sounds like ABSTAIN from change of opinion;unyielding
to b thin stubborn not to ate
Definition (adj) noisily and stubbornly defiant
Example Sentence
obstreperous boys
Definition (adj) boisterously and noisily aggressive
Example Sentence
kept up an obstreperous clamor
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for obstreperous
the word can be broken into ob+STREET+PERU..streets in peru are very noisy because of traffic.
obstetrician is the one who deliver babies...obstreperous sounds like obste+pair ous so pairing all those obstreticians and delivering the babies all at a time then all the babies after deliever they make a lot of noise....
OBSTRE- word is used for small babies in obstretrician.
Small babies are very noisy and bossy(they want things done their way).
strepsil (medicine) cures uncontrolled sore throat or blocked nose
read as 'ob(obviously)+ stereo(stre)+ per(perous) songs sunege ' so it causes noise
AP+STRIP erous....when u strip, the crowd turns obstreperous
obscenely putting on the stereo high which is porous to ears
obst(inate) + reper(rapper) is quite noisy and stubbornly defiant
abe strip karege thn ppl ll roar.make noise
ob-STREP(sils) orous
we take strepsils when ve have a noisy cough that is difficult to control
noisy and uncontrollable when yu go steeper in mountain or hight
of + strapper + ous ---> Unfortunately the people with psychological disorder are sometimes bound with straps. And they are sometimes very noisy too. :(
obstreperous = ob + strep + per +o +us; reversely strip per on us i.e we are going to make more noise for this teachers are doing this to us..
Obstreperous - when you're trespassing you need to be very silent and not boisterous
obs(absolute)+tre(tree)+perous(peru tree)...monkey have climbed the peru tree...its boisterous and noisy
lassitude is an "attitude" which forces us to drink "LASSI".
when you include someone they are welcome and the gates are always open but when you OCCLUDE(rhymes with EXCLUDE), they are unwelcome and hence the gates are SHUT or CLOSED on them.
Occlude - sounds like conclude. Means close or shut something...
ODI+oUS ....ODI MATCHES.afterTHE test match in aus...BUCKNER IS-the most HATED umpire among we dont want to see him DOING UMPIRING IN ODI matches a strong feeling of HATRED against BUCKNER in US.
after the arrival of T-20...everybody hated ODI now...!!!
Kannada: Odi => Run ... U run away from what u hate!.
ODIOUS rhymes with adieu(which means goodbye)..Everyone loves "hellos" and everyone hates "goodbyes" odious=hateful
odious -> odi( ran in tamil) ous(lovers) are arousing strong dislike; hateful by parents
odi-us is like odor-us because-you-stink!
You hate(odious) to do 'odd' jobs.
Definition (noun) state of disgrace resulting from detestable behavior
Definition (noun) hate coupled with disgust
ODIUM rhymes with PODIUM. Podium means stage and I have a stage fear and therefore I detest going on the stage.
odium sounds very close to podium(a stage type of thing)-well standing on podium when politician delivers speech against their opponents fills us with odium.
if we take "opium" people will hate us and look at us with disgust
od+i+u +(m)...i dislike you as you as your thoughts are very odd.
we say "odi-yamma" in hatred...!!!
odium sounds lyk odion theatre in hyderabd...afta the bomb blast in dat theatre its reputation has been lost hence disrepute
Odium, sounds like "Odu". In tamil language "Odu" means "Run". So we run away from things we detest
odi( ran in tamil) um(lovers) are arousing strong dislike; hateful by parents
bad odor from a person will make u hate him and be disgusted by the smell
Definition (adj) intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner
bustling about self-importantly making an officious nuisance of himself
busy about other people's business
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for officious
OFFICIOUS,the first part of the word sounds similar to office. Imagine a government office where people poke their nose in other's affairs, they are INTERFERING.
Offi(in offices)+cious(curious)..
in offices ppl vl be curious for promotions so they vil be pushy in offering services
excessive eagerness to do OFFicial work of OFFering service or advice..
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