• word of the day


    pertinent - Dictionary definition and meaning for word pertinent

    (adj) having precise or logical relevance to the matter at hand
    Example Sentence
    • a list of articles pertinent to the discussion
    • remarks that were to the point
    (adj) being of striking appropriateness and pertinence
    Synonyms : apposite , apt
    Example Sentence
    • the successful copywriter is a master of apposite and evocative verbal images
    • an apt reply
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pertinent

relate to pertaining....which means relevant to

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can brake into pert(read like part)+in it. to take part in. it(something) must be suitable.

party in a tent is suitable

pertinant sounds like relevant

relate it to tenant.a particular tenant wid whom u ca share a good rapport is d one most suited to give your house on rent.

PER(perk)+TINE(tiny)+NT(not)....TINY PERKS are not SUITABLE.

The parts(pert) in(in) ent(ear,nose,teeth) is always important

Word used in video below:
text: pertinent m'lady goodbye master George I
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