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Short Definition : opening; hole; adjustable opening in a camera that limits the amount of light

(noun) a device that controls amount of light admitted Definition
(noun) a natural opening in something Definition
(noun) an man-made opening; usually small
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for aperture


aperture = perture = puncture ; where puncture (as in cycle Tyre puncture) is a hole or opening in the tube etc...

APERTURE<===> छेद (pr. \\chhed \\ )[Noun] Example:Scientists say that there are lot of apertures on the moon.

Every aparat must have an aperture to take a picture


Short Definition : tip; summit; climax; highest point

(noun) the highest point (of something)
Synonyms : acme peak vertex
Example Sentence
  • at the peak of the pyramid
(noun) the point on the celestial sphere toward which the sun and solar system appear to be moving relative to the fixed stars
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apex

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Apex Climex (climax) gets me high of heights.

(apex:a+sex)when you will do sex with beautiful girl..this period is your top most period..means apex period.

ape+x an APE can climb to the TOPMOST/HIGHEST POINT

apex sounds like A+PEAK that is a highest point

apex sounds like A+PEAK that is a highest point

Apex sounds like Apec- the APEC summit conference for leaders. So apex means summit or tip.

Apex sounds like alex alexander the great reached highest point in his carrer


Short Definition : loss of speech due to injury or illness

(noun) inability to use or understand language (spoken or written) because of a brain lesion
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for aphasia

Try to remember with the word "amnesia", means loss of memory whereas, "aphasia" means loss of speech(2 better distinguish:'PH' like in PHrase or PHone->Aphasia whereas MN like in Memory or Mental->Amnesia)

a + phasia ~ a + face (sounds like); Imagine as if you suffering from some injury on face and hence can't speak to anyone.

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concentrate on PH -phone esia-means disease u cant talk on phone coz f the disease..

a face(phasia) injury..... i.e. unability to speak

aphasia( a pesu ya )u tell this to somebody who keeps silent to make him talk

i think ,this problem is commonly seen among asians.remember the word asia.

in hindi (phasi) means hang to death. when we are hanged we are unable to talk. which is loss of speech.

aphasia sounds like a facial which is done on the face... so when there is injury on the face then unable to speak

a phasia(fas gaya)... if u r in a gr8 problem, u tend to become speechless...

APHASIA ===> inability to use or understand language (spoken or written) because of a brain lesion[NOUN]

a(negative)=cannot phasia= sounds lik phrase "aphasia"...cannot phrase

aphasia is off Asia, every body understands English language here!


Short Definition : pithy maxim or saying; ADJ. aphoristic

(noun) a short pithy instructive saying
Synonyms : apophthegm apothegm
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for aphorism

aphorism---> a + phrase..

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hey this is a good one aphostropy(sorry spelling might be wrong) is very small symbol but has a lot of meaning just like aphorism

APHORISM<===> कहावत (pr. \\kahavat \\ )[Noun] Example:Aphorisms contain general truth.

a + phor (for); Kids are generally taugt like "A for apple".. and there is a famous aphorism "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."

a+phase Remember Navjot Singh sidhu for his proverbs which he would give in the cricket commentary

ape hor(whore) ism is a whores theory, a short saying by a whore... ap(ape) hor(whore) ism....

APHORISM can be split into "A(one)"+"SOPHOR/SOPHOS(wise)"+"ism"->which means a Wise Saying or Phrase


Short Definition : person who keeps bees

(noun) a farmer who keeps bees for their honey
Synonyms : apiculturist beekeeper
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apiarist

apiarist- A-BEE-RIST

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here p sounds like B- bee.. rist sounds like risk. Handling bees is a risk so a a-pia-rist

A pianist, who puts bees (notes) in order by playing them as a tune. Think beeee sound like miii or tiiii. Do re mi fa sol la ti do. Notes are flying through his mind, but he can bring them out as a tune.

Flip p into b, a-bie-a-wrist, Wrists control hands, which control the bees.

APIARIST ===> a farmer who keeps bees for their honey[NOUN]

remember Little John in Robin Hood, he was an apiarist priest


Short Definition : a place where bees are kept

(noun) a shed containing a number of beehives
Synonyms : bee house
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apiary

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bee hives are usually pear shape..... so a-piary

apiary - relate it to apiculture

Apiary~ a + pia(pie) i.e,if a pie is kept on the table bees will come to eat it


Short Definition : bee-keeping

(noun) the cultivation of bees on a commercial scale for the production of honey
Synonyms : beekeeping
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apiculture


apis=Bee+culture=improvement...i.e to improve the bees by collection.


Short Definition : poise; composure in difficult situations; assurance; self-confidence

(noun) great coolness and composure under strain
Example Sentence
  • keep your cool
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for aplomb

Take it as a-bomb, so a bomb defusing team must have following characteristics: assurance, balance, confidence, coolness, equanimity, nerve, nonchalance, poise, surety, tact... Nd these are the synonyms of aplomb!!!

aplomb ~ a + pl (people) + OM; people normally chant 'OM' when they do meditation to keep themselves cool under strain.

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Aplomb bomb - "da bomb" (slang for 'the coolest' or 'the best')

The PLUM tomato had a reason to be so APLOMB. It was rich and juicy with flavor.

APLOMB<===> आत्मविश्वास (pr. \\Atmavishvas \\ )[Noun]

apl-apply...omb sounds like bomb...so a trait in one who can apply in situations of bomb i.e.difficult

aplomb = apl (aplication) + om + b; The application of om is always feel great coolness & composure.

aplomb, aap + bomb can you put a bomb, do you have the self confidence you can do it. asked bin laden to a jihadi.


Short Definition : prophetic; pertaining to revelations especially of disaster; N. apocalypse

(adj) prophetic of devastation or ultimate doom Definition
(adj) of or relating to an apocalypse
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apocalyptic

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a + po(prophecy) + calyptic(calamity) . So a prophecy of a calamity.

calamity means a disiater- so focus on 'cal' in apocalyptic

apocalyptic ape+calyptic...calyptic is simaliar to a calamity..and ape is old so old calamity...or old disaster

remember the movie apocalypto...in this movie a lot of disaster happpens..

APOCALYPTIC<===> भविष्यसूचक (pr. \\bhaviShyasuchak \\ )[Noun]

apo + calyptic; calyptic ~ kaalpnic (imagination); so sometime people imagine as if they are going to die in some disaster.


Short Definition : (of a story) widely believed but untrue

(adj) being of questionable authenticity Definition
(adj) of or belonging to the Apocrypha
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apocryphal

Apocryphal Hypocritical (of false appearance of virtue)

Derived from root "crypt" which means "secret". So, Apocryphal means "of doubtful authenticity"

Assume a girl's cry. Cry is a part of the word Apo'cry'phal. Girl's crying is false and made up. So, Apocryphal means made up or questionable.

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apo+cry+phal:ur crying so mom question's u..questionable...u say fall which is untrue

apocryphal = apo + cry + phal; so you cry realizing that your new jewellery is spurious!

APO CRY FAIL- you cry because,you fail; but that is untrue because i am sure you passed; therefore its of questionable authority...

APKO itna jyada CRY karne ka PHAL kuch nahi milne wala cozi know what ever u said is all UNTRUE,FALSE,MADE UP stories etc...

a(negative) +cryptic(secret)+phal(sounds like false) =>so it is widely known(not secret) but false

He claims to have A POCKET FULL of money, but we all know better.

Phil, the little known 13th APOstel, CRYed because his writings were deemed by the church to be PHull--of-it. The scriptures of John, Paul, George and Ringo were published but those of Phil were hidden away.

Think of the books not accepted into the Bible. They were not found in the APOSTLES' CRYPT.

APOCRYPHAL<===> मणगढ़ंत (pr. \\maNagaDhanat \\ )[Noun]

concentrate on CRY+PHAL.when ur mother asks u did u eat the PHAL(fruit)which were not ours.u CRY[u hide ur mistake ie untrue].

In the Fiction(not real/true) film if one ate that PHAL(fruit) he/she would CRY for the whole day.

apolo+cry:-remember the greek god appolo,in the situation of disaster greek pepole says that appolo is crying.but it is not true thats why we can say apolcryphal means wide spread thing but untrue

Assume writer wrote in article a girl APO CRY for PHAL(fruit) which is not seem true.. Doubtful orginity, a questionable authorship or authenticity.

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