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Short Definition : highest point; the point farthest from the earth; OP. perigee

(noun) a final climactic stage
Synonyms : culmination
Example Sentence
  • their achievements stand as a culmination of centuries of development
(noun) apoapsis in Earth orbit; the point in its orbit where a satellite is at the greatest distance from the Earth
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apogee

Apogee = Up+ho+gee (ho ji -> like in hindi).. So what is up, is at the highest point

Apogee = Apex

A FAUJI(soldier in hindi) is highly respected, hence is at a higher point compared to other professions

apogee: in telugu "appu gei" menas barrow money, iamgine a person barrows money from many people and hides at the "highest point of mountain" to escape

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apogee and parle-g......parle g is highest sold biscuits and apogee is highest point...hahahahah


Short Definition : having an aversion or lack of concern for political affairs

(adj) politically neutral
Synonyms : unpolitical
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apolitical

a=without + politics=political affairs.....i.e without political affairs.

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APOLITICAL<===> अराजनैतिक (pr. \\arajanaitik \\ )[Noun]

read it as ahhh+ political....wen wil u say ahhh??, wen u dislike something or hav aversion ...so here it is having an aversion for political affairs


Short Definition : one who writes in defense of a cause or institution; N. apologia

(noun) a person who argues to defend or justify some policy or institution
Synonyms : justifier vindicator
Example Sentence
  • an apologist for capital punishment
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apologist

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Apologist is one who is determine seek "apology" from bodies by defending or justifying strongly of some policies or matters

apologist = ab + bolo ( In hindi -> tell now)+ gist.. Imagine a person (apologist) writing in defense of something and then challenging the opposition by saying.. AB BOLO? Bolti kyun bandh ho gayi?

think "apologize". a person who apologize is apologist.

APOLOGIST<===> समर्थक (pr. \\samarthak \\ )[Noun]

one who never apologizes


Short Definition : stroke; loss of consciousness caused by too much blood in the brain

(noun) a sudden loss of consciousness resulting when the rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel leads to oxygen lack in the brain
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apoplexy

A people(pople) sexy... all of a sudden when a sexy lady appears from the people and comes near u..for tht instant u ll feel tht u cannot move or feel any thing ;)

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Remember 'perplex'?- means can not decide what to do - a suddent loss of sense. Similarly, apoplexy means to loose consciousness.

A+pop+sexy=a pop up of sexy lady when ur on computer n ur mom saw tat..:p u'l get STROKE

A POPE SEXY:-its hard to imagine a sexy pope, and if you do, u might get a stroke (no offence or disregard guys)

APOPLEXY<===> मूर्छा की बीमारी (pr. \\murchha ki bimari \\ )[Noun] Example:She often gets attacks of apoplexy.


Short Definition : one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs; N. apostasy

(noun) a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc. Definition
(adj) not faithful to religion or party or cause
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apostate

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apostate can be thought of as 'opposite state'.. That is changing to the opposite state, and not loyal to his current state..

Apostles do not apostate

apostate ~ apo + state; Prefix 'apo' means away; so away from state : One who's away from his state or religion. (Abandonment of religious values)

a-po-state:: a means no,generally as we kno. po- take this meaning in tamil,that means "go". state- this is a normal state,state in a country. so, no going to state..no going to his state,or one who abandons his state..(im sorry,if it is silly)

Judas the apostle became an apostate when he renounced Jesus.

apo(ape)+state. connect it with d life of ape,who wer not intrested in any religion..they were the hunters who kill thr animals n friends for food..

BJP's Apostate to hindutva after the elections

APOlogy to the STATE, bhai maaf kar do, bahut ho gaya.. and turns his back to previously held faith and beliefs.

APOSTATE<===> धर्म रहित (pr. \\dharm rahit \\ )[Noun] Example:He is an apostate.

apo state ippo no state. he changed his mind.

when someone is apostate, he is in an ape state (in a state like apes)


Short Definition : druggist; pharmacist

(noun) a health professional trained in the art of preparing and dispensing drugs
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apothecary

a+pot+he+cary - he carries drug(cocaine)hidden in a pot

I remember this word by rethinking about a scene in a Friends's episode of season 6 in which Rachel ordered a apothecary table and she riddled Chandler what does apothecary mean. Chandler said "a pharmacist"

a + pot + he + cary ~ imagine a pharmacist carrying drugs in a pot

dumb ppl......why do u want mnemonic for everything......use u r brains n create u r own....

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just consider "THE CARY"-THE CARING-like a druggist who gives u medicines and cares

sounds like allopathic-carry =allopathic medicine carry= a person who carries medicine= druggist


Short Definition : elevation to godhood; an ideal example of something

(noun) model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no equal Definition
(noun) the elevation of a person (as to the status of a god)
Synonyms : deification exaltation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apotheosis

theo- theological, somthing related to god. theology elevates oneself to god hood.

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Theos means god(you can remember it by THE O.S means the operating sytem that control's our live's must be god)AAP+THEOSis....aperson saying to another that aap toh god ho.....apotheosis.....

apo = up(raise) + theo(god)+ sis = is. So "god is up in apotheosis belief".

remember ur "apo" ie ur appointment/date wid ur gf/bf...rest will take care of itself :-P..afterall Krishna's apo wid Radha is like a religious "theory"


apotheosis = apo(a person) theo(god) size(raise)~ means "to raise to the level of the god"

apo = a position + theo(god)+ (sys)size = to raise someone to the position of God size.

APOTHEOSIS<===> आदर्श (pr. \\Adarsh \\ )[Noun]


Short Definition : dismay; shock deeply

(verb) strike with disgust or revulsion
Example Sentence
  • The scandalous behavior of this married woman shocked her friends
(verb) fill with apprehension or alarm; cause to be unpleasantly surprised
Synonyms : alarm appal dismay horrify
Example Sentence
  • I was horrified at the thought of being late for my interview
  • The news of the executions horrified us
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for appall

appall (aap + pale ho gaye) - in dismay

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a+pal(in marathi it means lizard)...when u see lizard u r shocked

appall ~ app + all; all applications. I was appalled (shocked) when my teacher told me to learn all applications of a software.

~appalam means papad in telugu and tamil.This is only word relating to papad here,i m deeply shocked about it.

App(sounds like Apes)+All. think of a situation where there is a sudden attach of all the Apes, u will be in deep shock.

appall sounds like : 'up all'..say when someone says stand "up all" ...you are "shocked" at their arrogance

appall = take it as apollo, when hear somebody went to apollo hospital u will get shock, because something went wrong

A FALL- when u fall, you probably get a shock that you have fallen

Appall- application all. "If your boss tells you to learn all applications, it will be a shock for you."

APPALL<===> नाराज़ होना (pr. \\naraja hona \\ )[Noun]


Short Definition : evident; easily seen or understood; appearing as such; Ex. apparent improvement

(adj) clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment
Example Sentence
  • the effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields
  • evident hostility
  • manifest disapproval
  • patent advantages
  • made his meaning plain
  • it is plain that he is no reactionary
  • in plain view
(adj) appearing as such but not necessarily so
Synonyms : ostensible seeming
Example Sentence
  • for all his apparent wealth he had no money to pay the rent
  • the committee investigated some apparent discrepancies
  • the ostensible truth of their theories
  • his seeming honesty
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apparent

It sounds like Transparent which means easily seen or understood

It is apparent that they are real parents of the kid.

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APPARENT<===> स्पष्ट (pr. \\spaShT \\ )[Adjective] Example:He is angry for no apparent reason.


Short Definition : ghost; phantom

(noun) a ghostly appearing figure
Example Sentence
  • we were unprepared for the apparition that confronted us
(noun) the appearance of a ghostlike figure
Example Sentence
  • I was recalled to the present by the apparition of a frightening specter
(noun) something existing in perception only
Example Sentence
  • a ghostly apparition at midnight
(noun) an act of appearing or becoming visible unexpectedly
Example Sentence
  • natives were amazed at the apparition of this white stranger
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for apparition

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sounds like 'a partition'. When a soul 'partitions' from a body, u become a "ghost"

A + PARI i.e. ghost

a(one)+pari+son son of a fairy who might be a ghost

sounds like Perish(means to die)->APPARITION=A(one)+PERISHED+ION(one)->somebody who has died and is now a ghost floating above the ground

A partition of India was like a ghostly thing to happen

APPARITION<===> प्रेत (pr. \\pret \\ )[Noun] Example:He told us stories of apparitions and frightened us.

Anil Kapoor in Mr. India movie.

just remember it as aparition(operation) phantom

Sounds like operation..we do operatoion to remove appatition(ghostly object)

appart means away from, you are away from dreams & also means unattainable.

apparition = ap + parition, ap for application of parition i.e. tension is showing on your face.

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