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Short Definition : approval

(noun) official approval Definition
(noun) official recognition or approval
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for approbation

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Ap+PROBATION: You get CONFIRMATION/APPROVAL in your job after your Probation period

APPRO-bation something related to approve or approval

The employer was apprised by the manager that the chances of the employee being appraised in the next appraisal cycle are at the discretion of the director's approbation.

approbation can be remembered as approval and approval are grneraly given in offical and authority matters.

approbation ~ approb (approval) + at + ion (Ion technologies company); job approval in some company.

PROBE into the matter for APPROBATION of the person's PROBITY

approved your confirmation

Approving Commendation

approval of BAIL; remember approval

just change 'b' into 'v', so we have approvation (approve) ;)

APPROBATION<===> मंजूरी/अनुमोदन (pr. \\manajuri/anumodan \\ )[Noun] Example:The approbation committee passed the bill willingly.

ap-andhra pradesh pro-corrupt bation-bowl


Short Definition : acquire; take possession of for one's own use without permission; set aside for a particular purpose; allocate; CF. misappropriate

(verb) give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause
Example Sentence
  • I will earmark this money for your research
  • She sets aside time for meditation every day
(verb) take possession of by force, as after an invasion
Synonyms : capture conquer seize
Example Sentence
  • the invaders seized the land and property of the inhabitants
  • The army seized the town
  • The militia captured the castle
(adj) suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc
Example Sentence
  • a book not appropriate for children
  • a funeral conducted the appropriate solemnity
  • it seems that an apology is appropriate
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for appropriate

appropriate = a + property + iate.. i.e. to make it your own property .. by force if required.. And also when you are appropriating it your self you are "allocating" it to yourself.

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appropriate: is like app(apple) rop(rob) riate(ate= taking away), is taking ur apple from u, taking possession of.


Property + Ate

a+ppropriate(proprietorship)means the ownership of a business or property.

when something is appropriate, we do not ask for approval i.e., take without permission


Short Definition : with reference to; regarding; Ex. remarks apropos (of) the present situation; ADJ. ADV.

(adj) of an appropriate or pertinent nature Definition
(adv) at an opportune time
Example Sentence
  • your letter arrived apropos
(adv) introducing a different topic; in point of fact
Example Sentence
  • incidentally, I won't go to the party
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apropos

apropos sounds like "Propose" This issue is faced by many teenage boys/girls :) When is the right time to propose to a Girl/Boy you love? Hence apropos is an opportune moment or right moment/time.

apropos ~ apro + pos ~ appropriate + position - appropriate + situation...

split it like a+propos.sounds like..propose...and you propose a plan in your office related to or concerning to" how to increse sales of product.."

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apropos=a+pro(program)+pos(position) a program conducted by a news paper in order to inform position of some xyz person.

APROPOS OF<===> के संदर्भ में (pr. \\ke sanadarbh men \\ )[Noun]

sounds also similar to purpose.... so if you have .a. purpose .or aim.to do something you wait...for the opportune time to come..

A means one, pro always means bettter , pos means position is always good for right person


Short Definition : fitness; talent

(noun) inherent ability
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for aptitude

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remember this word from various "aptitude tests" which check talent or IQ etc

aptitude( attitude ) every people have their own different attitude which their natural ability

inherent attitude

He has talent and fitness also to reach any altitude

apt -> fit


Short Definition : curved; hooked; of or like an eagle; Ex. aquiline nose

(adj) curved down like an eagle's beak
Synonyms : hooked
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for aquiline

aqui(aqua) reminds us of water(or catching fish)..a curved hook is used for fishing or catching fishes.

brk into aqui+line. so when we draw LINES in AQUA(water) they are never straight...i.e they are CURVED line...

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Aquiline-> A-Q-Line, now when we write the letter Q, its not a straight line, but a curved line.

It sounds like A+kua(well)+line(Railway line)..... Sentence:- mere ghar ke samne ek kua hone ke kaaran railway line CURVED ho gayi hai

Aquiline is a curved line

Aquiline - "a" + "quill" + "line" which is bent crooked n an eagle has a quill

Aqua(water) can bend to take any shape. Aquiline is a line which acquired this property of water so it can bend into curve

AQUILINE<===> गरूड़ के समान (pr. \\garuDa ke saman \\ )[Noun]

Aqua Line: Water line is aquiline (curved)


Short Definition : fit for growing crops; Ex. arable land

(adj) (of farmland) capable of being farmed productively
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for arable

associate the word with ARAB.The desert is totally unfit for agriculture.so what they want most is land for agriculture

An ARAB dreams of making his land (desert) ARABLE.

agra (agriculture) + able;

agriculture - able

arable( irriable , the land which can be irrigated) is so fine for cultivation of wheat

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Arable = ar(ab + ab)le arabs are now able to grow plants and trees.

ARABLE<===> कृषि योग्य (pr. \\kaRaShi yogy \\ )[Adjective] Example:In some parts of the deserts of Rajasthan land is converted into arable fields .

To make an Area Arable


Short Definition : person with power to decide a matter in dispute; judge who is in a position ot make influential judgments; Ex. supreme arbiter of fashion in beachware

(noun) someone with the power to settle matters at will
Synonyms : supreme authority
Example Sentence
  • she was the final arbiter on all matters of fashion
(noun) someone chosen to judge and decide a disputed issue
Synonyms : arbitrator umpire
Example Sentence
  • the critic was considered to be an arbiter of modern literature
  • the arbitrator's authority derived from the consent of the disputants
  • an umpire was appointed to settle the tax case
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for arbiter

AR(arbitarty means random)+BEATER......a person who beats the hammer on the table randomly saying SILENCE SILENCE is an arbiter

Its similar to arbitrate and Mnemonic for arbitrate is bit-rate, bit rate is the judging or deciding parameter for the transfer rate or say speed of data transfer..

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arbiter= "Argument" + "Beater"

OUR BEATER: our man who beats the hammer on the table

arbiter reminds of albert(einstein), the person who was able to judge any matter.

Arbiter: A person who listens to arbit discussions and give arbit judgements.

arbiter ~ a right and bitter; many times statements by people in power are right but bitter.

A + bit(beat) er = the man who beats is responsible to take decision at a dispute matter.

It reminds me of albert (Doumbledour) who takes all major decision @ hogward

ARBITER<===> निर्णायक/पंच (pr. \\nirNayak/panach \\ )[Noun] Example:The chairman is the full fledged arbiter in settling the disputes .

Arbiters are bitter than us


Short Definition : unreasonable or capricious; random; tyrannical; Ex. arbitrary ruler

(adj) based on or subject to individual discretion or preference or sometimes impulse or caprice
Example Sentence
  • an arbitrary decision
  • the arbitrary rule of a dictator
  • an arbitrary penalty
  • of arbitrary size and shape
  • an arbitrary choice
  • arbitrary division of the group into halves
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for arbitrary

< Latin arbitrarius "uncertain, depending on the judgment of an arbiter" < arbiter "judge

'a+bit+tray' flowing of bits in a tray... randomly

Just try remind "arbitrarily" (which we use often in regular speaking) means "a reckless manner".

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aaj-bhi-teri maan ni padegi...tyranical or unreasonable command..

(Arbitrary) It sounds Like 'orbit', to find your perfect orbit through a random chance.

ARBITRARY<===> मनमाना (pr. \\manamana \\ )[Adjective] Example:The arbitrary nominations by the party chief were widely criticised by the members.

[arbitrary sounds like contrary]..We might also consider contrary ideas; the decision will be based on situation-"arbitrary"


Short Definition : act as judge (at the request of both sides)

(verb) act between parties with a view to reconciling differences
Example Sentence
  • He interceded in the family dispute
  • He mediated a settlement
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for arbitrate

bit-rate, bit rate is the judging or deciding parameter for the transfer rate or say speed of data transfer..

arbitrate sounds similar to "illiterate". An illiterate cannot read or judge anything. So opposite of illiterate is arbitrate.

arbitrate= (arbit=arbiter=judge)+(trate = treat= act as)

AR(arbitarty means random)+BEATER......a person who beats the hammer on the table randomly saying SILENCE SILENCE is an arbiter

ARBITRATE<===> मध्यस्थता करना/पंच फैसला देना/निर्णय करना (pr. \\madhyasthata karana/panach phaisala dena/nirNay karana \\ )[Verb] Example:In anciant India judicial cases were ar


Short Definition : of or living in trees

(adj) of or relating to or formed by trees
Example Sentence
  • an arborous roof
(adj) inhabiting or frequenting trees
Synonyms : arboreous tree-living
Example Sentence
  • arboreal apes
(adj) resembling a tree in form and branching structure
Example Sentence
  • arborescent coral found off the coast of Bermuda
  • dendriform sponges
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for arboreal

arboreal:arrow+bow+real..made out of tree's

ar-bore-al : think of a woodpecker who makes a bore (a hole) to live in trees

Link it to arboretum (a place consisting of several trees for research purpose) arbo+ret+um arbo=large no in hindi; ret= scrambled tree

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'BORE' It si boer to live in trees like early man

ARBOREAL..sounds like AR(hara)BOR(bhara)EAL...thus indicating related to trees n greenery

ARBOREAL<===> वृक्षवासी (pr. \\vaRakShavasi \\ )[Adjective] Example:Birds are arboreal creatures .

rural areas are filled with arboreal plants

remember real fruit juice with arbo vitamins which is natural i.e made up of trees

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