• word of the day


    unctuous - Dictionary definition and meaning for word unctuous

    (adj) unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech
    Synonyms : buttery , fulsome , oily , oleaginous , smarmy , soapy
    Example Sentence
    • buttery praise
    • gave him a fulsome introduction
    • an oily sycophantic press agent
    • oleaginous hypocrisy
    • smarmy self-importance
    • the unctuous Uriah Heep
    • soapy compliments
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unctuous

unctuous -> functuous -> party like ... in parties girls do a lot of oily makeup and try to appear and behave sauve but in my opinion they look and behave in a bland way.



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untukodam...sticky, oily...!!!

My UNCLE is unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech TO US.

Unctous and sanctimonous are similar in sound and they mean, hypocritical, insincere.

Word Root:Unctuosus means greasy

un+ctu+ous= un sit ous -> undress made sit ous for oil massage and flatter the angry customer.

his unctuous behaviour makes me anxious

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