this word is derived from FELIX(root word means lucky..happy)..felix is name given to lucky and famous people.
yash is a gr8 guy.wenever dat (FEL)la (cit)s with (us), we all hav a HAPPY time
Felicity is delightful and appropriate for a TV show.
The music band was aptly and well chosen as the winner for the award and I can still recall him exclamating "FELicia IS IT (o)US??"
felicitous people are well chosen people they causes you sit in the felicitation
fell in love sit and proposed.(well expressed and well chosen)
like popes and saints..who thoughts are always apt, and suitably well chosen.
After results i felt(fel) that in Indian Chemical Institute(ici) i can sit(cit) with my friends(us) who got selected last year in counseling that whay I am very much happy.
propitious:- pro means favorable circumstances,iti means industrial training institute, ous means us i.e industrial training institue is in favor of us we will get the tender, for that we are happy.
Definition (adj) marked by extreme and violent energy
Fervor - relate it to exam fever. U become so much ardent and enthusiastic to study for that one night to get good marks.. U have an intense feeling to study.. Hope this helps
RELATE FERVOR TO fever-BODY BECOMES WARM & AND YOU GET warm attention when u have fever
fever sounds like for her... You have intensity of feeling for your girlfriend/wife..
fervor sound like fervary (Hindi month) hot month
close to favor
sounds like fever. Think BIEBER FEVER
Definition (noun) a cruel wicked and inhuman person
Definition (noun) (law) a tactic for delaying or obstructing legislation by making long speeches
Definition (verb) obstruct deliberately by delaying
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for filibuster
something that is filled to burst the final outcome (which delays the outcome)
fili(fill)-buster...anything filled will block something.therefore word=block-buster(usually action movies are block buster hit movies).....therefore block action by making long speeches
In most college fests between two major events fillers are put to waste time...
its related to inhibiting a bill.. so it can be considered as BILL + BUSTER
Image: chamber filled with busted brains, the gruesome fragments delayed any passing (the room and the law); while the filibuster wielder still stood and speaking. Story: Other legislators were so bored their heads exploded.
film makers keep on DELAYING the movie by sayin stupid reasonz..
to FILL the time with long speeches to BUST legislative action.
Definition (adj) exacting especially about details
flag + rent --renting the national flag!(No offense meant)
It is shocking &
"flagrant"-split into 'flag'+'rant'. Flag(v) means slow down & rant meant irritated. Therefore when one start weakening they rant and become offensive.
lag + rant --running over the national flag!(No offense meant) It is bad or offensive.
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