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Short Definition : attach; add to a large thing; take possession of; incorporate (territory) into a larger existing political unit (by force); N: building added to a large one

(noun) an addition that extends a main building
Synonyms : annexe extension wing
(verb) take (territory) as if by conquest
Example Sentence
  • Hitler annexed Lithuania
(verb) attach to
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for annex


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Annexure in any application form refers to some additional sheets attached with it

AN EX spouse always tries to take away your premises and property and ATTACH it to her belongings

To remember the other meaning of annex .i.e. to take a part of the territory by force... Break annex as A + nax(alite) .. who is a rebel and tries to take territory by force .


A+NEX hitler always tried to pocess a next kingdom


ANNEX<===> साथ जोडना/संलग्न करना (pr. \\sath joDana/sanalagn karana \\ )[TransitiveVerb] Example:West and East Germany were annexed due to the efforts of the people.

annex sounds like connect.


Short Definition : destroy

(verb) kill in large numbers
Example Sentence
  • the plague wiped out an entire population
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for annihilate

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Can be remembered by inhalation of poisonous gas that causes destruction and death,also the incident: Union Carbide subsidiary pesticide plant released 40 tonnes of methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas, killing approximately 3,800 people.

you can remember Mortal Combat Total Annihilation movie or game right that way u can remember that its total destruction

Annihilate ~ Eliminate; So to ELIMINATE someone completely from your life.. means to kill them.

I GTA San Andreas game name the helicopter is "Annihilator" which fires missiles from it which destroyed the city and hence ANNHILATE means to DESTROY,

anni + heal + late = that means anni (in telugu menas everythnig) heal ( to get better ) late ( takes a lot of time ). as it is completely destroyed ..!!

remember nihl of roadies who destroyed everyone to reach 2 finals

Anni + hil + ate; anyone + hill + ate; anyone living on hill will be eaten by tiger living there. tiger already killed large number of people living there

and + he(some doctor) + late >>> doctor late hone ki wajah se patient marr gaya.. woh DESTROY ho gaya..

ANNIHILATE<===> सत्यानाश करना/मिटाना९ (pr. \\satyanash karana/miTana9 \\ )[TransitiveVerb] Example:So far there is nothing that can annihilate cancer. ANNIHILATE<===> जड़ से मिटाना (pr


Short Definition : comment; make explanatory notes

(verb) add explanatory notes to or supply with critical comments
Synonyms : footnote
Example Sentence
  • The scholar annotated the early edition of a famous novel
(verb) provide interlinear explanations for words or phrases
Synonyms : comment gloss
Example Sentence
  • He annotated on what his teacher had written
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for annotate

U made a note while eating, a(n)-note-ate, its a rough note , it provides explanation and reference ..

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annotate ~ a + note; you always add notes to what is taught is class.

annotate => an + note i.e. a comment or explanation

ANN takes NOTES while skim reading and ATEing.

ANNOTATE<===> टिप्पणी करना/टीका करके समझाना (pr. \\TippaNi karana/Tika karake samajhana \\ )[TransitiveVerb] Example:Without reading a book you cant annotate. ANNOTATE<===> टिप्पणी


Short Definition : yearly allowance

(noun) income from capital investment paid in a series of regular payments
Synonyms : rente
Example Sentence
  • his retirement fund was set up to be paid as an annuity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for annuity

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annu + duty annual duty gives annual income

annual + I (cap. I is for income ) ~ annual income

ANNUal Income for IT industry is pain in parts..

ANNUITY<===> वार्षिक भत्ता या वृत्ति (pr. \\varShik bhatta ya vaRatti \\ )[Noun] Example:They think they have less annuity thats why they gave you memo.


Short Definition : make void

(verb) declare invalid
Example Sentence
  • The contract was annulled
  • void a plea
(verb) cancel officially
Example Sentence
  • He revoked the ban on smoking
  • lift an embargo
  • vacate a death sentence
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for annul

AN NULl value is VOID.. C programming !

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an + nul ~ so to nullify something means to make it zero or to make it void

Anu(name of girl)has annul her all meetings,as she is not well.

ANNUL<===> रद्द करना/निष्फल करना (pr. \\radd karana/niShphal karana \\ )[TransitiveVerb] Example:Due to some annuls the elections have been postponed. ANNUL<===> अमान्य घोषित करनà¤


Short Definition : drug that relieves pain or trouble;opiate; ADJ. Ex. anodyne statement

(noun) a medicine used to relieve pain Definition
(adj) capable of relieving pain
Synonyms : analgesic analgetic
Example Sentence
  • the anodyne properties of certain drugs
  • an analgesic effect
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for anodyne

Ann will not die from pain if she gets some aspirin.

anodyne ~ a + no + dyne (dying); If you want him not to die from pain, you should give him some anodyne drugs.

ANODYNE -> ANOINT + DIE. When Jesus ANOINTed (blessed) the sick, their pain stopped and they did not DIE.

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anodyne, sounds like iodine,iodine sounds like iodix, which is a drug we use for relief

Just add G and arrange, we get Agony+Die...when agony dies you become serene or calm....

Just add G...Agony+DYEing....when you kill agony you become serene or calm

ANAlgesic meDIciNE = ANODYNE

sounds like betadene, a medicine to relieve pain

sensodyne is a tooth paste that relives pain.take the key word dyne.so anodyne releives pain .

ANODYNE<===> पीडा नाशक (pr. \\piDa nashak \\ )[Adjective] Example:I gave him an anodyne tablet for headache.


Short Definition : consecrate; put oil on (in a religious ceremony)

(verb) choose by or as if by divine intervention
Example Sentence
  • She was anointed the head of the Christian fundamentalist group
(verb) administer an oil or ointment to ; often in a religious ceremony of blessing
Synonyms : anele embrocate inunct oil
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for anoint

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an+oin+t...oin souds like oil.....and in rajasthan.....in some communities during weding they put oil on bridegroom and bride head before they get ready for wedding ceremony.as they consider it sacred

1.anoint rhymes with APPOINT..appoint as saint,holy person is to make him holy or beatify 2.anoint> AN+OIL > apply an oil to consecrate someone

an + oint ~ ointment; ointment ~ oil; some oil applied to hair.

ANOINT<===> तेलाभिषेक करना (pr. \\telabhiShek karana \\ )[Noun]


Short Definition : abnormal; irregular

(adj) deviating from the general or common order or type
Example Sentence
  • advanced forms of life may be anomalous in the universe
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for anomalous

anomalous means abnormal. Think of abnormal when you read the word anomalous

anomalous behaviour of water with different forms as in solid liquid and gas... ice, water and vapours... so irregular in characteristics

anomalous ~ a (not) + nomal (normal); someone who is not normal and hence abnormal or deviating from general.

anomaly = irregularity, anomalous = irregular

anomalous..can be split into.. "am not nomal" means abnormal

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AbNOrMAL-OUS (If you only consider the capital letters it spells ANOMALOUS which means abnormal)


Short Definition : irregularity

(noun) deviation from the normal or common order or form or rule
Synonyms : anomalousness
(noun) a person who is unusual
Synonyms : unusual person
(noun) (astronomy) position of a planet as defined by its angular distance from its perihelion (as observed from the sun)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for anomaly

Anomaly sounds like abnormally.. that is one who deviates from the normal order.

Anomaly= A(means NO) + Nomaly = A(no) + Normality = ABNORMALITY, DEVIATION FROM NORMAL ORDER

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Anomaly=an+omaly(sounds like omlate) when u make omlate at home you do something else than usual routine..


Short Definition : state of being nameless; anonymousness; ADJ. anonymous

(noun) the state of being anonymous
Synonyms : namelessness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for anonymity

A+No Name ity... state of being nameless

a + no + nym(name)+mity... conentrate on the middle two i.e. NO nym(NAME) this is the meaning of the word.

Anonymity - An(without)+Onym(Name)+ity(State) = a state of without name

a+no+nymity....nymity...sounds simillar to amity.....means having good relation with somebody....but if we dont know somone we cant devlop relations......so no amity.... means not knowing someone.........so the other person is anonymous to us

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anonmity:a means no and nonmity means name........means no name

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