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    erratic - Dictionary definition and meaning for word erratic

    (adj) liable to sudden unpredictable change
    Synonyms : fickle , mercurial , quicksilver
    Example Sentence
    • erratic behavior
    • fickle weather
    • mercurial twists of temperament
    • a quicksilver character, cool and willful at one moment, utterly fragile the next
    (adj) having no fixed course
    Synonyms : planetary , wandering
    Example Sentence
    • an erratic comet
    • his life followed a wandering course
    • a planetary vagabond
    (adj) likely to perform unpredictably
    Synonyms : temperamental
    Example Sentence
    • erratic winds are the bane of a sailor
    • a temperamental motor; sometimes it would start and sometimes it wouldn't
    • that beautiful but temperamental instrument the flute
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for erratic

focus on ERR + atic..part of it, and err is nothing but ERROR, and errors always look ODD, AND ARE unpredictable in nature.

sounds much similar to word erotic.....the acts in erotic scenes in movies are quite unpredictable

assmue you buy a new beautiful house ,elegent ,gorgeous kitchen..suddenly out of nowhere u see a rat in the attic ,which would be odd and unpredictable erratic=odd,unpredictable

ERR—error—something that has error is IRREGULAR

erratic ~ errata -> so many things -> unpredictable which one

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

ERRATIC: It sounds simlar to "Erection",so whenever ur Penis(Dick)Erects ur mood changes suddenly(High sexual mood lo low mood)......-----

error is not predictable

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