

(verb) be on one's guard; be cautious or wary about; be alert to
Synonyms : mind
Example Sentence
  • Beware of telephone salesmen
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for beware

it will be written on the gates"BEAWARE OF DOGS"


Short Definition : cast a spell over; captivate completely

(verb) attract; cause to be enamored
Example Sentence
  • She captured all the men's hearts
(verb) attract strongly, as if with a magnet
Example Sentence
  • She magnetized the audience with her tricks
(verb) cast a spell over someone or something; put a hex on someone or something
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bewitch

be+witch -- a woman who practices magic is witch. think of this witch who has captured all men heart.

witch will have all powers to have control on someone

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bewitched-if u can remember the film bewitched.


Short Definition : two-chambered as a legislative body

(adj) composed of two legislative bodies Definition
(adj) consisting of two chambers
Synonyms : two-chambered
Example Sentence
  • the bicameral heart of a fish
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bicameral

its like two(bi) camera are placed in two separate chambers

it sounds like bi + kamra = 2 rooms meaning 2 chambers

bi (means two) + camer (latin root)(chamber) ~ something that consist of two chambers.


Short Definition : quarrel

(noun) a quarrel about petty points Definition
(verb) argue over petty things
Example Sentence
  • Let's not quibble over pennies
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bicker

bicker sounds like biker.Bikers always quarrel when an accident is commited

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Bicker sounds like Biker The biker crashed into the car and he had a big quarrel with the owner of the car.

Biker sounds like BEKAR(hindi)...so biker is to argue n quarrel...

er- er is to error,if u reemmebr in most of the cases.quarrel,is a word with a negative meaning.

~bekar ==> arrey,bekar mein ladai mat karo yaar,

bhayanak or fierceful battle

bicker sounds like liquor. and also biker liquor and biker...the sudden rexion produced by our brains is FIGHT

bicker->birds use bick for fighting

sounds like BITTER and generally bitter persons end up quarelling


Short Definition : command; utter (a greeting); offer as a price; N: offer of a price; amount offered; earnest effort to gain something; Ex. bid for freedom

(noun) an authoritative direction or instruction to do something Definition
(noun) an attempt to get something
Synonyms : play
Example Sentence
  • they made a futile play for power
  • he made a bid to gain attention
(noun) a formal proposal to buy at a specified price
Synonyms : tender
(noun) (bridge) the number of tricks a bridge player is willing to contract to make
Synonyms : bidding
(verb) propose a payment
Synonyms : offer tender
Example Sentence
  • The Swiss dealer offered $2 million for the painting
(verb) invoke upon
Synonyms : wish
Example Sentence
  • wish you a nice evening
  • bid farewell
(verb) ask for or request earnestly
Example Sentence
  • The prophet bid all people to become good persons
(verb) make a demand, as for a card or a suit or a show of hands
Synonyms : call
Example Sentence
  • He called his trump
(verb) make a serious effort to attain something
Example Sentence
  • His campaign bid for the attention of the poor population
(verb) ask someone in a friendly way to do something
Synonyms : invite
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bid

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bid sounds like beed i offer my sister beed bangeles so that i can impress her


Short Definition : every two years

(noun) (botany) a plant having a life cycle that normally takes two seasons from germination to death to complete; flowering biennials usually bloom and fruit in the second season Definition
(adj) having a life cycle lasting two seasons
Synonyms : two-year
Example Sentence
  • a biennial life cycle
  • parsnips and carrots are biennial plants often grown as annuals
(adj) occurring every second year
Synonyms : biyearly
Example Sentence
  • they met at biennial conventions
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for biennial


Enn means year Therefore, Biennial - Happening every second year Perennial - continuing from year to year, present at all seasons.


Enn means year Therefore, +BI MEANS TWO.. Biennial - Happening every second year Perennial - continuing from year to year, present at all seasons.

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The word Biennial can be ralted to the word Binomial which means 2 tersm...so 2 terms implies 2 years


Short Definition : divided into two branches; forked

(adj) divided into or made up of two parts
Example Sentence
  • socially bifurcated populations
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bifurcated

bi (two)+ fur (sounds like hindi faar (tear))===divided into two parts

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bi(two)..cate..read it as cut..if we cut anything it will be cut into two parts

bi(means two)+furc-sounds like(Fork)-->fork into two parts.

bi(2)+furc+ate=dividing into 2 parts and eating


Short Definition : one who is intolerant (in matters of religion or politics)

(noun) a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bigot

bi means two or second.one is intolerable if he GOT second thought or opinion from others

when something is BIG shOT to head; it is INTOLERENT

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bigot:think Be Goat:intolerable goat.

BIGot- he is very big and he is intolerable person

when we are angry and intolerant we say " BAIGON ... jaane de" similar to BIGOT (BAIGOT))..

Bi+GOT(God) wo mere tolerance se bahar ja raha tha

bigad(D)a -some one who is intolerant.

bi(by)+got(god)--think of a person who is excessively devoted to god and hence very much hypocritical.this person will not tolerate any opinion about god differing from his own.

BHAGAT(devout person) of indian religion is bigot

wen sum1 says BY GOD he gets irritated or intolerant if anyone quetions him

bigot: zealot !!

Bi+Got : if you have 2 seconds to do the task you will become intolerant.

read it as Bey+Got..... when we wanted to force our opinion we say in hindi " aBEYYY u GOT it!!!!!!!?????


Short Definition : stubborn intolerance

(noun) the intolerance and prejudice of a bigot
Synonyms : dogmatism
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bigotry

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BHAGAT(rebellious person) of indian history is bigot --- his quality is bigotry [Tri means 3 people on punishment]

biggo means a person who acts oversmart.so if he tries to explain something to his fellow beings it just becomes a case of intoleranser(bigotry) for them

big + ot.. one who thinks himself BIG and OThers small and cannot tolerate other views.

Teacher asked you to Go and try the question again .. He is very particular about the style and content used .. He is showing Stubborn Intolerance

BIGOT and BIGOTRY..mean d same..BIGOT:root:intolerant

big+o+try=large try will b done by stubborn intolerance ppl

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