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Short Definition : Strongly attracted or disposed to love, especially sexual love.

(adj) inclined toward or displaying love
Synonyms : amative
Example Sentence
  • feeling amorous
(adj) expressive of or exciting sexual love or romance
Synonyms : amatory romantic
Example Sentence
  • her amatory affairs
  • amorous glances
  • a romantic adventure
  • a romantic moonlight ride
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for amorous

a+mor(moral)+ us(less) so a moral less love...sexual love

Amorous has "More" in it. People tend to ask for "More" during Sex or when in love ;)

In spanish, amor means love...so amorous means lovable or something worth loving.

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amorous ~ am (I alone) or Us (we together); We love each other.

Amorous comes from the name of the Roman god of love, Amor, a word sometimes used for "love" in the French spelling. The basic verb here is amare, the root of which comes from the imitative sounds of a baby calling it mother,ma

a more of us talking is expressing or feeling love

amorous:think of a folk song- a moro Saiyaan...

On Facebook, there's this lady called Amora the love guru who provides love tips if you subscribe to that application

amorous ~ aam + ras; people are generally inclined towards aam (mango) ras (juice) in summers.


Short Definition : formless; lacking shape or definition

(adj) having no definite form or distinct shape
Synonyms : formless shapeless
Example Sentence
  • amorphous clouds of insects
  • an aggregate of formless particles
  • a shapeless mass of protoplasm
(adj) lacking the system or structure characteristic of living bodies
Synonyms : unstructured
(adj) without real or apparent crystalline form
Example Sentence
  • an amorphous mineral
  • amorphous structure
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for amorphous

In Greek 'morphe' means shape/form. So, amorphous(a + morph + ous) means 'without shape/shapeless'. Similarly 'morphing' means shaping(the original). 'Metamorphosis' = Change in form/nature

amorphous = a[morf]us = on reversing morf become --> a+form+us i.e something without form.. or something lacking shape..

Alas! I can't creat any mnemonic for this word! Because the word 'Amorphous' has no distinct shape.

morph= change shape amorphous = no shape

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amorphous-a+morp(marpu)+us....in telugu marpu means change in smthng...so the word itself says dat it is filled with a change or formless.

amoeba is amorphous in shape,,, ;P

Remember MORPHEOUS IN MATRIx movie...he is a strong guy so here amorpheous a means not...:)

amorphous morphous means shape(morphology study of shapes and sizes ) a means without hence amorphous means without regular crystalline shape

AMORPHOUS<===> आकारहीन (pr. \\Akarahin \\ )[Noun]


Short Definition : able to live both on land and in water; N.

(noun) a flat-bottomed motor vehicle that can travel on land or water
Synonyms : amphibious vehicle
(noun) an airplane designed to take off and land on water
Synonyms : amphibious aircraft
(noun) cold-blooded vertebrate typically living on land but breeding in water; aquatic larvae undergo metamorphosis into adult form Definition
(adj) relating to or characteristic of animals of the class Amphibia
Synonyms : amphibious
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for amphibian

amphi== of both kinds + bios==life


Short Definition : oval building with tiers of seats; CF. arena

(noun) a sloping gallery with seats for spectators (as in an operating room or theater)
Synonyms : amphitheatre
(noun) an oval large stadium with tiers of seats; an arena in which contests and spectacles are held
Synonyms : amphitheatre coliseum
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for amphitheater

Madison Square Garden is an amphitheater

am+free=amphi & theatre=stadium i am free to watch cricket in stadium(amphitheatre)

amphi- "both sides or two" + theatron "theater; Classical theaters were semi-circles, thus two together made an amphitheater.


Short Definition : enough; abundant; spacious; large in size; Ex. ample opportunity/garden; N. amplitude: quality of being ample; abundance; largeness of space

(adj) more than enough in size or scope or capacity
Example Sentence
  • had ample food for the party
  • an ample supply
(adj) affording an abundant supply
Example Sentence
  • had ample food for the party
  • copious provisions
  • food is plentiful
  • a plenteous grape harvest
  • a rich supply
(adj) fairly large
Synonyms : sizable sizeable
Example Sentence
  • a sizable fortune
  • an ample waistline
  • of ample proportions
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ample

amplifier means to increase in strength of signal so ample means in abundance

Ample sounds like Temple, in which there is abundance of everything.

ample ~ apple; in summer supply supply of apple is ample;


Short Definition : increase in size or effect; expand; broaden or clarify by expanding; intensify; make stronger; Ex. amplify one's remarks with a graph

(verb) increase in size, volume or significance
Synonyms : magnify
Example Sentence
  • Her terror was magnified in her mind
(verb) to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth
Example Sentence
  • tended to romanticize and exaggerate this `gracious Old South' imagery
(verb) exaggerate or make bigger
Synonyms : blow up expand inflate
Example Sentence
  • The charges were inflated
(verb) increase the volume of
Example Sentence
  • amplify sound
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for amplify

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from amplus "large" + the root of facere "make, do"


Short Definition : cut off part of body; prune (a limb)

(verb) remove surgically
Synonyms : cut off
Example Sentence
  • amputate limbs
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for amputate

a(r)m+put+ate : Imagine a silly situation.tiger ATE your ARM which is PUT for eating. so your arm is CUTOFF from your body

amputate ~ arm pe tape; you have to put tape on arm because its surgically cut.

Am-Put-At wheelchair cuz doctor had to cut leg to save me

amputate---> am(arm) + put + ate.......imagine a patient went to doctor after snake biting on leg,doctor told him to PUT his ARM to cut(ATE) his leg.

amputate= amplify+attentunate cut and pass

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amPUTate,concentrate on the highlighted word,put which rhymes with cut,so the meaning is CUT OFF

its pronounciation is like tempo,now i will memorise it as "while going through a TEMPO I meet an accident that is y i hv put a tape in my hand bcoz it was CUT in the accident.

AMPUTATE<===> काटना (pr. \\kaTana \\ )[TransitiveVerb] Example:He has a gangrene on his leg, we must amputate it.

AMPUTATE sounds like AMBULANCE somehow, or relate it with; so when you got cut off ur legs surgically due to severe accident, you must be taken to home by AMBULANCE.


Short Definition : charm; talisman; an object worn believed to protect against evil, bad luck

(noun) a trinket or piece of jewelry usually hung about the neck and thought to be a magical protection against evil or disease
Synonyms : talisman
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for amulet

amul-et amulya(hindi)--amulet which is wor in the neck is precious

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amulet amu-amazing let-locket

AMULET=amul + et = amul baby which is charm.

Grandma gave me an 'Amulet' so that one day I can 'Emulate' Zidane.

amulet~ we eat omelet before exam for good result, amulet is for good luck, charm...

ammi + let (amulet) me wear it. Obviously for good luck

amulet: think of bracelet

amulet ~ am late; I reached late in the interview as I was wearing this amulet given by my mother for good luck.

AMULET<===> ताबीज़/रक्षा यंत्र (pr. \\tabiJ/rakSha yanatr \\ )[Noun] Example:Azhar always wears an amulet around his neck.


Short Definition : an error involving time in a story; something or someone misplaced in time; ADJ. anachronistic

(noun) something located at a time when it could not have existed or occurred
Synonyms : misdating mistiming
(noun) an artifact that belongs to another time Definition
(noun) a person who seems to be displaced in time; who belongs to another age
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for anachronism

you know about chronometer- means clock. Anything with "chron" is related to time. Anachronisim-an+chron+ism> here an is used in negative sense> so anachronism means something or someone that is not in its correct time

Anachronism = Ana + chron (chronology) + ism = A person or thing who is out of chornological order .i.e. Person belongs to earlier time.

chronous(relating to time)as in synchronous. ana(not)chrounous(in time)

If u remember the movie, Leopold was an anachronism!

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picture AN ACT in which an astronaut is being CROWNED = AN ACT CROWNISM

ana (out of order, negative sense) + chron (time).. so something not placed correctly with respect to time.

The movies Action Replayy talk about anachronism

ANACHRONISM<===> पुराने समय का (pr. \\purane samay ka \\ )[Noun] Example:Monarchy is considered as anachronism in the age of democracy


Short Definition : condition of being unable to feel pain

(noun) absence of the sense of pain without loss of consciousness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for analgesia

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Analgesic as popularly known, a kind of drug to relieve pain so when you have analgesic, you move into state analgesia

anal sex is painfull for girls (i guess) but the sex part makes you forget the pain anyhow !

Think: Anal Anasthesia. ANALGESIA is for people who are ANAL about staying conscious, but not feeling any pain.

analgesia---> a + null + yesia In a porn movie,porn stars always say "yes" word repeatedly due to pain.so anal(negative) of feeling pain.

jitni marze anal + ghiste jao koi farak hi nahi padta :P

a-nal - gesia gesia think it like chees chees in hindi when person in pain no chees no pain , person not able to feel pain

(an, without) + (algesis, sense of pain, algesis sounds like some kind of medicine)

ANALGESIA<===> पीड़ाशून्यता (pr. \\piDaashunyata \\ )[Noun]

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