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    treasure - Dictionary definition and meaning for word treasure

    (noun) accumulated wealth in the form of money or jewels etc.
    Synonyms : hoarded wealth
    Example Sentence
    • the pirates hid their treasure on a small island in the West Indies
    (noun) art highly prized for its beauty or perfection
    Synonyms : gem
    (noun) any possession that is highly valued by its owner
    Example Sentence
    • the children returned from the seashore with their shells and other treasures
    (noun) a collection of precious things
    Example Sentence
    • the trunk held all her meager treasures
    (verb) hold dear
    Synonyms : appreciate , prize , value
    Example Sentence
    • I prize these old photographs
    (verb) be fond of; be attached to
    Synonyms : care for , cherish , hold dear
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for treasure

TREASURE in great MEASURE was once accumulated by Pirates (sea robbers).

Ram CHARAN(CHERISH) has lot of Treasure

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text: treasure chest what treasure chest the
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