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    pare - Dictionary definition and meaning for word pare

    (verb) decrease gradually or bit by bit
    Synonyms : pare down
    (verb) cut small bits or pare shavings from
    Synonyms : whittle
    Example Sentence
    • whittle a piece of wood
    (verb) strip the skin off
    Synonyms : peel , skin
    Example Sentence
    • pare apples
    (verb) remove the edges from and cut down to the desired size
    Synonyms : trim
    Example Sentence
    • pare one's fingernails
    • trim the photograph
    • trim lumber
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pare

for pare,we can remember spare,"we generally say spare a little bit for us also". Pare can be referred to a bit.

You PARE your food when you eat SPARINGLY.

sounds like PAIR...pair means two..so when you become two i.e when you get a girl friend, your money from the wallet gets PARED day by day....

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pare rhymes with tear

i wont spare u wait iam cmg to pare ur skin.idiot

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