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(verb) persist stubbornly
Example Sentence
  • he obstinates himself against all rational arguments
(adj) tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield
Synonyms : stubborn unregenerate
(adj) stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing Definition
(adj) resistant to guidance or discipline
Example Sentence
  • Mary Mary quite contrary
  • an obstinate child with a violent temper
  • a perverse mood
  • wayward behavior
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for obstinate

obs+tin+ate he ate tin so he is stubborn fellow as he is hard to control

ob+stin+ate.. stin means to stand.. and a stubborn person will always stand by his view..

obs+tin(ate), obsessive teens,they are stubborn,hard to control

ob-steyn-ate.. remember dale steyn.. hez a very stubborn bowler. keeps staring nd taunting at batsmen

un - abstain (unable to control )

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A tin is hard so obs 'tin' ate .. hard headed

sounds like ABSTAIN from change of opinion;unyielding

to b thin stubborn not to ate


(adj) noisily and stubbornly defiant
Example Sentence
  • obstreperous boys
(adj) boisterously and noisily aggressive
Example Sentence
  • kept up an obstreperous clamor
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for obstreperous

the word can be broken into ob+STREET+PERU..streets in peru are very noisy because of traffic.

obstetrician is the one who deliver babies...obstreperous sounds like obste+pair ous so pairing all those obstreticians and delivering the babies all at a time then all the babies after deliever they make a lot of noise....

OBSTRE- word is used for small babies in obstretrician. Small babies are very noisy and bossy(they want things done their way).

strepsil (medicine) cures uncontrolled sore throat or blocked nose

read as 'ob(obviously)+ stereo(stre)+ per(perous) songs sunege ' so it causes noise

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ob( oppose) + streper ( stripper) + ous (us-our). = ppl opposed to have strippers as their neighbors by making noisy protest.

Ob(out )+stre(stream)+perous(pore)---give loud noise as it gushes out..

obstreperous=obviously strep(sils)removes kich kich...i.e boisterous

AP+STRIP erous....when u strip, the crowd turns obstreperous

ob+stre+perous obscenely putting on the stereo high which is porous to ears

obst(inate) + reper(rapper) is quite noisy and stubbornly defiant

abe strip karege thn ppl ll roar.make noise

ob-STREP(sils) orous we take strepsils when ve have a noisy cough that is difficult to control

noisy and uncontrollable when yu go steeper in mountain or hight

of + strapper + ous ---> Unfortunately the people with psychological disorder are sometimes bound with straps. And they are sometimes very noisy too. :(

obstreperous = ob + strep + per +o +us; reversely strip per on us i.e we are going to make more noise for this teachers are doing this to us..

Obstreperous - when you're trespassing you need to be very silent and not boisterous

obs(absolute)+tre(tree)+perous(peru tree)...monkey have climbed the peru tree...its boisterous and noisy

lassitude is an "attitude" which forces us to drink "LASSI".

Ma kan mod degi if you disobey


(verb) do away with
Synonyms : eliminate rid of
(verb) prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening
Example Sentence
  • Let's avoid a confrontation
  • head off a confrontation
  • avert a strike
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for obviate

obviate - viate sounds like deviate, deviate yourself from studying(happen something)....

ob+viate .. viate can be rhymed with void.. and making void means removing something.. hence getting rid of..

if it is obvious you can obviate it easily (you can prevent it), obvious and obviate sound similar

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obviate = ob-'prevent' + viate 'via [=way]' prevent the way ~ we don't go that way

OBVIously i ATE poison bcoz i wanted to GET RID OF my life..!!!!!!............:D

Obviate : A-void-it

Relate it with "obvious"...

ob = obese ate = eat obese person avoids to eat

ob+viate(sounds like violate) which means get rid off something.

obviate sounds like obliviate spell in harry potter which is used to remove the memory of someone so get rid of

ob+vi+ate--- if we are OBese(fat) then VI(we) should be OB(against) ATE(eating), i.e., we should PREVENT AND AVOID eating too much

obviate=obvious+ate a necessary thing is obvious and to eat it makes it unnecessary

obviate sounds like ob (ab - now ) violate thus avoid

Dont go to iOB bank it is not safe for money transfer avoid it.

OOhhh..Deviate ..and prevent it from happening


(verb) block passage through
Example Sentence
  • obstruct the path
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for occlude

when you include someone they are welcome and the gates are always open but when you OCCLUDE(rhymes with EXCLUDE), they are unwelcome and hence the gates are SHUT or CLOSED on them.

Occlude - sounds like conclude. Means close or shut something...

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Harry Potter fans may remember occlumency which is the subject that helps to close one's mind.

clude originates from claudere.. which means close..

occlude which is opposite of include.

exclude the forms bcoz we r colsed

Make a chain like this Include::Exclude::Occlude

you conclude when you occlude - shut or close something


(noun) supernatural forces and events and beings collectively
Synonyms : supernatural
Example Sentence
  • She doesn't believe in the supernatural
(noun) supernatural practices and techniques
Synonyms : occult arts
Example Sentence
  • he is a student of the occult
(verb) cause an eclipse of (a celestial body) by intervention
Synonyms : eclipse
Example Sentence
  • The Sun eclipses the moon today
  • Planets and stars often are occulted by other celestial bodies
(verb) become concealed or hidden from view or have its light extinguished
Example Sentence
  • The beam of light occults every so often
(verb) hide from view
Example Sentence
  • The lids were occulting her eyes
(adj) hidden and difficult to see
Example Sentence
  • an occult fracture
  • occult blood in the stool
(adj) having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding
Example Sentence
  • mysterious symbols
  • the mystical style of Blake
  • occult lore
  • the secret learning of the ancients
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for occult

diffiCULT to understand

in slang.. cult means to flick.. or rob.. and the person who cults is always mysterious, secret..

The occult is of the supernatural, which is always hard to understand or see.

can be related to CULTs - which believe in strange supernaturals

Occult is the past tense of occur, so the ugly things which happens in the longest past is always darken in memory no body favor it to remind.

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our culture is secret and mysterious.

occult (questions with no result) (occur no result)


(adj) unequivocally detestable
Example Sentence
  • abominable treatment of prisoners
  • detestable vices
  • execrable crimes
  • consequences odious to those you govern
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for odious

hate people with bad odour(odious) and high audio(odious)

the word reminds us of ODOUR, when we get bad odour from someone ...we tend to DISLIKE or DEVELOP AN AVERSION for that person..

originally it is taken from latin word odisse means to HATE....ODIOUS MEANS something detestable, hatful...abhorrent

remember garfield and odi...?? garfield HATES odi. so anything with the prefix odi+ is detestable

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ODI+oUS ....ODI MATCHES.afterTHE test match in aus...BUCKNER IS-the most HATED umpire among indians...so we dont want to see him DOING UMPIRING IN ODI matches ..so a strong feeling of HATRED against BUCKNER in US.

after the arrival of T-20...everybody hated ODI now...!!!

Kannada: Odi => Run ... U run away from what u hate!.

ODIOUS rhymes with adieu(which means goodbye)..Everyone loves "hellos" and everyone hates "goodbyes"...so odious=hateful

odious -> odi( ran in tamil) ous(lovers) are arousing strong dislike; hateful by parents

odi-us is like odor-us because-you-stink!

You hate(odious) to do 'odd' jobs.


(noun) state of disgrace resulting from detestable behavior Definition
(noun) hate coupled with disgust
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for odium

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ODIUM rhymes with PODIUM. Podium means stage and I have a stage fear and therefore I detest going on the stage.

odium sounds very close to podium(a stage type of thing)-well standing on podium when politician delivers speech against their opponents ..it fills us with odium.

if we take "opium" people will hate us and look at us with disgust

od+i+u +(m)...i dislike you as you as your thoughts are very odd.

we say "odi-yamma" in hatred...!!!

odium sounds lyk odion theatre in hyderabd...afta the bomb blast in dat theatre its reputation has been lost hence disrepute

Odium, sounds like "Odu". In tamil language "Odu" means "Run". So we run away from things we detest

odi( ran in tamil) um(lovers) are arousing strong dislike; hateful by parents

bad odor from a person will make u hate him and be disgusted by the smell


(adj) intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner
Example Sentence
  • an interfering old woman
  • bustling about self-importantly making an officious nuisance of himself
  • busy about other people's business
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for officious

OFFICIOUS,the first part of the word sounds similar to office. Imagine a government office where people poke their nose in other's affairs, they are INTERFERING.

Offi(in offices)+cious(curious).. in offices ppl vl be curious for promotions so they vil be pushy in offering services

excessive eagerness to do OFFicial work of OFFering service or advice..

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In an office, people are always poking into (meddling with) others affairs, in a irritating manner.

Imagine a police OFFICER that was so OFFICIOUS on the highway he made a car stop for several hours

Off-ish in the office = because they're pushy with their services to get a promotion

read off as offering and cious as service so one hu offer his service

inclined towards making our mood off - OFFIng eaCh and every 1 Of US


(noun) a political system governed by a few people
Example Sentence
  • one of his cardinal convictions was that Britain was not run as a democracy but as an oligarchy
  • the big cities were notoriously in the hands of the oligarchy of local businessmen
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for oligarchy

oligo basically means a few people.. as used in oligopoly..

In line with Anarchy Monarchy and Oligoarchy (Oligo means few), matriarchy(run by a women) and patriarchy(run by a man)

like anarchy...run by few people

Because an oligarchy is usually corrupt and operates in the dark, we could say it was OILY-DARKLY

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it sounds like ONLY archy...means only e few...!!!

Kraft food makes olios(cookies) which are so popular, the cookie family was elected to rule canada.

oligo = 0 log = 0 people or a few

monarchy and oligarchy,archy is common in same so easy to remember.

oligarchy - oli(lean in tamil) will control small group.


(adj) threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
Example Sentence
  • a baleful look
  • forbidding thunderclouds
  • his tone became menacing
  • ominous rumblings of discontent
  • sinister storm clouds
  • a sinister smile
  • his threatening behavior
  • ugly black clouds
  • the situation became ugly
(adj) presaging ill fortune
Synonyms : ill inauspicious
Example Sentence
  • ill omens
  • ill predictions
  • my words with inauspicious thunderings shook heaven
  • a dead and ominous silence prevailed
  • a by-election at a time highly unpropitious for the Government
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ominous

maruti OMNI.....it is a threating car usually used by kidnappers.

"omen+ious", Remember the movie "omen" the horror movie

ominous..oh+minus(-)..oh god everything negative..something bad is going to occur..its threatening

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Think O(all)+Minous(minus)=everything is being minus,,,its dangerous!!

Ominous feeling that he will score in minus

omni bus will make ous unpleasant in travel and feel bad about road accidents.

"Ominous" slightly rhymes with "menace". Both have the same meaning: "threatening"

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