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Short Definition : place where different trees and shrubs are studied and exhibited

(noun) a facility where trees and shrubs are cultivated for exhibition
Synonyms : botanical garden
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for arboretum

just remember ARBOREAL : which means living in trees. so arboretum means something pertaining to trees

AR=agricultural + BORETUM = boredum...so imagine how u get BORED in STUDIES.hence ARBORETUM is agricultural boredum.

ARBO(root word :tree)-REAL:living in tree;RATUM:place where there are studied

ARBORE(t)um arboreum.sounds like herbarium.and it is a collection of plants & .all botany students need to prepare herbarium.....the word herb is related with small trees in herbarium you exhibit...all kind of trees and plants.......as a sample.....

arbor,arboreal,arborize all are related to trees

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arboretum = arbo related to trees n retum sounds like rectum(place where human waste get collected)

Arboretum: reverse ret to tre and try to realize it as follows: Arbo+tre(e)+um Arbo = Zillion in Hindi ; therefore Arbotreeum means place where are a zillion (arbo) trees .. of different variety.


Short Definition : a covered passageway usually lined with shops

(noun) a covered passageway with shops and stalls on either side Definition
(noun) a structure composed of a series of arches supported by columns
Synonyms : colonnade
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for arcade

Remember Delhi's palika bazar where you can buy arcade games

arcede games are generally indoor which means under roof or a passage under roof

the arch provided shade


Short Definition : esoteric; secret; mysterious; known only to the initiated; Ex. arcane ritual; Ex. arcane process closed to the uninitiated listener

(adj) requiring secret or mysterious knowledge
Example Sentence
  • the arcane science of dowsing
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for arcane

improvising the first mnemonic.., Ar + Kane - Kane's face always remains secret, as he uses a mask.

Arcane=ar+cane(Kane).... this is for WWF watchers...Kane (undertaker brother) he has really mysterious behavior....as he many times fought with his brother also.

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To change a sugarCANE into ARC needs a mysterious knowledge.

CRANE(Bird) stands on one leg is a mysterious feature

sugARCANE.....sugarcane fields are always mysterious as you can find any couple doing romance....remember the hindi song Ganne ke khet mein

Cain's (cane) behavior in killing his brother Abel is a mystery - what drove him to do it? This type of behavior led God to build the ARC and start over.

hanging Crane in air is mysterious/secret knowledge

need Indiana Jone's (the ARCheologist) cane to find the secret treasure

arcane: arc+cane i have cut the cane from the form secretly using an arc(curve shaped weapon)


Short Definition : study of artifacts and relics of early mankind

(noun) the branch of anthropology that studies prehistoric people and their cultures
Synonyms : archeology
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for archaeology

Arch -> A prefix meaning first or foremost.


Short Definition : antiquated; no longer used; belonging to the past; N.

(adj) so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period
Example Sentence
  • a ramshackle antediluvian tenement
  • antediluvian ideas
  • archaic laws
(adj) little evolved from or characteristic of an earlier ancestral type
Synonyms : primitive
Example Sentence
  • archaic forms of life
  • primitive mammals
  • the okapi is a short-necked primitive cousin of the giraffe
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for archaic

Archealogy - study of old things.. Archaic - The old things on which we study..

The word resembles like archies ...the old archies card are kept with us.

Remember with Archive. As we keep very old thing in archive- Archaic is related something very old.

Archaic: ARCH comes from the word archaelogy so something related with primitive times;outdated

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archaic : archeological+ick, first word-old second word-express disgust,so outdated..totally it is old and outdated.

sounds like a cake which is no longer used

ar(irani)+chai(tea in hindi)~ Irani chai is the no longer in use

ardor sounds like harder...so FUCK harder..means with passion..

Root word :ARCH-meaning old.AIC:remeber CIA american force, so AIC is no longer used..its CIA

ARCHAIC<===> अप्रचलित (pr. \\aprachalit \\ )[Noun]


Short Definition : prototype; primitive pattern

(noun) something that serves as a model or a basis for making copies
Synonyms : original pilot
Example Sentence
  • this painting is a copy of the original
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for archetype

arch + type - so a model for architecture

arch(means old)+type......so something of old type orof primitive pattern

ARCH+E(exact)+TYPE....an arch that is too exact to what is expected is ORIGINAL......

ARCHetype. Think of the Golden Arches (McDonalds) and how it serves as a model for other fast food chains.


Short Definition : group of closely located islands

(noun) a group of many islands in a large body of water
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for archipelago

archipelago Read it as Arey+ship+pe+lejaoo (Hindi .. which translates to take me there via ship)... And we travel to islands via a ship.

Consider the "CHIP" in the word.It sounds like SHIP..we use ships to travel to islands..So archipelago refers to a group of islands.

Age of Empires map type.

Think of an ARK filled with PELICANS sailing between the islands = ARK OF PELICANS


Short Definition : public records; place where public records are kept

(noun) collection of records especially about an institution
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for archives

archives : spell it as archies ..it is a famous gift where collection of different gifts are there so it is a collection of many things in short storage place

sounds like archies, which is a collection of greeting cards, which is also a collection of records


Short Definition : heat; passion; zeal; ADJ. ardent

(noun) a feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favor of a person or cause)
Synonyms : ardour elan zeal
Example Sentence
  • they were imbued with a revolutionary ardor
  • he felt a kind of religious zeal
(noun) intense feeling of love
Synonyms : ardour
(noun) feelings of great warmth and intensity
Example Sentence
  • he spoke with great ardor
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ardor

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Our-"darr" is of falling in intense love!!

sounds like harder-while doing sex. A dat time ppl feel heat, passion.. srry for using --- words

ardor= arey zor sey means passion.

ardor-just focus on the word DOR (hindi movie) in which Gul Panag actress was very Passionate about finding the killer of her husband

ardent supporter = enthusiastic supporter, hence ardent means with zeal, passion, enthusiasm etc. "ardor" is just the noun form of "ardent"

ardor and eager are rhythmic so it's easy to remember.

AXE deo spray has an Odor which initiates passion among gals..

Ador sounds like Adore. We show passion for anything we adore

normally one works (H)ARD if he is ARDENT about it

remember of a person who wants to say "order order" in a court;

ardent ardour and ardor all means the same great emotions. lets hypothetically consider ard as the root. (HIndi) jab dard hota hai then we show great emotions

sounds like ODOUR: which is due to sweat..when ur working hard,playing or heated up

ardor ~ our door; please close the door and windows, to prevent the heat from going outside.

we will adorn persons with ardor

sound like "order"-we will order biryan eagerly,with love

ardor- aur-daud(run),If you have HEAT, zeal like an athlete you can run....and run......aur daud


Short Definition : hard; strenuous; Ex. arduous work

(adj) characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort
Example Sentence
  • worked their arduous way up the mining valley
  • a grueling campaign
  • hard labor
  • heavy work
  • heavy going
  • spent many laborious hours on the project
  • set a punishing pace
(adj) taxing to the utmost; testing powers of endurance
Synonyms : straining strenuous
Example Sentence
  • his final, straining burst of speed
  • a strenuous task
  • your willingness after these six arduous days to remain here
(adj) difficult to accomplish; demanding considerable mental effort and skill
Example Sentence
  • the arduous work of preparing a dictionary
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for arduous

arduous = read it as: "hard to do for us"

(h)ard + u (you) + ous (we); This work is very difficult and required full of hard work from us and your side.

aath(8)+dus(10):lot of hard work so v require 8 or ten ppl

It takes a large amount of effort to maintain a pregnancy, especially when the baby is DUE. It's very arDUous

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Art's climb up the mountain was a duel. Art's climb up the mountain was 'Artduelous'

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