• word of the day


    froward - Dictionary definition and meaning for word froward

    (adj) habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for froward

Somebody who frowns when you have a word with him, One who is disobedient and stubborn. Frow(n) + W(a)rd = FROWARD

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froward rearrange the words you get forward, a person who is very forward in not accepting any new norms

FROm moving foRWARD - one who prevents anyone/thing from moving forward.

people who are too FORWARD are FROWARD...i.e obstinate or perverse....

When you put your FRO forWARD, you are headstrong.

He refuse to go forward because he believed he was a froward.

The saying, "to and FRO" means "forward and backward". So, Froward literally means backward or against.

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