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Short Definition : slang; speech spoken by only a small group of people

(noun) a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves)
Example Sentence
  • they don't speak our lingo
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for argot

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argot - it is the j'ar'gon that we 'got' here that no other person understands

argot ~ ar + got (goat); when our goat says "meh...mheh...meh..." we cannot understand its lingo - only other goats can understand it. So, argot is a lingo only small group of people (here goats) can understand.

ar+got(goat).. if a few GOATs say 'arrr arrr' instad of the usual 'mheh mheh'. it will be a slang (argot) in their world..;)

goat:mehehehehe me:arr.. goat:mehehhe me:arr tu dusre goatsehi baat kar me: :P


Short Definition : operatic solo; a song sung by one person in an opera or oratorio

(noun) an elaborate song for solo voice
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for aria

Heyy u hav d famous mARIA song by Ricky Martin...

a+ria...riazz...and we know that if we have to learn singing we have to do riaz... so a riaz is the way to improve our singing...so think if you are given an elaborate song for riaz.

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imagine u r calling Riya Sen(Aa Riya!) 2 sing a song 4 u

ARIA- if u remember salman khan in a movie sings a song in a program..O priya O priya..priya...(link it with Opera)

mARIA mARIA song of Santana

mARIAh carey

Disney's ARIEL sings many ARIAS in The Little Mermaid.

reminds of maria maria song in the partner movie..salman sings maria maria in solo...

pronounce the word like song .. aaaaaaariiiiiaaaaaaa


Short Definition : (of land) dry; barren; unproductive

(adj) lacking sufficient water or rainfall
Synonyms : waterless
Example Sentence
  • an arid climate
  • a waterless well
  • miles of waterless country to cross
(adj) lacking vitality or spirit; lifeless
Synonyms : desiccate desiccated
Example Sentence
  • a technically perfect but arid performance of the sonata
  • a desiccate romance
  • a prissy and emotionless creature...settles into a mold of desiccated snobbery
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for arid

A + rid- A farmer getting rid(dry) of the dry land

Arid-> Take es as A-Rigid,, a rigid thing can b made to change its shape, thus it can be taken as dry, barren, and unproductive.

arid : Take it as a-rigid; a rigid thing can't be made to change it's shape, thus it can be taken as dry, barren, and unproductive.

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read this word from last that is dri + a means dry area

air-id..only air no water...dry,..

a farmer always wants to get rid of the barren land !!


Short Definition : hereditary nobility; privileged class; government by nobility; N. aristocrat

(noun) a privileged class holding hereditary titles
Synonyms : nobility
(noun) the most powerful members of a society
Synonyms : gentry
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for aristocracy

aristotle was the most powerful member of the science society

arito(tle)+cracy, aristotle was the noble philosopher, cracy - rule, so government by noble

aristrocart is a alcohol.. which is very costly and hence only rich or privileged ppl drink

Remember by the famous liquor : ARISTOCRAT since its very costly, only UPPER CASS ppl can have it..

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aristo(tle)+crazy. the family of aristotle makes m very crazy.here family of aristotle is a hereditiary noble thing.


Short Definition : fleet of warships

(noun) a large fleet
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for armada

do u know narmada river ? fleets of warship in narmada ~ armada

remember the Armageddon movie (1998) Bruce Willis...

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sounds like arm(weapon in ships) + adda(place where a group meets) so armada is group of warships

armada rhymes with armani whose symbol is like a ship

arm + data ~ collection of arms that is only possible in the warships....

Armageddon movie (1998) Bruce Willis... imagine as in most bollywood movies, a large number of sheeps attack some country..

Armada is the Spanish and Portuguese word for naval fleet, or an adjective meaning 'armed'; Armáda is the Czech and Slovak for armed forces.

Armada = arm +a + da; The arm of dada is large tree.


Short Definition : fragrant; having a sweet smell; N. aroma: strong pleasant smell

(adj) (chemistry) of or relating to or containing one or more benzene rings
Example Sentence
  • an aromatic organic compound
(adj) having a strong pleasant odor
Synonyms : redolent
Example Sentence
  • the pine woods were more redolent
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for aromatic

it sounds like a romantic!!! so if a get some good smell, we feel romantic

aroma means odor

aromatic odors are erotic

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little bit of chemistry needed... the aromatic compounds we studied in high school actually mean sweet smelling


Short Definition : charge in court; indict

(verb) call before a court to answer an indictment Definition
(verb) accuse of a wrong or an inadequacy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for arraign

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To rain charges on someone

arraign= err+ again.u hv made an ERR again, so this time i will not excuse u,this time u will be CHARGED IN THE COURT.

arr(sounds like ERR means error)+ rain...when you are going to walk without an umbrella thats your error is charged to your parents.....

arraign ~ an error again; imagine you wrote some computer program which is giving you error again and again.. so you are called by your boss (kind of court) for punishment.

you first ARRANGE the suspects in front of the judge and start accusing them

AR(arrogantly)+REIGN(rule)...people who rule arrogantly and take law into their hands should be brought before a court.......

(ARRested+Rain) imagine a fellow arrested coz hes drenching in rain..how silly it is!!! thats y it is easy to remember..hope this might help u out..

your reign as the mob leader will end!

Concentrate on rain. Nowadays v accuse that rain s inadequate

police arrest, so court could arraign


Short Definition : marshal; draw up in order; arrange in order; clothe splendidly; adorn; N: fine clothes; ordered group; Ex. in battle array

(noun) an orderly arrangement
Example Sentence
  • an array of troops in battle order
(noun) an impressive display
Example Sentence
  • it was a bewildering array of books
  • his tools were in an orderly array on the basement wall
(noun) especially fine or decorative clothing
Synonyms : raiment regalia
(noun) an arrangement of aerials spaced to give desired directional characteristics Definition
(verb) lay out orderly or logically in a line or as if in a line
Synonyms : lay out range set out
Example Sentence
  • lay out the clothes
  • lay out the arguments
(verb) align oneself with a group or a way of thinking
Synonyms : align
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for array

For secondary meaning .. " jese kehna . arrey wah kya kapde pehne hai ":)

array, ray always travels straight,like arranged in a line


Short Definition : being in debt; money that should have been paid; work that should have been done

(noun) the state of being behind in payments
Example Sentence
  • an account in arrears
(noun) an unpaid overdue debt
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for arrears

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sounds like "err-years" and DEBT is the error that will take years to compensate

sounds similar to 'in-tears', why? because of DEBT;

arrears-CARRIER ..your carrier is in danger coz u r in debt..

arrears, rear means behind, so we are behind in money,debt.


Short Definition : lacking rhythm or regularity; N. arrhythmia

(adj) lacking a steady rhythm
Synonyms : jerking jerky
Example Sentence
  • an arrhythmic heartbeat
(adj) without regard for rhythm
Synonyms : arrhythmical
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for arrhythmic

A(aginst-lack of)+rrhythmic. lacking rhythm

arr (sounds like ERR-ERROR) + rhythm ~ error or lacking of rhythm;

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