• word of the day


    desolate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word desolate

    (verb) leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch
    Synonyms : abandon , desert , forsake
    Example Sentence
    • The mother deserted her children
    (verb) reduce in population
    Synonyms : depopulate
    Example Sentence
    • The epidemic depopulated the countryside
    (verb) cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly
    Example Sentence
    • The enemy lay waste to the countryside after the invasion
    (adj) providing no shelter or sustenance
    Synonyms : bare , barren , bleak , stark
    Example Sentence
    • bare rocky hills
    • barren lands
    • the bleak treeless regions of the high Andes
    • the desolate surface of the moon
    • a stark landscape
    (adj) crushed by grief
    Example Sentence
    • depressed and desolate of soul
    • a low desolate wail
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for desolate

de + solate sounds like I + SOLATE..and who lives an isolated life? Obviously a person who has been ABANDONED by his family.

I-SOLATE. Being the last survior after the destruction.

DE+SO+LATE = If DESis are always late (like always ;)) then the country will remain robbed of joy; lay waste to corruption; etc...

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