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    awry - Dictionary definition and meaning for word awry

    (adj) turned or twisted toward one side
    Synonyms : askew , cockeyed , lopsided , skew-whiff , wonky
    Example Sentence
    • a...youth with a gorgeous red necktie all awry
    • his wig was, as the British say, skew-whiff
    (adj) not functioning properly
    Synonyms : amiss , haywire , wrong
    Example Sentence
    • something is amiss
    • has gone completely haywire
    • something is wrong with the engine
    (adv) away from the correct or expected course
    Synonyms : amiss
    Example Sentence
    • something has gone awry in our plans
    • something went badly amiss in the preparations
    (adv) turned or twisted to one side
    Synonyms : askew , skew-whiff
    Example Sentence
    • rugs lying askew
    • with his necktie twisted awry
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for awry

awry sounds like "a + vary(variation)" i.e, 'a variation from the expected way or position(turned or twisted to one side)'

this mnemonic is in hindi....awry sounds like a cutting tool in hindi "aarii"which is bent and somewhat distorted in shape

AWRY sounds like AREY! in telugu . When do we call someone angrily AREY! .. When he doing something crooked, distorted .. !

awry=a + wry(worry).If we done something crooked and distorted we feel worry about the consequences.

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just replace the 3rd letter "R" with "A"..then it will become "away"...

we make a hole on the wal(awl) with an awl which is awry

A(not)-WRY(worry).If v are not worried about a particular thing,then we are away from that particular matter.

ARI gold from the HBO series Entourage was very awry (crooked) in his ways


Remember Mechanical labs ? we were supposed to cut weld metal. dunno abt ure class but coz of the awry(aari aari aari harippa) my whole class went completely wrong during cutting of metal

awara aree plans kuthe hi chalalate

awry sounds like "a + wry(worry)" i.e, 'a variation from the expected way or position(turned or twisted to one side)' will cause u to worry..

awry: pronounced as aarae.relate it as aadhae(2 and half),which is not a STRAIGHT number.SO it is distorted/crooked

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