• word of the day


    efface - Dictionary definition and meaning for word efface

    (verb) remove completely from recognition or memory
    Synonyms : obliterate
    Example Sentence
    • efface the memory of the time in the camps
    (verb) make inconspicuous
    Example Sentence
    • efface oneself
    (verb) remove by or as if by rubbing or erasing
    Synonyms : erase , rub out , score out , wipe off
    Example Sentence
    • Please erase the formula on the blackboard--it is wrong!
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for efface

Closely related to "erase"..to rub out or we can think in another way also, we wash our face to remove the dust from the surface of the skin(ef+face)...

ye-face....dekha hai par yaad nahi hai, its almost erased from my memory..!!!

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e+face=erase the face(memory)

e+face=erase the face(memory)

Efface = e+face = erase the face = become inconspicuous Self-effacing = self destroying = self-removing

well......remember it as the trojans were effaced i.e wiped off the face of the earth.

erase faces is akin to erasing completely your memory as you cant even remember a person/object face

efface = effect of ace; i.e the tata ace srtike you & your memory has been lost.

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