it sounds like on+er+us..that is ONUS.. when something is ON US ..we feel burdensome
Onerous= one+rous. If u assign much work on ONE person it will be ONErous for him
onerous....can be associated wid owners on us...who r trouble some
onerous = sound like owner = when they come to collect the rent you feel always burdensome.
one-rassi.. a lot of things hanging from one string.. so becomes burdensome..
This sounds like generous.... Which is not easy!!!
The asses complain: "Our OWNER always
put burden on US."
OWNED US - like losing badly in a game of basketball
Owner are burden Us
in hindi one is 'ek'
rous sounds like rasta i.e a path..
so dere is only " ek rasta" means one way out of difficult situation and it requires lot of effort bcoz its very tough....
The burden is tied ON OUR ASS.
Owner(PM) will be on us if we dont complete the assigned task in time. We may nt have completed bcoz it requires much effort and is difficult.
think as owner.. becoming an owner is a difficult task and involves more effort
Definition (noun) using words that imitate the sound they denote
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for onomatopoeia
oh no maa! top(cannon in hindi) fire aaya : dishdhambush
oh no maa...mei top aaya..."yahoo" "hurray" "yipee"...!!!
Split word like this OPP_ROB_RIUM : if u ROB OPIUM then u will be criticized
opprobrium = 'Oprah' disgraced' Brian' in the show :)
op+prob+rium....opprobrium for problem maker
Opium + Probe + Rob = Defame
Opprobrium:Opp(Opposite)+Rob(Robbery),Just Imagine u had ROBbed urs neighbors house which which is Opposite to urs House,so ur going to face great disgrace(of arising from shameful conduct) form ur neighbours who r very close to u
opprobrium: Opium+ Pro
a pro who uses opium(drug) should feel ashamed of himself/herself==> public disgrace or reproach
Think "Opt to be Probed in my Rium" which just sounds disgraceful and like I would hate it.
split opprobrium as op+probe+xxx probe means to sensors on sea ground,that touch the ground to analyse. So probe menas to touch and approve. Op+probe is not to touch because u dont like it. vilify,infamy.
Definition (noun) wealth as evidenced by sumptuous living
Opulence rhymes with affluence.. which also means rich.. and you can also say that rich people have a lot of influence on people.. which also rhymes with opulence..
from opulance remember lancer car.only rich and luxiry people can purchase lancer.
Definition (verb) order by virtue of superior authority; decree
His ostensible purpose was charity, his real goal popularity
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ostensible
People are "tense" when they appear to be something they're not.
O.S(operating system i.e cpu) TEN....ten operating systems...government offices have ten operating systems but none of them is working...hence all of them are ostensible...
OopS i'm not TENSed, (i am pretending)
os+TENS+IBLE..FOCUS ON TENS..TENSE..well delievring your speech in assembly you appered tensed to me.
"Stencil"- the outline of something is what is apparent, seeming, professed
os+TEN+sible = apparent TENdency.. not the actual reason..
ohhh you are looking tensed but i know you are not actually tensed
ostensible = pronunce it like off + tense + able. that is a person who using wrong tense while speaking ( off + tense = wrong tense) never admits his mistakes and acts like he is fluent . os(off) TENSE ible
os(ofcourse+tensible) hope it works out :-)
computer can support ten OS may be sensible(osten sible) but cannot be true.
Os in hindi is drops of water. You see reflection in water is apparent and seeming. pretended.not real value or face
as + tensible >>> the material luks tensible but actually its not.. its just APPEARING to be tensible...
tendere-> to stretch,Bada chada ke dikhana.Similar word ,ostentatious, added
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