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Short Definition : condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles; ADJ. anemic

(noun) a deficiency of red blood cells
Synonyms : anaemia
(noun) a lack of vitality
Synonyms : anaemia
(noun) genus of terrestrial or lithophytic ferns having pinnatifid fronds; chiefly of tropical America
Synonyms : genus anemia
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for anemia

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Remember that revital add some years back?? ane(arrey) mia kuch lete kyu nahi???

anemia=an+enemy+aya = an enemy of yours came and badly injured u which caused u loss a lot of blood (red cells)

ANEMIA<===> खून की कमी (pr. \\khun ki kami \\ )[Noun] Example:The case of anemia is increasing in India.


Short Definition : substance that removes sensation with or without loss of consciousness; N. anesthesia

(noun) a drug that causes temporary loss of bodily sensations Definition
(adj) relating to or producing insensibility
Synonyms : anaesthetic
(adj) characterized by insensibility
Synonyms : anaesthetic
Example Sentence
  • the young girls are in a state of possession--blind and deaf and anesthetic
  • an anesthetic state
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substance that produces 'anesthesia'

an+sythesis - not mix - loss of sensitity

ANESTHETIC<===> चेतना शुन्य करने वाली औषधि (pr. \\chetana shuny karane vali auShadhi \\ )[Noun] Example:His monotonous voice acted like an anesthetic; his audience was soon asleep.


Short Definition : acute pain; extreme suffering

(noun) extreme mental distress
Synonyms : torment torture
(noun) extreme distress of body or mind Definition
(verb) suffer great pains or distress Definition
(verb) cause emotional anguish or make miserable
Synonyms : hurt pain
Example Sentence
  • It pains me to see my children not being taught well in school
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anguish ~ ang (anger) + u + wish; You are in anger with someone, you wish him/her to suffer from pain and distress.

Languish causes anguish.

anguish----> anger + ish .........think of a person who always get angered with everyone which tell the peoples about his DEEP PAIN inside him.

resembles ankush(trishul in hindi)..when an ankush is pinched there is lots of pain.

Anguish - Hang + wish . When the pain is unbearable . ppl wish to get hanged ..!!

anguish |sounds like against wish so if you are being taken away form sm beloved one , you feel great mental distress (anguish)|

anguish----> anger + ish .........you love Aishwarya Rai, but she married Abisheik..so u got extreme pain in ur heart.

ANGUISH<===> मानसिक वेदना/कष्ट (pr. \\manasik vedana/kaShT \\ )[Noun] Example:I saw him in a state of anguish.


Short Definition : sharp-cornered; having an angle; not rounded (body); bony; lean; gaunt; stiff in manner

(adj) measured by an angle or by the rate of change of an angle
Example Sentence
  • angular momentum
(adj) having angles or an angular shape
Synonyms : angulate
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angular sounds angle.... so have an angle


Short Definition : critical remark; V. animadvert: comment critically with disapproval

(noun) harsh criticism or disapproval
Synonyms : censure
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"Any mad version" of a speech will bring criticism for some one..

animated + adversion : adversion sounds a lot like adversarry. so to take out his hatred for his adversary he criticized his beautiful animation

any-mad-vason. in bengali vason means speech. so any mad's vason will contain critical/caustic remarks

animadversion=animal aversion...anyone who says they hate animals is saying a critical remark

He got mad seeing the new version and starts criticising

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ANIMAL+MAD+VERSION....this person is a mad version of animal....look I am censuring

Anni(All) mad version. That is all you say is bad things. Criticize.

The animals in the zoo are ugly and poorly behaved.

some one is showing ANIMAted ADVERSIty to your plan

anima + advert ~ animal advertisement; You are definitely going to disapprove the idea of advertising animals on Television.

animus advert

ani(any)mad version of speech is always critically dissaproved

ANIMADVERSION<===> निंदा (pr. \\ninada \\ )[Noun]


Short Definition : lively; spirited

(adj) having life or vigor or spirit
Synonyms : alive
Example Sentence
  • an animated and expressive face
  • animated conversation
  • became very animated when he heard the good news
(adj) made to appear to move as living creatures do
Example Sentence
  • an animated cartoon
  • animated puppets


Short Definition : active enmity

(noun) a feeling of ill will arousing active hostility
Synonyms : animus bad blood
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for animosity

pronounce animosity like 'Enemy'sity. so if someone is having enemysity he will have ill will intentions.

ANIMOSITY=ENEMY+CITY...city is always active so ANIMOSITY=enemity which is active i.e. active enmity

ANIMOSITY<===> अति घृणा (pr. \\ati ghaRaNa \\ )[Noun]

animosity ~ animal + city; just imagine a city where you can see only animals fighting with each other.

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treat like Animals !!


Short Definition : hostile feeling or intent; animosity; hostility; disposition

(noun) a feeling of ill will arousing active hostility
Synonyms : animosity bad blood
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Pronounce it like 'enemy'us. So, our enemies are always hostile towards us.

relate it with "animal"(feeling like a raging bull)

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animus means mind, so 'I mind you and yr work'.. hostile feeling or intent.. same for animosity..

animus sounds like animals...just imagine that if u dont like animals...then obviously when u see them u will be irritated and it may lead to a feeling of hostility

ANIMUS<===> द्वेष/विरोध (pr. \\dveSh/virodh \\ )[Noun] Example:They showed strong animus against NATO action.


Short Definition : records arranged in yearly parts; history

(noun) reports of the work of a society or learned body etc Definition
(noun) a chronological account of events in successive years
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annals as channels which keep records of everything

annual exam marksheets are annul of our academic performence

canal is always kept a record about for over flowing, hence (c)annals means record

ANNALS:ANN(annual)+ALS(all)->when u collect ALL the records ANNUALLY, it is called ANNALS

annals ~ annual; maintaining record or history of something we did through out the year.

ANNALS<===> वर्ष वृतान्त (pr. \\varSh vaRatant \\ )[Noun] Example:He submitted his companys annals for year 1999.


Short Definition : reduce brittleness and improve toughness by heating and cooling (metal or glass)

(verb) bring to a desired consistency, texture, or hardness by a process of gradually heating and cooling
Synonyms : normalize temper
Example Sentence
  • temper glass
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for anneal

TO make "NAAL" ( horse shoe) One has to heat the iron then cool it, and repeat the process to get a tough horse shoe...A-NAAL ..:)

ANNEAL=A+NAIL. You must ANNEAL metal to make A NAIL.

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For tv series "SCRUBS" viewers only : Dr. Cox want to anneal J.D.

Anneal rhymes like Peel: which means to remove outer covering..now imagine a cricket ball. If you peel off the outer covering you are left with a cork which is very hard...So, appeal means to harden things.

AnEel is a fish which give out electricity, so it increases its toughness,which can also be increased by heating or cooling

an + kneel is very hard,hold our full body

ANNEAL ===> toughen (steel or glass) by a process of gradually heating and cooling; "temper glass"[VERB]

anneal sounds like heal so when someone heals his bitterness reduces and toughness increases. as simple as that.

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