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Short Definition : capricious; fanciful; amusingly strange

(adj) determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason
Synonyms : capricious impulsive
Example Sentence
  • a capricious refusal
  • authoritarian rulers are frequently capricious
  • the victim of whimsical persecutions
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for whimsical

Whimsical sounds like comical...whimsical is , impulsive, playful...comical is amusing and funny.

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whim sounds like vim bar for washing dishes , vim used for changing dirty dishes to new .so

Whimsical = WHISTLE.. when u c a gal u whistle.. dats behave with impulse rather den reasoning.

(WH)en (I) (M) (SIC)k for (CAL)cium, i behave like WHIMSICAL

whimsical...looks like we+him+musical...we have selected him for his extraordinary,a impulsive performance.A musician never perform because of necessity or reason.This is their passion which forced him2give impulsive performance

we selected him a changing musical tune.From old to new generation.


Short Definition : whim; tendency to behave amusingly strangely; Ex. story full of whimsy

(noun) an odd or fanciful or capricious idea
Synonyms : notion whim whimsey
Example Sentence
  • the theatrical notion of disguise is associated with disaster in his stories
  • he had a whimsy about flying to the moon
  • whimsy can be humorous to someone with time to enjoy it
(noun) the trait of acting unpredictably and more from whim or caprice than from reason or judgment
Example Sentence
  • I despair at the flightiness and whimsicality of my memory
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for whimsy

whimsy...WHISKY..so after taking 4 - 5 pegs of whisky..you tend to BEHAVE in an amusingly strange manner.

If you take out 'sy' from whimsy and add 'p' in its place, you get the word whimp. Whimp and weep sound the same and they both mean, to cry.


Short Definition : complain (in a sad voice); make a high sad sound (as in pain or supplication)

(noun) a complaint uttered in a plaintive whining way
Synonyms : whimper
(verb) move with a whining sound
Example Sentence
  • The bullets were whining past us
(verb) talk in a tearful manner
Synonyms : snivel
(verb) make a high-pitched, screeching noise
Example Sentence
  • The door creaked when I opened it slowly
  • My car engine makes a whining noise
(verb) complain whiningly
Synonyms : grizzle yammer yawp
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for whine

sounds like wine....when you drink wine and make high (sad)sound everyone complains about u....

whine--sounds like WINE, and after drinking WINE ..people often feel emotional and express their feeling by making a HIGH SAD SOUND

Without the 'h' it becomes wine which rhymes with dine...they will wine (a drink) and dine (to eat) at the Sheraton today.

whine---wine..when people drink wine they start complaining about their problems with high volume


Short Definition : neigh like a horse; CF. neigh: make the sound which horses make

(noun) the characteristic sounds made by a horse
Synonyms : neigh nicker whicker
(verb) make a characteristic sound, of a horse
Synonyms : neigh nicker whicker
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for whinny

sounds like w+HINHInana of horse

The whinny(winning) horse whinnied..keep it simple silly!

Whinny (the neighing of a horse) and Ninny (a foolish person)...he was a such ninny because he was frightened of even the horse's whinny.

Chihihi.. like pony( Small horse)..

WHINning horse sounds well in New York :)


Short Definition : small amount; smallest speck; Ex. not a whit of

(noun) a tiny or scarcely detectable amount
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for whit

'whit' sounds like 'wheat' which is small in size hence tiny.

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whit has the same sound as BIT....so, a bit means something small in amount.

on my WHITe uniform a SMALLEST SPECK OF dirt is also easily detectable..........;)

whit---sounds like bit or wheat which is very small

we use hit -> it kills small amount of insects

wheat me chotta sa keedha bhi ni hona chhiyey


Short Definition : pare; cut away thin bits (from wood); fashion in this way; reduce gradually; trim

(noun) English aeronautical engineer who invented the jet aircraft engine (1907-1996) Definition
(verb) cut small bits or pare shavings from
Synonyms : pare
Example Sentence
  • whittle a piece of wood
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for whittle

whit = small... whittle is to make things smaller by cutting

sounds like a verb form of BRITTLE

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hittle reminds us of Hitler who cut things into smaller ...also just focus on "hit" part of this...

whittle == little pieces.

Shall WE HIT IT TILL thin pieces come away?

whittle = w + hit + little;

kathal (jackfruit) has to whittled .... similar sounding

whittle = little the Wood by cutting it

Whittle sounds like divisible and also has the same meaning.They both mean, to reduce by removing parts.

"With" + "Hal" -> Imagine dividing something into small pieces with a hal.

Sounds like god Vittala(for vishnu in kannada) who is the god of creation (gives shapes)

vittle naam leke woods ko kato..whittle


Short Definition : conducive to mental or physical health; healthful

(adj) conducive to or characteristic of physical or moral well-being
Example Sentence
  • wholesome attitude
  • wholesome appearance
  • wholesome food
(adj) sound or exhibiting soundness in body or mind
Example Sentence
  • exercise develops wholesome appetites
  • a grin on his ugly wholesome face
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for wholesome

Whole (complete, full, total) + some (a part of, a little portion)...you can take some parts of the whole.


Short Definition : ring of leaves around stem; ring; circular arrangement; Ex. whorls on the fingers

(noun) a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals) Definition
(noun) a strand or cluster of hair
Synonyms : curl lock ringlet
(noun) a structure consisting of something wound in a continuous series of loops
Synonyms : coil helix spiral volute
Example Sentence
  • a coil of rope
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for whorl

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remember 'whi(o)rl'pool..!!!!!

If we pronounce 'whorl' somewhat sounds like 'roll' which means 'coil'.

whorl~gol (round,circular in hindi)

Whorl sounds similar to twirl...twirl the strings round to form a whorl (coil) of rope.

whirlpool is a circular arrangement

A 'Whore' having a 'hole' with which she coils in a rod :P

whorl pool sounds like whirl pool---round pool

whorl = who rolled means twisting.


Short Definition : wriggle; move from side to side with irregular twisting motions

(noun) the act of wiggling
Synonyms : squirm wriggle
(verb) move to and fro
Synonyms : jiggle joggle
Example Sentence
  • Don't jiggle your finger while the nurse is putting on the bandage!
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for wiggle

A wig seller is moving around the market in a snake like fashion shouting "WIG LE" (take a wig in hindi)

Wiggle is the same as ripple...they both are an irregular motion.

wiggle - syn:joggle which sounds like jogging means move to and fro.

wiggle(giggle) when you giggle, u mouth twists from side to side


Short Definition : wilful; intentional; headstrong

(adj) done by design
Synonyms : wilful
Example Sentence
  • the insult was intentional
  • willful disobedience
(adj) habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for willful

wil+ful... full of will to do something..something intentional (done purposely).

will full...done with full will..totally intetional

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