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Short Definition : causing insensitivity to pain; N.

(noun) a medicine used to relieve pain Definition
(adj) capable of relieving pain
Synonyms : analgetic anodyne
Example Sentence
  • the anodyne properties of certain drugs
  • an analgesic effect
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for analgesic

anal(anus) + ges(gas).. when gas is released from anal we feel relief..so it is something which gives relief..

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sick=pain; now say analgesic as ab na lage sic(pain)

a person who has taken analgesic, is in the state of analgesia.

Sounds like Anesthetic.

ANALGESIC<===> दर्दनाशक औषधि (pr. \\dardanashak auShadhi \\ )[Noun] Example:Aspirin is a mild analgesic.


Short Definition : comparable; similar

(adj) similar or equivalent in some respects though otherwise dissimilar
Synonyms : correspondent
Example Sentence
  • brains and computers are often considered analogous
  • salmon roe is marketed as analogous to caviar
(adj) corresponding in function but not in evolutionary origin
Example Sentence
  • the wings of a bee and those of a hummingbird are analogous
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for analogous

remember analogous from analogy

ana"log"ous:in log tables all values seem similar

We know analog watches >> their movement is similar to that of the earth >> time progresses as the earth moves in rotation.

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Analogies are given by the lecturers while teaching which compares the example with the present subject

ANALOGOUS<===> अनुरूप (pr. \\anurup \\ )[Adjective] Example:Unconsciousness was sometimes held to be analogous to death.


Short Definition : similarity; parallelism; comparing two similar things

(noun) an inference that if things agree in some respects they probably agree in others Definition
(noun) drawing a comparison in order to show a similarity in some respect
Example Sentence
  • the operation of a computer presents and interesting analogy to the working of the brain
  • the models show by analogy how matter is built up
(noun) the religious belief that between creature and creator no similarity can be found so great but that the dissimilarity is always greater; any analogy between God and humans will always be inadequate
Synonyms : doctrine of analogy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for analogy

ana creates a logic which always includes comparing 2 similar things

ANALOGY<===> समानता (pr. \\samanata \\ )[Noun] Example:Chimpanzee and human being have analogy between them.

analog signals always deviates from its position


Short Definition : person who seeks to overturn the established government; advocate of abolishing authority

(noun) an advocate of anarchism
Synonyms : nihilist syndicalist
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for anarchist

Remember who is AN ARCHIST(archer) he aims at them and tries to destroy them(overturn)

ANA-ARCHEIN-IST....person against the rule or law..

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an- 'without' + archy - 'leader' (as in monarchy)

naak kati hai jiski-no esteem

mistra me jo hua

ANARCHIST<===> अराजकतावादी (pr. \\arajakatavadi \\ )[Noun] Example:Due to unemployment some youth have turned anarchist.

anarchist seems to be a terrorist who r against to law


Short Definition : absence of governing body; state of disorder

(noun) a state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from a failure of government)
Synonyms : lawlessness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for anarchy

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Anarchy-Sounds like 'monarchy' (like tibet was ruled by monarchy)...so, absenceof government

Anarchy = A + Narchy -> Narakh (like "hell" in hindi).. and in hell there is complete disorder and lawlessness.

sounds like hierarchy take “a” as no hierarchy i.e state of disorder

anarchy(noun)….divde this word like AN(.when used as prefix before noun it means..person)+arch(y)…means…most important or head of something……now think of a country in which there is no person at the most importanat position(usually a rular,or PMor


sounds like 'monarchy'(king ruler).so related government.

the most importanat position(usually a rular,or PMor president...).to rule the country..to amend laws for country. so now think what will be the situation of that nation....obvieously..disorderness everywhere.

anarchy= a+archy => without+ruler

ANARCHY = The boy is out of order demanding a anar (fruit) chocolate.

ANARCHY<===> अव्यवस्था/अराजकता (pr. \\avyavastha/arajakata \\ )[Noun] Example:Bad government can give rise to anarchy.


Short Definition : solemn curse; someone or something regarded as a curse; V. anathematize

(noun) a detested person
Synonyms : bete noire
Example Sentence
  • he is an anathema to me
(noun) a formal ecclesiastical curse accompanied by excommunication
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for anathema

sounds like ashwathema who had SOLEMN CURSE of Lord Krishna

ASTHMA...anathema...I hate asthma because it affects respiratory system....anathema also means curse....to have ASTHAMA is a kind of ANATHEMA....

anathema ~ anaath + ma; Being ANAATH or having no MAA is obviously a CURSE...

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ANA-THEMA..against the concept...hence it is disliked and disapproved

ana - teri(your) -ma (mother) - ki .... d person is cursing ana... sorry for abusive language :)

Ana was cursed by them and other religious leaders.

Ana-the(di)-ma(mom) was a curse in relation between ana and me

Ana+theme .. Another theme which u don like other than yours.. So you curse it..

ANATHEMA -> an ANARACHIST detests government.

Someone who does not respect national ANTHEM should be cursed.

anthem praises something, anathema is just the opposite.

ANATHEMA<===> अभिशाप (pr. \\abhishap \\ )[Noun] Example:Caste system in Indian society has become an anathema.

anath means bastered everyone hates bastered thats y its slang


Short Definition : family descent; ADJ. ancestral

(noun) the descendants of one individual
Example Sentence
  • his entire lineage has been warriors
(noun) inherited properties shared with others of your bloodline
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ancestry

Coming down from ancestors.

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ancestry==> ancestor+tree, that is family tree

ANCESTRY<===> वंश-परंपरा (pr. \\vanash-paranapara \\ )[Noun] Example:She is very proud of her ancestry.


Short Definition : secure or fasten firmly; be fixed in place; N. anchorage

(noun) a mechanical device that prevents a vessel from moving
Synonyms : ground tackle
(noun) a central cohesive source of support and stability
Example Sentence
  • faith is his anchor
  • the keystone of campaign reform was the ban on soft money
  • he is the linchpin of this firm
(noun) a television reporter who coordinates a broadcast to which several correspondents contribute
Synonyms : anchorman anchorperson
(verb) fix firmly and stably
Synonyms : ground
Example Sentence
  • anchor the lamppost in concrete
(verb) secure a vessel with an anchor
Example Sentence
  • We anchored at Baltimore
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for anchor

anchor is also a toothpaste brand in india...it holds ur teeth

remember logo of Anchor switches ,_|_,. Anchor is used to harbour the ship to the sea shore.

anchor..split it like an.+chor..a chor(a thief).....and a thief enters your house, so you tie him with rope and plan to drop him down from ur roof.......same wise,..anchor is tied with rope and dropped down from ship or boat

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or you can tie the chor with rope and call the police...so you are tieing the chor because you want him to be fixed in one place..

n + chor ~ a chord; chord is a straight line connecting two points on a circle and hence is just like fastening something.


Short Definition : serving as an aid or accessory; auxiliary; N.

(adj) furnishing added support
Example Sentence
  • an ancillary pump
  • an adjuvant discipline to forms of mysticism
  • The mind and emotions are auxiliary to each other
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ancillary

try to remember with 'auxilary'

sounds like "hillary". think of hillary clinton who is the VP to obama and thus supports him.

Ancillary ~ there is a book called ANCI C. Anci serves as an aid or accessory to learn c programming language.

ARTILLERY....artillery is an essential support of every nation

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ANCILLARY = an c ill ary; An care taker for illness.

ANCILLARY<===> अधिनस्थ/सहायक (pr. \\adhinasth/sahayak \\ )[Adjective] Example:He runs a small ancillary unit at the outskirts of the city.

ANCILLARY=AN(one)+CILLARY(sounds like Hillary)->like Hillary(clinton) who assists Obama, everyone needs A HILLARY (ANCILLARY) in the time of needs


Short Definition : short story of an amusing or interesting event

(noun) short account of an incident (especially a biographical one)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for anecdote

consider full-stop(.)as the end marker of a story. anec(anek= many)+dote(dot) a story with many dots is very short

Anecdote sounds like a spell, so spells are an event.

anecdote = a-neck-dot (hickey) which means there must be a story to how someone got that.

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anec dosts milke majak karte the pehle

anek date.. anek dates main wo ek date kuch khas tha.. ye usi din ki kahani hai

(Hindi)so the other day i was talking to my GF and a biker suddenly came and snathed her chain. bloody MoFo ne uski neck tode di. nice story eh? :P

sounds like an unexpected date.. so you just talk about a short account of an amusing or interesting event

just recall your childhood days when you used to play a "dot" game.(connecting dots).

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