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    screech - Dictionary definition and meaning for word screech

    (noun) a high-pitched noise resembling a human cry
    Example Sentence
    • he ducked at the screechings of shells
    • he heard the scream of the brakes
    (noun) sharp piercing cry
    Example Sentence
    • her screaming attracted the neighbors
    (verb) make a high-pitched, screeching noise
    Synonyms : creak , screak , skreak , squeak , whine
    Example Sentence
    • The door creaked when I opened it slowly
    • My car engine makes a whining noise
    (verb) utter a harsh abrupt scream
    Synonyms : screak , skreak , skreigh , squawk
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for screech

this sounds like scratch...so when you scratch..something you make a loud unpleasant noise.

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SCREECH is a SCREAM - a harsh high-pitched sound. You can even say - The speeding car came to a screeching halt when a dog suddenly ran across the road.

SCREECH is a SCREAM - a harsh high-pitched sound. You can even say - The speeding car came to a screeching halt when a dog suddenly ran across the road.

Word used in video below:
text: [ Tires screech ]
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