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Short Definition : like a fox; crafty

(adj) resembling or characteristic of a fox
Synonyms : vulpecular
Example Sentence
  • vulpine cunning
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vulpine

VULP sounds like WOLF

PINE is sharp, thus it makes the syn :clever, crafty, cunning, foxy, ingenious, shrewdness, skillful, sly, tricky, wily.

Vultures usually work with foxes. Both of then are scavengers. Vulpine = Vulture partner Fox. Fox Like.

confusion is between lupine(wolf like) and vulpine (fox like). In marathi wolf means 'landaga' so it starts with 'l' so it can be associated with wolf and vulpine with fox

Vul + Pine -> Pine Tree has sharp needle like leaves. So the Vulpine person is sharp, cunning like a fox.

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vul(dog barking sound in tamil) sound in pine forest are like a fox.

Vulpine (fox like) and bovine (cow) both refer to animals. Equine: Horse like

cervine:deer ovine:sheep corvine:crow vulpine:wolf

The trick to distinguishing the fox-like vulpine / From the adjective meaning wolf-like lupine / Is to associate the "v" with voluptuous vixen / And the "l" with Harry’s lunar-loving Professor Lupin.

Vulpine- Professor Lupin in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, who is a warewolf.


Short Definition : carrion-eating birds

(noun) any of various large diurnal birds of prey having naked heads and weak claws and feeding chiefly on carrion Definition
(noun) someone who attacks in search of booty
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vulture

vulture has no culture, very greedy and hunting other

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A vulture is an oppressor (someone who treats others harshly).


Short Definition : walk through a substance, such as water, that impedes movement

(noun) English tennis player who won many women's singles titles (born in 1945)
Synonyms : virginia wade
(verb) walk (through relatively shallow water)
Example Sentence
  • Can we wade across the river to the other side?
  • Wade the pond
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for wade

Remember "invade" - which means to enter a kingdom. It has "wade" in it.

WADE for WAlk through impeDEs

[Hindi] bahut bade bade WADE kiye the ki judo sikhne ke baad ye karunga, wo karunga, PAANI PE CHALKE DIKAHUNGA..but alas

jesus christ invaded the kingdom by wading through the sea with his diciples

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Try to link with fade. Fade means to gradually lose freshness or vigour, whereas wade means to progress laboriously. In both, there is loss of vitality.

wade~sounds like weight and second part ad(vance) mean~ weight advance

This would be easy if u know Dwyane wade(NBA miami heat's Defensive player )......NoBody can wade(walk through a substance ) across wade...coz he impedes ur movement

hum WADE karte hai ki WAter cross karDEnge and "batata-WADE" khayange

walking in water, slowly

wadyat khup chikhal zalay

Wading through a water will make wave.


Short Definition : speak equivocally about an issue; N.

(noun) pancake batter baked in a waffle iron Definition
(verb) pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness
Synonyms : hesitate waver
Example Sentence
  • Authorities hesitate to quote exact figures
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for waffle

Rhymes with "baffle" which means confused. Waffle also means something similar.

waf+fle..waf(wife)+ffle(eiffel tower...so ur plan of visit eiffle tower with ur wife is uncertain, as u hv lot of work to at office......so ur not decided as wat to do...and holding ur plan.....in uncertainity..

a dog barks like : WAFF WAFF WAFF ... repeating the same.. when human repeat same words in their speech .. implies that he/she is hesitant doubtful and unclear

waffle.... think of waffer...we often hesitate to give waffers to anyone!!

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ruffle lays khaate huay

wayaphat badabad

boss to employee:please dont tell anyone exact figures .just waffle..(wafwadar rehke keep some info hidden).

waf+fle..waf(wife)+ffle(eiffel tower...so ur plan of visit eiffle tower with ur wife is uncertain, as u hv lot of work to at office......so ur not decided as wat to do...and holding ur plan.....in uncertainity..

waffle...are cook in waffle iron..which give this cake ahoney comb shaped structure...becoz of the two metal plates...whic are equal in size... the plates shd be of equal size otherwise u wont get a honey comb structure..like the size of the metal pl

waffle...are cook in waffle iron..which give this cake ahoney comb shaped structure...becoz of the two metal plates...whic are equal in size... the plates shd be of equal size otherwise u wont get a honey comb structure..like the size of the metal pl

Waffle is somewhat similar to stifle or even muffle, in the sense that they mean, to supress or hold back.

Babble due to waffle... ie is due to uncertainity

WAFFLE = water fall; water fall is always vacillating.

waffle = va + full, talking aimlessly but not made up his mind


Short Definition : move gently (in air or in seas) by wind or waves; Ex. leaves wafting past the window

(noun) a long flag; often tapering
Synonyms : pennant pennon streamer
(verb) be driven or carried along, as by the air
Example Sentence
  • Sounds wafted into the room
(verb) blow gently
Example Sentence
  • A breeze wafted through the door
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for waft

waft=wa+ft===> i.e. FLoating on WAter. i.e. driven slowly by waves.

For "leave", past tense is "left". For "wave", the past tense is "waft".

waft == raft--raft floats/moves in water and

to row a boat we use a RAFT it rhymes vth WAFT ... remebr a rhym .. " row row row your boat gntly down the stream ....

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sounds like "raft", which is used for travelling on water. It gently sails through the sea waves...drifting in the breeze.

waft sound similar to waf(steam) in marathi......remebr it as steam boat......

waft=water float waf-t=in steam waft=WAfer 1 FT above ground level in air

WAFT = water ft; How much water flow into the tank; i.e flowing.


Short Definition : shake repeatedly from side to side; Ex. The dog wagged its tail; N: humorous person; wit

(noun) a witty amusing person who makes jokes
Synonyms : card wit
(noun) causing to move repeatedly from side to side
Synonyms : shake waggle
(verb) move from side to side
Synonyms : waggle
Example Sentence
  • The happy dog wagged his tail
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for wag

wag relate it to "bag" ....some people move bags while walking.....

wag can be divide two part wag~ wavy bag ~same for any other thing

when u rag u make ur juniors as wags

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To wag is to make jokes about old hags.

wag=tiger aare tiger puch hila raha hai :P

Tag could be used with wag, as in...The stray dog tagged along with us wagging its excited tail.

wag...link it with bag,visualise abt a stylish gl wagginh her bag while walking

Remember the movie "Wag the Dog", the dog always wags its tail..


Short Definition : begin and continue (a war)

(noun) something that remunerates
Example Sentence
  • wages were paid by check
  • he wasted his pay on drink
  • they saved a quarter of all their earnings
(verb) carry on (wars, battles, or campaigns)
Synonyms : engage
Example Sentence
  • Napoleon and Hitler waged war against all of Europe
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for wage

WAGE is given to person and he is told to continue with war.paise leke zagda chalu rakho.

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seperate wage into parts ~ wa(lk) & go ~ means start and continue to going

when somebody gets wage for his word than only he/she continues his work

Wage sounds similar to salvage. While wage, (apart from payment) means to engage in war, salvage means to rescue from loss or destruction.


Short Definition : humorous; mischievous; tricky

(adj) witty or joking
Example Sentence
  • Muskrat Castle as the house has been facetiously named by some waggish officer
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for waggish

Waggish, or say we just take wag out of it and compare it with gag, what we get, is 'joke'... a witty joke.

Waggish rhymes with GAG-GISH one who perform lots of GAGS he is MISCHIEVIOUS..remember JUST FOR LAUGH GAGS

Waggish--मजाक करके भागिस (= मजाक करके भाग गया )

A dog always WAG(GISH) his tail. Dog is Mischiveous and tricky.

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Remember the character "SHAGGY" in Scooby Doo? He is the comedian of the show who always passes funny and witty comments and acts like a joker. Waggish sounds similar to Shaggy.

waggish sounds like rag+sh.... so while ragging they stopped by saying shhh!! by seeing their lectures .they r so tricky here

waggish...wag+ish....wag..chatter..or talk....being witty or joking.

wag-gish- mischievous dog wags his tail and acts like wag(tiger).this is funny.

nowadays,there is so much rubbish,therefore we need some TRICKS to despose them

Waggish = Gaggish = Gag = JOke


Short Definition : homeless child or animal; Ex. waifs and strays

(noun) a homeless child especially one forsaken or orphaned
Synonyms : street child
Example Sentence
  • street children beg or steal in order to survive
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for waif

WAIF=KAIF.kaif is no more a part of indian team or ipl.hence he is homeless.no offense

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If your wife does not treat you well, you will become a "waif".

waif..very close to the word wife... Your wife brings home a HOMELESS puppy.

WAIF can be regarded as the acronym of Wandering Animals Insurance Fund. This fund is for homeless animals like young people.

Child ask "What if" I dont study? Father Answers "What if" you become homeless (waif)?

waif can be compared to kaif.katrina. she has to travel from one place to other cos of films.so she dosnt have home.:P.homeless.

WIFE leaves her home and comes to husband wife..hence she is HOMELESS

wife of some people make them waif....though they r not children!

WAIF = Waif can be treat as past tense of wife.The child born from waif is always think himself home less.


Short Definition : give up temporarily; yield; N. waiver: waiving a right or claim; document that waives a right or claim

(verb) do without or cease to hold or adhere to
Example Sentence
  • We are dispensing with formalities
  • relinquish the old ideas
(verb) lose (s.th.) or lose the right to (s.th.) by some error, offense, or crime
Example Sentence
  • you've forfeited your right to name your successor
  • forfeited property
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for waive

sounds like wave - when do u wave a white flag? when you Give up temporarily.

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it sounds like wave...wave in ocean .Now if the waves are high then you postpone you decision or delay your decision to go inside ocean for swimming.

Waive ~ Waiver. Many students waive (give up) their attempts to GRE because of waiver(aid).

waive--sounds like viva vorse,imagine there is a strict sir in ur coll conducting u a viva u r so tensed that u will give up at that time

peolpe having wavy nature give up easily......

waIve to lose something...If I am in water then i will be lost in wave. waIve

Waive is somewhat similar to slave, wherein waive means to lose the right to something, while a slave is a person who has lost his right to freedom

you will lose your wife if you do something wrong

A person who GIVES UP TeMPORARILY or YIELDS, waves(waive) his hand to others saying help me help me.

waive is the past tense of wife, now you lost the right about your wife.

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