frugal means avoiding waste... read it as free+girl...if a girl comes for free,it saves waste of money
FEW+GIRL friend...if you have few girl friends,it's ECONOMICAL...when you have many,it's costly.....and frugal means the quality of being economical with money or food...
[fru]gality => fruit. Fruit is cheap (cheaper than meat)
read it as, fru(free)+ gality(gali) free from waste(gali).
Definition (noun) a salt or ester of fulminic acid
Definition (verb) criticize severely
Frustration will <B>culminate</B> in a loud verbal attack, an emotional explosion.
fulminate = foul + my + mate = criticize hardly
fulminate=full of mennace
means creating mennace evrytime
fulminate:FUlly ILlUMINAted::::::
(IN KOI MIL GAYA movie)....The Aliens came suddenly illuminating the sky and changed the whole senerio drastically......
disseminate means scatter.
full + eminate fully scatter , only an explosion can do this.
fuel+ illuminate
FULMINATE means to criticize severely. FULSOME means the opposite (excessive praise). ful-SOME is better than the ful-MINimum.
did u Fool Me Nate(short for Nathaniel)?!Just imagine Nate had just tried to fool one of his friend and now that he found out, he's furious and started criticizing Nate severely!
To "fully rate alout with hate"
-> can an administrator please delete this accidental duplicate? <-
dynamite=explode so as both have same sound
~ Culminate~climax---In old films, climax is where the hero criticizes bad guys fully and they change. Full at culmination
for one FUL-MIN(my friend)-ATE...then xploded with loud noise
Definition (adj) unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech
FURTIVE ..very close to FERTILE...SO when you are infertile you go for fertility treatment, which you keep SECRET from others, as you dont want people to know about your infertility.
fussilade ==> fasad
In a fasad there is a lot of firing
FUSI(ll)ADE:fuse + parade.its a parade of fuses.
"Fusion"+"Raid"->an atomic raid against somebody, outburst or firing of missiles,questions,etc.
Fusillade=fire brigade ,incessant jets of water poured.
• Fusillade = fus (to pour) + ill+ ade ( as in lemonade) => To pour something rapidly that causes illness. Here it is the rapid discharge of firearms.
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