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Short Definition : pacify or soothe; Ex. appease a crying baby; N. appeasement

(verb) cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of
Example Sentence
  • She managed to mollify the angry customer
(verb) overcome or allay
Synonyms : quell stay
Example Sentence
  • quell my hunger
(verb) make peace with
Synonyms : propitiate
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for appease

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appease…app(appeal)+pease(peace) appeal for peace..…when war was going on in kasmir…our prime minister appealed people to maintain peace in the region.

ease is somthing to pacify, soothing,very ease.

when u drink appy(app) drink u feel ease and relieved..

appease == ap(appeal) + peasant(labor).. appeal(or help) for the peasant.

app(appeal)+ease(easy)=appeal for easiness i.e.;peace or soothe

Appa(dad)+peace us always by giving something

After the end of World War II, peace brought calmness to all parts of the world.

APPEASE<===> संतुष्ट करना (pr. \\sanatuShT karana \\ )[TransitiveVerb] Example:Shop keepers try their best to appease their customer. The owner appeased his workers by granting them bonus.

bring to a peace and ease


Short Definition : name; title

(noun) identifying word or words by which someone or something is called and classified or distinguished from others
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for appellation

"j'me appelle ....." means "my name is ..... "in french...so appellation means name or title by which u call someone

sounds like application name which shows title.

Imagine the finest Technology company - Apple. It's a symbol of designation, a prestigious title.

appellation=app(aap)+relation...so the thing which has relation with you is of course your title

appellation sounds like spellation, whenever we say our name some people wants us to spell it.

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In Tulu language Appe menas Mother. Mother calls her child with different names.

appellation=appel(apple)=we all know apple its a big NAME in technology and a TITLE

APPELLATION<===> पदवी/नाम/उपाधि (pr. \\padavi/nam/upadhi \\ )[Noun]

If you appeal on court, the court man will appell your name "itgulpp itgulpp itgulpp" three times.

appellation=Apple is the NAME of a computer


Short Definition : attach

(verb) add to the very end
Synonyms : add on affix supplement
Example Sentence
  • He appended a glossary to his novel where he used an invented language
(verb) fix to; attach
Synonyms : hang on tack tack on tag on
Example Sentence
  • append a charm to the necklace
(verb) state or say further
Synonyms : add supply
Example Sentence
  • `It doesn't matter,' he supplied
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for append

append=ap+pend(if we keep on pending our work it will attach/add to tension )

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APPENDIX...APPENDAGE....appendix...APPEND is a part in human beings that is attached to larger and more important parts....

app-end : add to the end - attach

append=APP~UP(tie up)+END...so tieing smthing at the end of a statement is called append:)

sounds like up-END..itself contains END..something related with END.



Short Definition : diligent attention; diligence; V. apply oneself

(noun) the act of bringing something to bear; using it for a particular purpose
Example Sentence
  • he advocated the application of statistics to the problem
  • a novel application of electronics to medical diagnosis
(noun) a verbal or written request for assistance or employment or admission to a school
Example Sentence
  • December 31 is the deadline for applications
(noun) the work of applying something
Synonyms : coating covering
Example Sentence
  • the doctor prescribed a topical application of iodine
  • a complete bleach requires several applications
  • the surface was ready for a coating of paint
(noun) a program that gives a computer instructions that provide the user with tools to accomplish a task
Example Sentence
  • he has tried several different word processing applications
(noun) liquid preparation having a soothing or antiseptic or medicinal action when applied to the skin
Synonyms : lotion
Example Sentence
  • a lotion for dry skin
(noun) a diligent effort
Synonyms : diligence
Example Sentence
  • it is a job requiring serious application
(noun) the action of putting something into operation
Example Sentence
  • the application of maximum thrust
  • massage has far-reaching medical applications
  • the application of indexes to tables of data
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for application

While writing an application, one is diligently attentive

Writing a good application requires serious application (diligence/hard-work)


Short Definition : appropriate; fitting

(adj) being of striking appropriateness and pertinence
Synonyms : apt pertinent
Example Sentence
  • the successful copywriter is a master of apposite and evocative verbal images
  • an apt reply
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apposite

apposite=> opposite of OPPOSITE i.e. perfectly matched; appropriate; most suitable

appropriate site

apposite = a (not) + opposite ; hence not opposite = appropriate.

"application on site" that is fitting something appropriately on the site...

remember with opposite,

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apposite=app(APT)+posite(POSITION),,,,,,,,it means apt position that is APPROPRIATE position

apposite reminds of opposite which means reverse etc so apposite can be taken to be opposite of opposite ie.,meaning exactly equal,exact fit,appropriate

APPOSITE --opposite of opposite. appropriate

an APP 4 Apple iPad which is rated POSITIVEly is an APPOSITE app

APPOSITE<===> उचित (pr. \\uchit \\ )[Adjective] Example:Do not deviate from the apposite topic of discussion . In this context it would be quite apposite to say that our policy is up to the mark .

apposite ~ opposite size; I need a small size shirt, and it's opposite (big size) and hence not suitable (appropriate) for me.

apposite = app. (application) + o + site, application on site is always most suitable.


Short Definition : estimate value of; N. appraisal

(verb) evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of
Example Sentence
  • I will have the family jewels appraised by a professional
  • access all the factors when taking a risk
(verb) consider in a comprehensive way
Synonyms : survey
Example Sentence
  • He appraised the situation carefully before acting
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for appraise

appraise -consider praise and price --what is the price of praise which u cant say but u can estimate..

appRAISE- raise=estimate whether rise in value or not!

app(up)+raise(rise)= up rising salary we need to ESTIMATE and SURVEY the work done

The Manager APPRISED(informed) about the APPRAISAL(performance evaluation) to the Employee..

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Appraise...before the praise we should judge!!

appraise dicusiion done whn raising d price and apprise is notify whn d price have already risen

app + raise; I send an application to my employer to raise my salary. Now, they will estimate my work value and will decide accordingly.

AP+PRICE=application price,estimated value ie price of application

APPRAISE<===> मूल्यांकन करना (pr. \\mulyanakan karana \\ )[Verb]


Short Definition : be thankful for; increase in worth; be thoroughly conscious of; ADJ. appreciable: enough to be felt; Ex. appreciable difference

(verb) recognize with gratitude; be grateful for Definition
(verb) be fully aware of; realize fully
Synonyms : take account
Example Sentence
  • Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter?
(verb) hold dear
Synonyms : prize treasure value
Example Sentence
  • I prize these old photographs
(verb) gain in value
Synonyms : apprise apprize revalue
Example Sentence
  • The yen appreciated again!
(verb) increase the value of
Synonyms : apprise apprize
Example Sentence
  • The Germans want to appreciate the Deutsche Mark
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for appreciate

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u went to a museum "fully conscious" of the artist u appreciated a painted which increased it's worth ..the artist was thankful to u..all the meanings get covered

u dont appreciate anyone with half-mindedness...u do it with full consciousness...!!!

appreciate is opposite of depreciate which is to diminish in value


Short Definition : arrest (a criminal); dread; perceive; N. apprehension

(verb) get the meaning of something
Example Sentence
  • Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?
(verb) take into custody
Example Sentence
  • the police nabbed the suspected criminals
(verb) anticipate with dread or anxiety
Synonyms : quail at
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apprehend

up your hands - said the FBI before grabbing the criminal.

appre (sounds simillar to hindi word UPPER karo)+ hend(HAND)...SO when POLICE come to ARREST SOMEONE or take someone in custody..they ask HANDS UP!!! appre (upper) + hands..

when you read it....read it like.....A PRE HAND......sitution....PERCEIVEING about sth which will happen in future.....

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A+ppre+hend--- if we do (ppre+hend)prehand(like forehand which means doing somwthing in advance like if we do preparation in advance ) we will UNDERSTAND and PERCEIVE BETTER

read it like 'up re hand' >>> "chal aapne haath upar le"... police wala says like this only when arresting some criminal..

APPREHEND<===> पकड़ना (pr. \\pakaDDana \\ )[TransitiveVerb] Example:Pupils can easily apprehend the meaning of a word written in their vernacular.


Short Definition : fearful; discerning

(adj) quick to understand
Synonyms : discerning
Example Sentence
  • a kind and apprehensive friend
(adj) mentally upset over possible misfortune or danger etc
Synonyms : worried
Example Sentence
  • apprehensive about her job
  • not used to a city and worried about small things
  • felt apprehensive about the consequences
(adj) in fear or dread of possible evil or harm
Example Sentence
  • apprehensive for one's life
  • apprehensive of danger
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apprehensive

appreHENsive:hen is always fearful...

Apprehend + sive (Thieve) Thieves always have a fear of getting apprehended

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APPREHENSIVE<===> बोदगम्य/आशंकावान (pr. \\bodagamy/Ashanakavan \\ )[Adjective] Example:I feel very apprehensive about tomorrows match.

apprehensive sounds OFFENSIVE, hence fearful

apprehend(=arrest) +sive (sounds like seize) = apprehensive.....when somebody is arrested, he will be "FEARFUL"

appre+hen:appre can be related to opra while opra if hens suddenly come everyone frightens


appre+hen+sive—who appears like hen--- hen is always fearful

apprehend means arrested, and arrested person is always in fear about future


Short Definition : inform

(verb) inform (somebody) of something
Example Sentence
  • I advised him that the rent was due
(verb) make aware of
Synonyms : apprize instruct
Example Sentence
  • Have the students been apprised of the tuition hike?
(verb) gain in value
Example Sentence
  • The yen appreciated again!
(verb) increase the value of
Synonyms : appreciate apprize
Example Sentence
  • The Germans want to appreciate the Deutsche Mark
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apprise

one who will inform will get the prize


APPle+RISE......Instead of Sun, If you see an APPLE has risen...what will you do????? you will INFORM peopla, media etc to see the miracle!!!!!!

just imagine informing someone "aapka rise ho raha hei"

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relate it with "surprise" means inform suddenly-


apple price...to tell the price of apple (to inform)

AppRise,to Rise the demand of their application Microsoft has started INFORMING through ads

After the APPRAISAL, the inspector APPRISE the manager that he will give 4.5 out of 5 stars to his restaurant

The employer was apprised by the manager that the chances of the employee being appraised in the next appraisal cycle are at the discretion of the director's approbation.

I praise you if you apprise me about your appraisal of the prize!

apprise: relate it to rise...an increase...smthing that increase the value ...

APPRISE<===> सूचित करना (pr. \\suchit karana \\ )[TransitiveVerb] Example:The press reporters were apprised of The Cabinet Ministers decisions.

ap(apply)+prise(prize)-apply for prize,is like informing to section board

consider it as appraisal..

to inform ke AAPKO mila PRIZE.....

if you win a prize in competition, won’t you tell everyone?

apprise= up rise when you rise up in your life.you tend to inform others about this.

the APpaisal of prise(price) neds to be INFORMED

read it as ap(up)+prise(prize) which means increase in prize

AAP ne NOTICE kiya hai har cheez ki prize kitni bad gayi hai ...that makes is AAP+PRISE apprise.

minister informed that apple price has increased so eat pineapple

app(appeal) + rise.. sun rises to appeal its a new day!

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