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Short Definition : hostility; active opposition; V. antagonize: cause to become an enemy; N. antagonist: person who is opposed to another; opponent; adversary; principal character in oppostion to the protagonist

(noun) a state of deep-seated ill-will
Synonyms : enmity hostility
(noun) the relation between opposing principles or forces or factors
Example Sentence
  • the inherent antagonism of capitalism and socialism
(noun) an actively expressed feeling of dislike and hostility Definition
(noun) (biochemistry) interference in or inhibition of the physiological action of a chemical substance by another having a similar structure
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for antagonism

ANTI+GOnism....when you say aunty go, she will show active apposition....every women hates being called as an aunty....

anta (anti, against) + go + nism; Going against someone is being hostile or opposing to someone.

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Antagonism == Antonym i.e. Opposite, conflict

ANTAGONISM:ANT(aunt)+AGONI(agony:sever pain)+ism->when u irritate ur AUNT to the state of AGONY she shows u her ANTAGONISM

ANTI-against GO-tend to NISM-property; a property to go against something

Antogonist sounds like Antony.Antony went against brutus


Short Definition : precede

(verb) be earlier in time; go back further
Example Sentence
  • Stone tools precede bronze tools
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for antecede

it sounds like ANTI-CD..try to picture this story...we dont find CDs when we go back in time.

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ANTE-CEDE: imagine it as ANTIQUE; something which is old

anti + cede; anti of proceed; hence to go backward as proceed means to go forward.


Short Definition : antiquated; extremely ancient

(noun) any of the early patriarchs who lived prior to the Noachian deluge Definition
(noun) a very old person
Synonyms : ancient
(adj) of or relating to the period before the biblical flood
Synonyms : antediluvial
Example Sentence
  • antediluvian man
(adj) so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period
Synonyms : antiquated archaic
Example Sentence
  • a ramshackle antediluvian tenement
  • antediluvian ideas
  • archaic laws
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for antediluvian

Antediluvian = Aunty+de+luv..; Usually, Loving and Caring Aunties are OLD... very Old.. and hence the meaning..

ANTE== BEFORE DILUVIAN== DILUGE (FLOOD {BIBLICAL})means === extremely old fashioned

AUNTY+DIE+LAVIAN(apply)...hair die lagane wali aunty to obviously old hogi....

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antediluvian ~ anti (against) + luv (love); If you are against love, you are probably a person with antediluvian thoughts.

antediluvian=rhymes as: antique+to+everyone

concentrate on diluvian.it resembles alluvium,takes years to form alluvium deposits.hence ANCIENT and ANTIQUATED

Anti + di(2) + love = old ppl are against 2 loves.

ANTE-DIL-UVIAN: ante- against;dil-love;u-you; if ur against love, your propably oldfashioned or antique

diluvian sounds like dravidian - ancient


Short Definition : song of praise or patriotism; Ex. national anthem

(noun) a song of devotion or loyalty (as to a nation or school) Definition
(noun) a song of praise (to God or to a saint or to a nation)
Synonyms : hymn
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for anthem

remember like national anthem JANA GANA MANA


Short Definition : book of literary selections by various authors; CF. omnibus

(noun) a collection of selected literary passages
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for anthology

nth, we say nth term in maths,so N number of writers compiling and publishing there written stories,acc to Oxford: a collection of poems, stories, etc. that have been written by different people and published together in a book

like ants groups, groups or collections of literacy sections as logy relates to literate sections

anth(rhymes with granth=book : hindi)log=people =>a book of various people's writings

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Anthology:anthony in AMAR AKBAR ANTHONY movie means amitabh bachhan +logy means study.so anthony brigs many books on cart to study them in church to make impressio on heroin

ANTHOny+LOGY(ic):he collected poems,stories,etc. of various authors and published a book on his name...

anthem + logy >> the various anthems of various nations clubbed together in a book..

(Ant + logy)In childhood we heard a story on ants..cheema cheema enduku kuttav ante naa puttalo velu pedithe kuttanaa..annadi anta..

this is for those who know antony hopkins...okay i remember this word as ANTHOny hopkins(a actor) has a LOG(remember log reports?) which contains collection of poems writen by his favourite authors.. imagine MR hannibal poetic ;)

anthology: means where anth i.e end of the events is written over there in form of poem, prose,play, drama etc.


Short Definition : manlike; resembling a human being; N.

(noun) person who resembles a nonhuman primate
Synonyms : ape
(noun) any member of the suborder Anthropoidea including monkeys and apes and hominids Definition
(adj) resembling apes
Synonyms : anthropoidal apelike
(adj) resembling human beings
Synonyms : manlike
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for anthropoid

Many of u must be knowing that anthropology is study of human beings. I think anthropoid is the root word for anthropology.

anthro= human and poloroid photo = exactly similar so anthropoid is exactly similar to humans

ANTHROPOID<===> मानवकार (pr. \\manavakar \\ )[Adjective] Example:Monkeys are anthoropoid ancestors of modern humans."

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root "anthro" in this word means "human" and hence something resembling human beings.

Always remember antro- means related to humans.


Short Definition : student of the history and science of humankind

(noun) a social scientist who specializes in anthropology
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for anthropologist

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ANTHROPOLOGIST<===> मानवविज्ञानी (pr. \\manavavijnyani \\ )[Noun] Example:Mr.Patel is an expert anthorpologist.


Short Definition : having human form or characteristics

(adj) suggesting human characteristics for animals or inanimate things
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for anthropomorphic

etymologically anthropos means 'mankind' and morph means 'shape or figure'..so anthropomorphic is having human form or figure

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ANTHROPOMORPHIC<===> मानवरूपी (pr. \\manavarupi \\ )[Noun]


Short Definition : letdown in thought or emotion; something unexciting, ordinary, or disappointing coming after something important or exciting

(noun) a disappointing decline after a previous rise
Example Sentence
  • the anticlimax of a brilliant career
(noun) a change from a serious subject to a disappointing one
Synonyms : bathos
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for anticlimax

climax of a movie is usually exciting,so anti-climax is unexciting and its dissappointing

anticlimax ~ anti + cli (climb) + max; suppose you were trying to climb at tree and you reached almost at maximum height but suddenly u fell down (anti)...

ANTICLIMAX<===> दुखान्त (pr. \\dukhant \\ )[Noun]


Short Definition : remedy to counteract a poison or disease; Ex. antidote to the economic troubles

(noun) a remedy that stops or controls the effects of a poison
Synonyms : counterpoison
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for antidote

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"anti(against) + dote(u find two dots where a snake(poison) bites)" i.e, 'remedy for a poison'

anti=against,dote = poison,because poison is consumed in small drops,so poison can be dote

anti + dote ~ against + dots; You have some dots (marks) on your face and you are looking for some antidote to remove them (go against them)

anti-against, dote-medicine/poison because they are took in dose. dose and dote are alike.


ANTIDOTE<===> विष नाशक (pr. \\viSh nashak \\ )[Noun] Example:There is a no antidote for cobras poison.

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