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(noun) a slick spokesperson who can turn any criticism to the advantage of their employer Definition
(noun) intense adverse criticism
Synonyms : attack blast fire flack
Example Sentence
  • Clinton directed his fire at the Republican Party
  • the government has come under attack
  • don't give me any flak
(noun) artillery designed to shoot upward at airplanes


(noun) showy tropical tree or shrub native to Madagascar; widely planted in tropical regions for its immense racemes of scarlet and orange flowers; sometimes placed in genus Poinciana Definition
(adj) marked by ostentation but often tasteless
Synonyms : showy splashy
Example Sentence
  • a cheap showy rhinestone bracelet
  • a splashy half-page ad
(adj) elaborately or excessively ornamented
Synonyms : aureate florid
Example Sentence
  • flamboyant handwriting
  • the senator's florid speech
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for flamboyant

flamboyant ~ flame + boy; imagine a boy wearing a T-shirt with pictures of flame on it. will it not be flamboyant?

flamboyant="flame" + "boy",, the boy's body is "ornated" with the tatto of flame :)

flamboyant ~ flame + boy; we have seen FLAMES coming from the BOY’S mouth in CIRCUS they are generally ORNATED and wore RICH COLOURED costumes….


(noun) the act of displaying something ostentatiously
Example Sentence
  • his behavior was an outrageous flaunt
(verb) display proudly; act ostentatiously or pretentiously
Example Sentence
  • he showed off his new sports car
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for flaunt

flaunt ->Friend's aunt; my Friend's aunt always flaunts.

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flamboyant(showy) aunt

flaunt="flatter"+"aunt" ,, aunty flattered uncle by displaying herself ostentatiously

flaunt = fla (flash)+ aunt (aunty)= aunty flaunts her bounty

Aunt is trying to flat everyone by show off and her looks,display

Flaunt and flirt are somewhat similar. People tend to flirt with people who flaunt.

Shambles sounds like scrambles, DISORDER.


(verb) strip the skin off
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for flay

to eat LAY's(chips) we need to strip off its cover

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F**K+LAY....if you find your girlfriend F**King and LAYING with someone, you will criticize her severely.......

flay sounds very similar to play. His skin flayed when he fell down while playing cricket.

for making LAYS chips,have to flay potatoes,strip potato skin

when we removed skin (E) of LEAFY vegetable it becomes LAFY which when solved becomes FLAY

when you FILLET(pronounced FIL-AY) a fish, you strip off the skin.

if u call any one a lay man he will definately end up beating u...


flay sounds like fla i.e to remove something;


(noun) a small fragment of something broken off from the whole
Synonyms : bit chip flake scrap
Example Sentence
  • a bit of rock caught him in the eye
(noun) a small contrasting part of something
Example Sentence
  • a bald spot
  • a leopard's spots
  • a patch of clouds
  • patches of thin ice
  • a fleck of red
(verb) make a spot or mark onto
Synonyms : blob blot spot
Example Sentence
  • The wine spotted the tablecloth
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fleck

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rhymes with speck meaning a dot or small spot

If in a FLOCK of sth like say goats,a man comes in between, he will be visible distinctly ,, like a spot... Syn:dapple, dot, flake, freckle, jot, mark, particle, speck, speckle, spot, streak..


(noun) a reflex response to sudden pain
Synonyms : wince
(verb) draw back, as with fear or pain
Example Sentence
  • she flinched when they showed the slaughtering of the calf
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for flinch

sounds like pinch , when you pinch, the skin flinches.

U FLINCH to pinch someone

in FLINstones, the guy used to MOVE BACK COZ OF FEAR coz of his pet DINO

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F - LINCH = Fear of Pinch


(adj) showing inappropriate levity
Synonyms : light-minded
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for flippant

flippant - person who flips a coin and decides is not serious...

focus on flip; during exam time if you flip through the pages of the book rather than reading them with concentration, then you LACK PROPER SERIOUSNESS.

SLIP+PANT..if u put slips in pants while goin to exam den ur not serious abt ur exam...levity

flip+plant - the person who use to flip his pant always is not "serious" at all

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when you r flipping the pages of a book u r not SERIOUS ABOUT reading the book.

a person havin a flip phone who keeps on playing with it laking in seriousness instead of using it flippant...

A person flips tasks if he thinks the1st one was not that serious task..

flippant = lip + aunty; lip of aunty is going to tell anything.


(noun) a sudden quick movement
Synonyms : dart
(noun) a secret move (to avoid paying debts)
Example Sentence
  • they did a moonlight flit
(verb) move along rapidly and lightly; skim or dart
Synonyms : dart fleet flutter
Example Sentence
  • The hummingbird flitted among the branches
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for flit

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flit sounds like flight which flies very rapidly.

flit=fly like it(can be anything) which is lite..n something thats lite fly's swiftly..

Fleet taxis are a flit service as they secretly (depends)take you wherever you wanna go.

u spray FLIT to kill the flies but the dont die because they FLIT, (fly off suddenly)


(noun) flesh of any of various American and European flatfish Definition
(noun) any of various European and non-European marine flatfish Definition
(verb) walk with great difficulty
Synonyms : stagger
Example Sentence
  • He staggered along in the heavy snow
(verb) behave awkwardly; have difficulties
Example Sentence
  • She is floundering in college
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for flounder

Fly+under water is accompanied with lots of struggle and confusion

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Sounds similar to founder.. a startup founder has to face lots of difficulties in the beginning.

When you catch a flounder (fish), he struggles and thrashes around to try to escape.

f(lounde)r... lounde has to struggle hard to get hitched to a girl

He struggled to reach ashore in the fast river FLOw UNDER the moonlight when the boat sunk.

lafandero ki tarah ghoom na

Flounder sounds like flow under...under water flow its very hard to walk.....so flounder is struggle to walk

flo+under— we STRUGGLE when we get FLOw UNDER water

flounder sounds like found+err.when u found error u would be in a state of DIFFICULTY.


(verb) treat with contemptuous disregard
Synonyms : scoff
Example Sentence
  • flout the rules
(verb) laugh at with contempt and derision
Synonyms : barrack gibe jeer scoff
Example Sentence
  • The crowd jeered at the speaker
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for flout

FLOUT... FOUL + OUT. When a player is sent out by foul, the player shows his contempt to the referee.

A kid asked me if he could FLY his paper plane in the room, I replied bluntly-FLY OUT.

Can be associated with word "Clout" which means "great influence" as "Person who has clout tends to flout" == A person who has great influence tends to show contempt for and break the rules. eg. Salman Khan

flout sounds like foul;;; foul smells make angry irritating..

FLOUT is to treat with contempt. If you have CLOUT you are treated with respect.

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flOUT(OUTDATED)...SO something which is outdated is always rejected by people.

one who makes Fun and Laugh at others are FLout

"flout" sounds fly out, so someone flying high in supremacy treats others badly by joking, rejecting and exhibiting disregard

flow out..that is something rejected needs to flow out

if u make Fun of me and Laugh then u can get OUT of my house

flaw+out=flout when u see any flaw(imperfections) in government.u ask it to step out

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