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    waver - Dictionary definition and meaning for word waver

    (noun) someone who communicates by waving Definition
    (noun) the act of pausing uncertainly
    Synonyms : falter , faltering , hesitation
    Example Sentence
    • there was a hesitation in his speech
    (noun) the act of moving back and forth
    Synonyms : flicker , flutter
    (verb) pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness
    Synonyms : hesitate , waffle
    Example Sentence
    • Authorities hesitate to quote exact figures
    (verb) be unsure or weak
    Synonyms : falter
    Example Sentence
    • Their enthusiasm is faltering
    (verb) move hesitatingly, as if about to give way
    Synonyms : falter
    (verb) move or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern
    Synonyms : fluctuate , vacillate
    Example Sentence
    • the line on the monitor vacillated
    (verb) move back and forth very rapidly
    Synonyms : flicker , flitter , flutter , quiver
    Example Sentence
    • the candle flickered
    (verb) sway to and fro
    Synonyms : weave
    (verb) give off unsteady sounds, alternating in amplitude or frequency
    Synonyms : quaver
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for waver

Like a sea WAVE going UP and DOWN in taking decision.

Wave… Waver person waves to take a tough decision.

Waver and quiver... waver is to become unsteady and quiver is to shake or vibrate. They both refer to a state of unsteadiness.

waver---wave r...fluctuate

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