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Short Definition : mad with violent anger; frenzied; madly excited

(noun) one of the ancient Norse warriors legendary for working themselves into a frenzy before a battle and fighting with reckless savagery and insane fury
Synonyms : berserker
(adj) frenzied as if possessed by a demon
Example Sentence
  • the soldier was completely amuck
  • berserk with grief
  • a berserk worker smashing windows
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for berserk

ye to BER ber hi kiye ja raha hai. lagta hai dimag SARAK gaya hai iska

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divide it like --ber+serk-->serak..if someone gets madly EXCITED about something..we say..SARAK GAYA YE TO....

erk- this word,in he word berserk resembles the meaning erked,that means somthing mad about or violent.

ber + serk(shark) ....shark is angry and out of control

Berserk resembles the hindi word Besabar.. someone who's madly excited about something..

Berserk resembles the hindi word Besabar.. someone who's madly excited about something..

berserk == ber (bar) + serk (shirk) when the manager saw the bartender is shirk, he became angry(berserk).

Berserk : Ransack!

be+risk if someone is more angry he is at risk

when we are mad or voilent anger....and somebody not giving the way for us then we shall say" abey sarak "

beer peke insan ka dimag kharab hojata hai aur woh wild hojata hai

beer se dimag sarka hain

remember the movie shrek...where the main charecter always gets in to anger..

BELKUL(Hindi) + SARAK(Mad - Hindi)

 Bark + shirk : when a person is mad in anger, he barks like a dog and bitse like a shark

beher sarkho we will say this when we are very angery on someone


Short Definition : beg; plead with

(verb) ask for or request earnestly
Example Sentence
  • The prophet bid all people to become good persons
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for beseech

beseech rhymes wid BHEEKH (Hindi)

Bees (20) rupees de do plz

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beggar begging for BAKSHEESH

divide it like-->be(beggar)+seech(seek)..all beggars always seek alms from us, so they PLEAD TO US or request earnestly.

by combining the mnemonics above we can write beseech == beekh + search. someone who search for beekh(beg).

Beseech= Be+ Seek(Ask money, needy)

Be + Seek >>> we seek something from others.. ie. almost begging...

be(we) +see(seek) ch(charity)- we seek charity--when we seek charity we ask for it or plead for it.

Be+ Sick >>> when we are sick of something, we BEG to god for avoiding this again to happen..


Short Definition : harass or trouble from all directions; hem in

(verb) annoy continually or chronically
Example Sentence
  • He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked
  • This man harasses his female co-workers
(verb) assail or attack on all sides:
Synonyms : set upon
Example Sentence
  • The zebra was beset by leopards
(verb) decorate or cover lavishly (as with gems)
Synonyms : encrust incrust
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for beset

beset. bees+attack. imagine bees attack on u from all directions.

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beset sounds like be set(ready) to face attack from all directions

be+set ~ Once the batsman is SET, he can easily attack the bowlers and make runs on all sides.

beset => upset

The new batsman is yet to be set, so he will be hemed in by all fielders.

when smthing is not able to 'set' in then its in trouble from all directions

when product release dates are set that time employees feel the pressure or harass or trouble from all the direction.)


Short Definition : surround with armed forces; harass (with requests); annoy continually

(verb) surround so as to force to give up
Example Sentence
  • The Turks besieged Vienna
(verb) cause to feel distressed or worried
Example Sentence
  • She was besieged by so many problems that she got discouraged
(verb) harass, as with questions or requests
Example Sentence
  • The press photographers besieged the movie star
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for besiege

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divide it like-->be+siege(seize)-- Indian army has seized the line of control, and now the whole area is surrounded by armed forces.

be + seize = u are seized by armed forces / by some1 who is continiously annoying u ..!!


Short Definition : soil; defile; make dirty

(verb) charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone
Example Sentence
  • The journalists have defamed me!
  • The article in the paper sullied my reputation
(verb) smear so as to make dirty or stained
Synonyms : smirch
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for besmirch

Besmirch= kisi ki achi reputation ko mirche lga ke bigadna

Besmirch = Bees + Mirch (In Hindi language Bees means twenty and Mirch means pepper) So,if you will add twenty pepper, you will definitely spoil the food.

besMIRCH-ifu chk the word mirch,it calls to our mind chilli's .chillis grown on soil,so is to meaning.

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mirch -> mirchi fm. hearing mirchi fm before exam will spoil the exam

BE (meaning throughout) + MIRE (to sully, dirty, muddy)= to fully ruin a reputation

bees bees mirchi dalega to khana to spoil hona hi hain

kisike base pe mirch lagana matlam usko maign kar dena

smirch sounds like smirk. His SMIRK left a STAIN in my mind


Short Definition : beastlike; brutal; inhuman; very cruel

(adj) resembling a beast; showing lack of human sensibility
Example Sentence
  • beastly desires
  • a bestial nature
  • brute force
  • a dull and brutish man
  • bestial treatment of prisoners
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bestial

bestial -> beastial means beast like

This word together sounds like BEast tail -- beast with a tail implies lacking of human quality ~ inhuman.

bestial = best + i + all -- a monster is arguing that he is the best of all ...!!


Short Definition : confer

(verb) present
Synonyms : confer
Example Sentence
  • The university conferred a degree on its most famous former student, who never graduated
  • bestow an honor on someone
(verb) give as a gift Definition
(verb) bestow a quality on
Example Sentence
  • Her presence lends a certain cachet to the company
  • The music added a lot to the play
  • She brings a special atmosphere to our meetings
  • This adds a light note to the program
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bestow

(BESTOW) best people are bestowed with awards and trophies

This word sounds like best toy; when you give a BEST TOY TO your little brother, you basically confer your best wishes or your love to him by giving him a gift.

"best aao aur gift pao"(Hindi)

best + toe = the best gift to some1 u gave is ur toe ..!!

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basically this word is taken from bestowen means..be + stowen means to place..so to place a gift for your friend...at her home...without letting her know....

If some body offer s.t(Schedule Tribe) certificate then one sound will come bestow.


Short Definition : signify; indicate; be a sign of

(verb) be a signal for or a symptom of
Example Sentence
  • These symptoms indicate a serious illness
  • Her behavior points to a severe neurosis
  • The economic indicators signal that the euro is undervalued
(verb) indicate by signs
Example Sentence
  • These signs bode bad news
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for betoken

divide it like be+token ; When we park a vehicle in public parking or deposit something a token is given -- a token is a sign of or signifies that our stuff is kept there.

be a token for something...means be a sign/signal for something


Short Definition : be unfaithful; reveal (unconsciously or unwillingly); Ex. Her trembling hands betray her anxiety.

(verb) reveal unintentionally
Synonyms : bewray
Example Sentence
  • Her smile betrayed her true feelings
(verb) deliver to an enemy by treachery
Synonyms : sell
Example Sentence
  • Judas sold Jesus
  • The spy betrayed his country
(verb) disappoint, prove undependable to; abandon, forsake
Synonyms : fail
Example Sentence
  • His sense of smell failed him this time
  • His strength finally failed him
  • His children failed him in the crisis
(verb) be sexually unfaithful to one's partner in marriage
Example Sentence
  • She cheats on her husband
  • Might her husband be wandering?
(verb) give away information about somebody
Example Sentence
  • He told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam
(verb) cause someone to believe an untruth
Synonyms : deceive lead astray
Example Sentence
  • The insurance company deceived me when they told me they were covering my house
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for betray

bet.+ray ..so a bet that was won by your friend by cheating you, so you are noW unfaithful about hIS NATURE, as his behaviour has left NO RAY OF HOPE.

be + tray ek ladka tray le kar bhag gaya matlab dhoka de kar bhag gaya so the meaning is unfaithful and reveal


Short Definition : become engaged to marry

(verb) give to in marriage
Synonyms : affiance engage plight
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for betroth

dont plan to get married otherwise i BET ki tu ROTHa(crying) hua aayega

this word,brings us to mind the word "BEDROCK", ifu remember flintstones,bedrock is the one u will remember,wr flintstones get married.

be+Troth -- sounds like truth The lovers finally fretted out the TRUTH that they both are going to marry each other after hiding their affair from past 3 years.

If you dont marry Good partner i BET tu ROTHA ayega.

when u BETROTH a woman,be TRUSTworTHY

BEROTH: BE ROTT...so after a man gets married he basically ROTTS...(cheers to bachelor life :)

aree samjh ki life truth marriage me phasana hi hain..

betroth(throat) imagine in hindi films where a father says to his daughter that he have given "bachhan"(throat)so she must marry whoever he tell

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